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The only rational response to that is to spray pig manure all over the board's homes.

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How high did the item score? https://xkcd.com/2178/

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Putin is doing this in hopes of intimidating other countries. He and everyone around him knows Russia doesn't have the resources to start another conflict.

Most coffee places use automatic coffee machines, as long as they have good beans the coffee is good. Getting the correct weight of grounds and tamping them down is not a process difficult to automate.

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As awful as state controlled media is I look forward to reading the absurdities. The absolute distain communists have for jeans is absolutely hilarious, durable clothing made for sailors and miners is a sign of western opulence.

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The best part of the Gitlab UI is when it gets upgraded and you have to relearn how to find everything.

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Streaming services are middle men with exclusivity rights on products. They sell simular but different things, think of them like dealership repair shops, they both fix cars but they fix different cars.

They'll pollute even more as they're idling on the highway waiting to move instead of getting to their destination more efficiently.

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There was a 2nd explosion right after the 1st was that a 2nd missile or an IED?

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US athletes are not testing positive and still allowed to compete. The cheating by individuals is expected, the cover up by countries is not.

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It's just pieces of flair. Brian, for example, has thirty seven pieces of flair, okay.

When ever I read slammed I think of wrasslin (wrestling for you fancy people). The thought of Biden, Trump, or any politician comming off the top rope makes politics much more entertaining.

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You don't see a difference between intentional and accidential acts?

Alienate people to your cause and increase pollution. It doesn't seem like an effective way to protect the climate.

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The Asian tiger mosquito entered the United States in shipments of used tires from northern Asia in the mid-1980s.


It's not just the prices, people are lazy. You can go to one place and get all the things or search 10 different places.

It really depends on the type of stainless. My stainless grill which I leave out in the elements year round has not rusted, it's made of 304 stainless which is corrosion resistant but not as much at Marine grade 316. There are thousands of slightly different alloys under the stainless umbrella some are better than others as far as rust goes.

Many manufacturers use ferritic types of stainless as sheets can be moved with magnets, many of these are cheaper and less corrosion resistant.

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Thanks for pointing that out its hard to spot with the rubble in the background.

My cross climates are so quiet and worked so much better in the rain than the factory tires.

Even at lower levels of football women are typically only kickers.

When the properties are liquidated I wonder how hard the real estate market in China will fall. The empty city real estate bubble may be getting ready to pop.

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It's much easier to tell who kicked the ball out when teams have different color socks.

Article says video shows the owner didn't strike the officer.

It's in China... You might end up in a work camp for getting injured and speaking up about it.

Leasing is you paying the estimated depreciation of the lease period. The 1st 3 years is when a car depreciates the fastest and you have nothing to show for it.

You know what they say.

Never bite the hand that feeds the hand that feeds you.

If it is, then a hotdog is a sandwich and that's just nonsense.

I have a work Windows laptop that I refer to as my time machine. If not for having to use it for time sheets, email, word, and PowerPoint fun I'd kick the habit all together.

Fun fact you can get the rear wheels off the ground from braking too hard.

Security may be more likely to approve some users having doas, sudo is a no go in many restricted environment.

And they won't get more people to join their cause with those tactics. You need people to support your cause for your cause to be successful.

City officials typically don't take bribes, they'll buy land after learning about a project, or select a company for a job that uses supplies from your company. One of the famous politicians in my area bought a bunch of land when a highway project was announced and made millions.

The use of patriot missiles has outpaced manufacturing capability. It takes time gear up that capability. Japan is a stop gap until the U.S. can handle the demand.

Do they induct pop singers as well?

Yes the Beatles are in.

While blocking roads isn't terrorism, being late can have serious consequences for people. Not everyone has the ability to show up late with no consequences. Trivializing people getting fired, getting smaller raises, being late/ missing medical appointments,... is not going to help your cause.

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This is one of those stories that Hollywood could use with female leads, no need to shoehorn a female cast into other plots.

I've had the opposite experience, my regular coffee shop uses an automatic machine. They have the best espresso in the area, it might help that they roast their own beans.

I forgot about that one, I was going to say when Kurt Cobaine died or the end of ET.

Jordan did the right thing, they defended their airspace, they stopped missiles from flying over their cities. Who is shooting them and where they are going is immaterial.

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