
3 Post – 17 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I like programming and anime.

I manage the bot /u/mahoro@lemmy.ml

I don't like karma. It incentivizes short, meme-y posts since those are things that get gets a lot of karma.

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"I can read this Perl scrip"t should translate to "I'm lying".

Yes it can be an issue because the GPS doesn't know where you are and thinks you are on an aboveground street. Freeway tunnels can have multiple exits too.

Most of us have bad memories of over-complex hierarchies we regret seeing, but this is probably due to the dominance of OOP in recent decades.

This sentence here is why inheritance gets a bad reputation, rightly or wrongly. Inheritance sounds intuitive when you're inheriting Vehicle in your Bicycle class, but it falls apart when dealing with more abstract ideas. Thus, it's not immediately clear when and why you should use inheritance, and it soon becomes a tangled mess.

Thus, OO programs can easily fall into a trap of organizing code into false hierarchies. And those hierarchies may not make sense from developer to developer who is reading the code.

I'm not a fan of OO programming, but I do think it can occasionally be a useful tool.

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Yes but karma makes it worse. It incentivizes getting getting upvotes because you don't want to "ruin" your karma. Expressing controversial opinions, even if they don't generate downvotes, are discouraged with karma. Even OP says he gets a dopamine hit by seeing the karma number go up.

Precisely. In practice, trunk based development just means your branch is local instead of on remote.

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Totally agree with the dope domain name. Not going to lie, a big reason for picking programming.dev was to be /u/jim@programming.dev

Lots of people here lamenting about this. But the truth is that good code is easy to modify/delete.

I disagree. I think the default option should be what users expect, and users expect "copy" to do exactly that: copy without modifying the text.

People forget that when Reddit first started, it only supported link submissions and then later self submissions. That's how imgur got started - it was a gift to the users. It was only relatively recently when Reddit supported image and video hosting.

It's not about what it is today but what it can be. I agree that there are a bunch of problems, but the future does look bright.

If the work I'm doing is on a feature branch on remote or locally, why does it matter to the rest of the team? My integration steps can be done on a server instead of locally. TBD forces teams to collaborate synchronously since changes are pushed straight to trunk. Rebase or squashes are irrelevant here.

Another poster put it great: TBD is trying to solve a culture problem. Feature branches and pull requests into main is much more flexible. The only time TBD make sense is for small teams - like 2 or maybe 3. And even at 2, I'd much rather create feature branches that merge into main.

Right across ideological lines. It seems unlikely to get politics and ideological beliefs out of the Supreme Court any time soon. The states had no standing in the first place, I'm surprised it didn't get thrown out just due to that.

The overreach by this court has been disasterous, especially in light of the unethical behavior by justices to accept gifts from would-be plantiffs without recusing themselves.

Fairly substantial price increase. I will admit a major draw of this small truck was the affordability. I think some trims are up as much as $2k. Wonder what kind of effect this will have on demand and the order banks.

I mean, these trucks were on back order for a long time, which suggests that demand was way higher than supply. Yes, affordability was a major draw, but I'm not at all surprised at the price hikes here.

I'm hoping other manufacturers see this and come out with their own compact trucks. There are rumors Toyota is working on one, for instance.

I'm shocked.

Yeah that's a good point. It's telling that inheritance is by design difficult to change unless you follow very specific rules of good OO design patterns.

I guess it's easy to write bad code in any programming paradkgm but inheritance makes it easy to screw up.

Ehhh, I don't quite agree with this. I've done the same thing where I used a timestamp field to replace a boolean. However, they are technically not the same thing. In databases, boolean fields can be nullable so you actually have 3-valued boolean logic: true, false, and null. You can technically only replace a non-nullable field to a timestamp column because you are treating null in timestamp as false.

Two examples:

  1. A table of generated documents for employees to sign. There's a field where they need to agree to something, but it's optional. You want to differentiate between employees who agreed, employees who disagreed, and employees who have yet to agree. You can't change the column from is_agreed to agreed_at.

  2. Adding a boolean column to an existing table. These columns need to either default to an value (which is fair) or be nullable.

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