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Joined 1 years ago

What if we all just didn't go in? They gonna fire everyone?

And they can sell the office too (good luck lmao), we are doing the company a service 😌

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Companies don't even care beyond bare minimum for the labor that they pay why would they care about the labor they don't lol

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A single congressional district within that state elected Marjorie Taylor Greene lol

Come on dog this is literally just 'yeah well what if we imagine a hypothetical world where MY argument is right, how about that?'

Don't worry if they did invent this, it would never be made available to me or you

Going to the bottom of the atlantic in a pringles can is a pretty baller way to do it to yourself too.

Charging a quarter mil to do it to others is decidedly not baller 😞

All comment karma tells you is who was first to a thread basically in my experience, and I had over 500k of it lol it's nothing though I could go troll for days before making a dent in the 10k you get from an obvious joke on the new tab and then the thread takes off

Best way to tell if someone is a troll is just to look at what they say imo 🤷🏻‍♂️

Plus imagine being the poor coast guard team that has to crack that sucker open after they finally found and raised it 🤢

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TFW you will never discover pictures of naked ladies on the internet for the first time again 😔

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What's it going to take to do something about these ultra rich assholes

Let's be honest the only answer is [redacted], they effectively own the government in the US and it's not much better in Europe

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I was messing around with this like sub warfare simulator game a while back and I blew up a whale with a torpedo because it showed up on my sonobuoy network as an unidentified contact 😅

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Hundreds of migrants drowned in the Mediterranean like not even more than a few days ago and I've seen at least 20x more of this kind of sentiment for a handful of rich dudes that wanted to go visit the titanic in a un-certified pringles can created by a company that recently fired it's director of marine operations because he wouldn't sign off on the safety of this thing. Their company website says they are not certified because certification impedes innovation 😵‍💫

Like I saw on Twitter yesterday these dudes are the deadest that anyone has ever been, whether you cry-yell at people on the internet for not being sufficiently crestfallen or not

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Not even just income, health insurance and future job prospects as well 🙃

I have the money to quit and wander the world for a year or two, but I would be abandoning my health insurance and it would be a huge black mark on my resume assuming I didn't concoct some lie to cover it.

If you work a 9-5 in America like I do, you are tied to your labor in much the same way serfs were, you are just better compensated and can switch masters if you find someone to take you on

You fuckin know it lmao I was just reading on Twitter how they're sending up a c-130 and some special military submersible to help with the search. Who's paying for that? 🤷🏻‍♂️

As a soon to be 30 yr old this reminds me of the internet I grew up loving lol, feels just the right amount of old school to me

Step 1 break the rules

Step 2 profit

Step 3 pay a fine that is a small proportion of what you made in step 2

Step 4 invest in lobbyists


Or compare it to yet another innocuous bs fee slipped in under the radar by companies testing what they can get away with

Plus starmer's gov would probably do something similar lol the man is a red Tory through and through

Tell me the world isn't a better place if elon is sent to work in a lithium mine for the next decade

I was always a rif guy but I've seen so many posts here about sync, seems like a lot of people loved it. Being about to reply to a comment from my inbox, or at least navigate to where its at in the thread, would be a nice upgrade!

Defederating is something at least. But in reality like all societal problems stemming from late stage capitalism, the only true answers are extremely illegal

It's more than a little ironic they [presumably] died in an accident caused by cutting corners on regulations and safety by saying things like "certifications cost too much time and money, we shouldn't have to train someone just to convince them that this is safe", as well as doing things like firing safety personnel when they object to the submersible's worthiness.

I saw someone call it the 'minimim viable submersible' and I've never heard a better description as someone who spends all day working on minimum-viable-product style projects

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