1 Post – 23 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I am from austria and honestly I feel ashamed. What honestly gets my blood boiling is the fact, that there is a high chance the people that connected through his exit node are probably still free.

It is like jailing the postman for delivering a letter containing CP. Anyway I hope the people actually actively distributing and using CP get what they deserve.

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BMW badge (because BMW drivers seem to have something against blinking)

So I don't even use systemd myself I run OpenRC. Yet honestly I find the idea quite intriguing, having the service manager (PID 1) invoke the command seems like a cool idea to me.

It's not really a sudo alternative as much as it is another way of doing something similar.

Karma inherently breeds monotony and circlejerking. When people "farm" for fake internet pointe by appealing to the oppinions of everyone else it leads to people just expressing one "right" (popular) oppinion.

I think we are fine without a karma system, but if you like it go ahead and use the extension. I'm happy I don't have to worry about karma, and worst of all, karma minimums on communities here.

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Also tiktok really only makes sense with a big algorithm knowing what users want to see. Even if you were to follow many people, with the average video being only about 30 seconds long you won't have much content to enjoy. The whole short form video thing is kinda built on knowing what your user likes and doesn't. I don't know how you could design such a platform without some privacy concerns.

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I habe been gaming on wayland for over a year and haven’t noticed any difference.

Maybe in super competitive games you may notice something but for the average gamer I think wayland has been viable for gaming for a rather long time.

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There's the Github repo

No code in there but clearly states it is made with electron.

If I develop anything with a GUI I use GTK4. It has a bit of a learning curve to it but honestly I've come to like it.

I am currently creating a program for simulating networks and the drawing area is great for drawing the actual simulation because it basically allows you to have a cairo area as a widget so your possibilities there are basically unlimited and cairo is just a great drawing API.

Also gtk is basically the only modern GUI toolkit that can be used with C, which is great because it is pretty much the only language I know well enough to program a big application with. (But GObject still feels like black magic to me)

I am running gentoo on 4 different systems currently.

Setup can be a bit of a hustle, especially on exotic hardware (one of my devices is a Pine64 Quartz64) but once it’s running maintenance isn’t that big of a deal, an emerge —sync && emerge -avdu @world per week generally is all the maintenance I do.

Also if you want to learn about linux there is probably no better way except LFS which will not leave you with a system you can easily use in day to day work.

I say give it a shot if you have the time and are willing to learn and troubleshoot!

IIRC it comes with a firmware called InfiniTime preinstalled. So I guess that one.

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The comapny is called gehirn, which in the series in NERVs predecessor. They are full on aware of this.

Well we've had binary packages for ages for big builds like firerox and default is still to use source packages.

Still I'm really excited for this, having the whole, or big parts of the package tree, will speed up initial installations by a lot on weak arm systems for example. Now initial installation can be done quick and later you could still compile stuff yourself for the full gentoo experience.

Also I find their Zorin OS Pro offer a bit scummy. Now the themes do look nice, but few would spend 50$ for a few themes. So they advertise having 5000$ worth of professional creative alternatives bundled. In screenshots you'll then see Kdenlive, Blender and Inkscape. I don't know what to think about the fact they want 50$ for bundling a few themes and free software. If they had just kept the stupid 5000$ part out I would have been fine with it, professional support can be great for people switching over from windows, but this seems a bit scummy to me.

Here is the source code of the status commans:

And here is the relevant cava config:

Don't say I didn't warn ya about quality. Some path are hardcoded in, some are provided with defines. Generally just a big mess.

Comes with the works on my machine, might break yours warranty :D

It's perfect for Sheldon Cooper!

German Umlaute for you to copy paste:

ä ö ü

I have no idea about apple design guidelines and am not a UX designer, but wouldn't a horizontal seperator look better? In gtk i would add one here, gives some extra space and more visual seperation.

I use a quartz64 from pine. Back when it came out it was beefier than the rpi4. With the 5 that has now changed but it still is a great little machine.

My instance runs on it aswell as my other webservices (A Homepage, cgit instance and a small blog). Handles everything really well with the 8GiB of RAM.

Setup is a bit of a pain, especially because I had the urge to run gentoo on it. Compile times are actually acceptable.

It costs 80 bucks, which is really acceptable.

Edit: Forgot to mention energy efficiancy, ARM is unbeaten by x86 in that department. People on here recommend old PCs a lot, which, depending on your local energy prices could quiet quickly void the savings made by buying it. Also it has a SATA port, which requires some tinkering with the Devicetree to get running but allowed me to use an old 1TB SSD i had in the house.

I doubt my .at domains is going under, and if so I'll have bigger problems to worry about.

Alternatively you can launch sudo inside a terminal window. For example with xterm: xterm -e sudo [some command] [some arguments] [...] This will pop up a terminal window to type your password in.

Pretty sure almost all terminal emulators have a similar argument.

I use gentoo everywhere, from my nas to my webserver and my pc and laptop.

With binhost and distcc it’s really not bad and the customizability is just unmatched.

I run my instance on a Quartz 64 with 8GB of RAM and a 128GB SSD. Works just fine.

On my instance there are two users, one being myself and the other one beein a seeder bot. It automatically pulls top communities and posts from other instances to keep the feed fresh. For this I wrote my own script, if you’d like to have it I can post it here or you can just use an already available project like this: LCS

Like that my post is always full with enough posts to keep me reading.

I run my lemmy instance on a pine64 quartz64 which uses an rk3566. It runs really well and power consumption is totally negligible. Didn’t notice any increase in my power bill since it’s been running.