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Joined 12 months ago

He/Him. Just another human.

Do we even know for sure any money changed hands? Maybe the bail bonds person is a cult 45 member and sees it as service to the dear leader? Admittedly, my bail bonds knowledge is limited to late night cheesy commercials and an episode and a half of dog the bounty hunter, but I got the impression they're something of a shady character; someone who'd be at home in the cult. No?

My 10 year old daughter has been rewatching it for years. She found a role model in Leela and a name for her cat in Fry.

As for the references and jokes, yea many go over her head. But as time progresses, fewer and fewer. And she often asks about stuff she doesn't understand.

Even without a complete understanding of the jokes and references, she absolutely adores the show. And is asking on a daily basis if the new episodes are out yet.

Not all library funds come from public tax dollars. So, assuming those books are bought with non public funds, what's the gripe there? Or, heck, what if I donate the books?

Or maybe this isn't actually about public funds... Maybe it's one group applying their subjective moral beliefs on another group, then retroactively defending their atrocious behavior as a "public funds" debate.

... aaannnnddd... It's canceled.

If Reddit is a mall for ideas, then Lemmy is more like an economy for ideas. Or many malls that are linked by an instant, intergalactic transport system. You know, I'd probably go back to malls if they had that.

2 more...

Ability to eliminate others side effects.

Alternative Headline: Prison Guard Finds Out They're Actually A Prisoner.

There's a belt tensioner tool that can be rented from the auto parts store. This helps greatly to pull back the belt pulley to get a belt on. Had to do it once and having that tool made a big difference.

There's certainly a history of big tobacco getting actors to smoke on screen, so that's certainly part of it. But another reason an actor might want to smoke is it gives them a way to utilize body language in a way that's plausible within the scene. Cigarettes, cigars, pipes, pens, eye glasses.. these sorts of props are often almost invisible (as the audience just sort of takes them for granted), but can be used by an actor with intent to convey some unsaid context.

No. I have no use for that hypothesis.

Probably could have stopped that headline at the third word.

Yes. I used to do that when I had no other option. In my early days I managed to get a worm spread by a susceptible sshd in.. red hat 5ish.. don't remember exactly. But the point being: keeping things secure is hard work. And even then it might not be possible.

These days I use tailscale and essentially never leave my internal network regardless of being directly connected to it or not.

Set it up with your own DNS server and tailscale's ability to forward specific domains to your DNS server and it all just works.

The east / west division in the cost of light bulbs.

I've not known any. But it also seems like those things have a correlative and not causative relationship.


Schindler's List. Saw plenty of scary movies before this, but that scene where the officer murders the engineering prisoner who's just trying to tell him about a problem with the building. It just sticks in my mind to this day as maybe the first time my young, sheltered self had been confronted with a realistic example of what dehumanizing could do.

Hats are the billboards of cultural status. A shiny metal hat bedazzled with stolen rocks of other cultures? Well that just advertises, "I've got a nice big army to make up for my small perspective".

Yes, but I use a rocket book to easily digitize these days. Tried a remarkable, but didn't quite like the process once many pages were involved (slow to flip through pages).

I also keep quite a few notes on the computer and phone via self hosted Joplin. Which is awesome too.

The solution to pollution is dilution. Every sane user and instance weakens the grasp of the insane.

Personally, I think this is a meaningless question. For me it's all about utility. I've found science to provide utility to me in helping understand and, more importantly, predict the world. I've not found the same in religion. I choose paths that provide utility.

I think we can all agree to lose the keys to that cage, right?

Trick question. I never unwind.