
2 Post – 53 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I've always assumed this was a variation of the pro police brutality flag that Republicans like. I don't think I've met any non-Republicans with these flag designs.

Unfortunately, I bet these guys don't care. I used to work at a company you might have products from and I would constantly hear "Hey, we're a business" as an excuse to degrade the user experience. :(

I was wondering the same thing. It seems more proper to run a separate government Mastodon server. Otherwise, they're showing preferential treatment to one company.

Although... they probably can't handle self hosting? But really? The all mighty US can't self host a server?

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I bought a Framework once. The build quality was better than System76, but not great. However, Framework is not a Linux laptop. They designed it for Windows and only afterwards they were surprised to find that people wanted it for Linux.

A lot of Linux laptops don't have HiDPI displays because they're not really compatible.

Example Framework: https://community.frame.work/t/tracking-state-of-hidpi-on-linux/8301

For years people have been trying to work around Framework's poor display choice. And they're still trying.

If you have a regular DPI display, you get to avoid a whole class of bugs and issues.

If you wanna have a good time with Linux, you need some mechanical sympathy.

Btw, tbh, brb, I've had good success with the Dell XPS 13 and the Lenovo X1 Carbon. System76 build quality was meh.

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The problem with dumb phones is that the entire world pushes people towards smartphones. For a lot of adults, it's really hard to move to a dumb phone.

Have a security system for your house? Need an app. Router? App. Bank? App. Payments? App. Doctor appointment check in? App. Texting? WhatsApp. Fucking menus? App. Refrigerator? Believe it or not, also App.

My bank is so shitty that sometimes the website doesn't work, but their mobile app does.

You can't always opt out of using an app. I tried setting up my new ISP's router last week and it required an app. No other way to do it.

Currently, I'm thinking something like the Jelly Star might be the best compromise. Has maps and other tools, but the tiny screen prevents them from trapping you.

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One of my conservative relatives sent me this. I asked if he was suggesting we need to do more to help people out of homelessness and invest more in metal health services... But no of course not.

The point of calling something is fad is a way to tell you that you shouldn't invest a lot of time into this because that knowledge will become obsolete soon.

I mean this is particularly relevant in the JS world because every week there's a new revolutionary framework that renders the previous framework obsolete. (Although, not sure if that's slowing down now...)

I recently got a Kia with Android Auto and my Tesla-driving brother is jealous that I can use Google Maps on a big screen, with no extra car mount.

Waymo and Cruise definitely have humans waiting to take over if the autonomous mode gets stuck... so that's already true!

Most people should use ext4. Only use something else if you want to tinker and don't need long term data storage.

moving to another instance with your account


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I hate dongles with a passion. They're so easy to lose. And for what? So your headphones work like normal? Not worth it.

I totally binged Alan Wake 1 in like 2 days. Then spent a while enveloped by Alan Wake 2! Part 2 really got the AAA treatment. It was funny, spooky, actiony. Lots of stuff to explore, the characters play differently.

I also didn't realize Control was part of the story, so now I gotta go play that!

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Trying to do this mentally:

1989 + 1 = 1990
2023 - 2000 = 23
2000 - 1990 = 10
23 + 10 = 33

33 - 1 = 32 Ha! Easy!... Wait.

33 + 1 = 34 Shit. Double+1. Ok, I thought the -1 at the end would undo the +1 at the beginning. But, I guess the 2000-1990 messed me up.


2000 - 1990 = 10
1990 - 1989 = 1
2023 - 2000 = 23
23 + 1 = 24
24 + 10 = 34

Some people become managers because they like having control over people.

I personally don't like it, but I respect their right to do whatever the fuck they want with their property. If they want a fugly house, then that's their right.

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Wait, wait. Elon may have a huge issue because I own the "X" trademark!

I have a WebOS TV and I absolutely hate how slow it is. Turning on takes a long time. Selecting apps takes a long time. Flipping channels takes a long time. Did we forget how fast TVs from the 90s were??

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I found a related thread to this on Hacker News. It was interesting to read: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19365968

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I think I would choose 30, but I'd like to do my 20s differently. Lifestyle creep is real. I notice my younger coworkers also make the mistake of spending way too freely. I'd also get married earlier. And take bigger risks earlier.

I like the infinite battery life wired headphones have.

Linux is the correct (and only) choice for programmers. 99.9% of the internet runs on Linux. When you get a job, you'll most likely deploy to Linux servers. Other people (MacOS/Winblows) will spend a significant amount of time trying to emulate a Linux environment.

My daily driver is a Dell XPS 13 9310. The build and finish is pretty good. All the hardware works out of the box.

I also used a Lenovo X1 Carbon for a few years. Also very good. I think the speakers sounded better on the X1 compared to the XPS. I think at this point all the hardware is supported by the latest kernel. When I had it, I think I had to wait for microphone support because the X1 had some fancy array of microphones. Eventually the software support caught up though.

Not recommend: I've also tried a System76 laptop. I quickly returned it because the build quality felt super cheap and I had a dead pixel. I also didn't like that the power adapter was a barrel plug. (Although, yes, you can also charge with USB-C, but then you still have a useless barrel plug.)

Not recommend: Framework laptops. They seem cool, and they are, but the build quality is not as good as the XPS or the X1 Carbon. Also, the biggest reason to avoid Framework is due to the poorly supported HiDPI display. This goes for all laptops, by the way.

Finally, I'd also like to mention to be successful in Linux, you have to adopt a different mindset too. If you go into Linux expecting MacOS or expecting Winblows, you're going to be disappointed. Linux is Linux. It's great for computer science. It's not great for video/image editing, music production, gaming. Sure, technically you can find a way to run those apps, but it's not going to be the best experience. Similarly, it doesn't make sense for me to go to MacOS and complain that I can't use systemd or LUKS.


  • Linux is the right choice, can't avoid it.
  • I'd recommend the Dell XPS 13 or the Lenovo X1 Carbon.
  • Avoid HiDPI displays (unless you want to debug issues and still end up with slightly fuzzy apps)
  • Avoid NVIDIA
  • Different tools for different jobs
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If you don't do anything except use it like Google, then you only get improved search results. But the other features like lenses, site ranking, URL rewriting, question mark instant answers, and document Q/A make it way more worth it to me.

Big glass of regular cow milk.🥛

Physical books! I want to fully own my books not have them be locked by some asshole company. It's also just nicer to read paper instead of a screen. It's also easier to carry around a small book instead of a bigger tablet and having to deal with charging yet another device.

I've been using Arch in 1 desktop and 1 laptop for like 7 years now as a daily driver. I use pacman and AUR to install stuff. I haven't had a breakage yet. In fact, I've had hardware get better supported over time due to access to the latest kernel updates.

Most impressively, I had my desktop shutoff for like 8 months one time. When I turned it on and updated the system packages...... Everything just worked and I was immediately up to date.

Arch, btw. With GNOME.

Huh. This is kinda weird... but I think I'm done protesting Reddit. It's not that I approve of any changes, but rather... I'm happy here on Lemmy? Protesting would kind of imply that I want to go back to Reddit and I think I might be good here...

As more of us move to Lemmy, the less push back you'll see on Reddit cuz we're all over here. I guess that's expected.

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I second the Supernote!

I also own a Remarkable, but after they removed features and began charging a subscription to re-enable the existing features, I looked elsewhere.

The Supernote has been great! Way more features than Remarkable. You can sync locally or in the cloud. The pen never needs replacing. I got used to the feel and prefer it over Remarkable's screen now. Plus the devs are open about their roadmap and regularly listen to feedback. And they have NO subscription!

For Discord like communities, I'd also suggest using Element as the Matrix client. It's pretty similar to Discord. Also, you'll need support for "spaces", which are like Discord servers. Rooms = channels

Na, I'm good. I never touch it, except to update my CV before I send it to recruiters. Don't care for employee influencers.

Thanks! I thought it was just me!

What are your thoughts on the Unihertz Jelly Star?

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when the doom music kicks in

I only pay for 2 subscriptions: 1Password for families (and Spotify)

I have 236 logins... No way I'm gonna create secure and memorable passwords for that many sites.

I use 1Password on Linux and Android.

Aw, that sucks. I once had my entire Gmail account revoked because I tried using mutt as my email client.

That reignited me trying to get off Google, if only partially. I grabbed my own domain and signed up for Migadu.

I would also throw in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance We could be tolerant of Meta, but as soon as it can Meta sure as hell isn't gonna be tolerant of us.

I totally got lucky. My parents bought a family computer when I was a kid and for some reason I thought it was cool. Since then, it was a given that I would work in computers. I'm a software engineer now.

There was a brief moment in university where I failed math and physics—twice—and I thought I wasn't going to make it. I ended up switching to a similar major, but without those classes as requirements.

And not taste like bleach

Oh, yeah! I tend to order water in restaurants and I've definitely had some bleachy gross tasting water before... probably from the tap?

there's nothing the rabbit device does that couldn't be done via an app

Currently, the Rabbit does 2 things for me that can't be an app on my phone.

  1. It's not my phone. I value this enough to pay for it. I spend more time than I would like on my phone. I'm happy when I can use another single purpose device to help me stay focused.

  2. The push to talk hardware button has been more pleasant for me to use than the ChatGPT shortcut on my Pixel phone.

In the end, the ChatGPT + Perplexity in a box fills a space in my life that I can't find anywhere else—given my criteria.

I understand your criteria is different and you value different things. That's ok. It just means this device isn't for you.