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Joined 1 years ago

This is exactly the opposite of doing things to keep the drama at bay. Just throw it in the fire, forget about it, move on. No gift. No contact.

That's exactly right.

It already has made it to space...

5 more...

It's the cameras on the road catching you, not radar. Just pay attention to the routes you drive and avoiding speeding around those cameras.

I live in Vietnam too and I've never not been able to bribe the police for any traffic violation. No matter what you did and no matter what fine they demand, offer 200k. 200k no matter what. They might make you sweat it for a few minutes, but 200k will get you on your way and you won't lose your bike.

I've lived here seven years btw. Where are you living?

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Ya because that's what matters here... Poor Mavs fans and their pr disaster.

Nahh, you're way too high.

There's the ritual, doing the thing, and the social aspects of joints. I love a good vape too, but absolutely nothing will ever replace joints and blunts for me.

Seriously... Are you drunk? There's been incredible progress. It's super exciting.

There's lots with dual citizenship

The pitcher? Was that on purpose? 😂

What's yellow news?

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Don't point the finger at me, I didn't have anything to do with how we got to now. My apathy and others like me are not the problem... Take aim at the ones that are really to blame. I vote with my conscience, and if that means no vote, so be it. None of you will convince me otherwise with your attacks.

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I skip these summaries entirely. Are they ever any good? I just slipped over them and assume it's bullshit Ai I don't care to read. I'll just read the article if I really care.

Last time I was at the dentist I watched a guy drink a Sprite and smoke a cigarette just before going in.

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Sad to be you. Starship is super exciting

You're right, it's not complicated, there are zero consequences to my not voting. My state will go to Biden with or without me, I make zero difference.

People shouldn't be annoyed and angry with me that I don't want to participate anymore, don't point the finger at me, point it at the ones who are making people like me completely apathetic to this dumb shit show.

Anyone in here roll them backwards or inside out? That's my favorite way, burn off the excess paper. You look like a true pro rolling those ones

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You'll get it after years and years and rolling thousands. It'll be normal. Then you can move on to a reverse or inside out joint. I don't even know how to call it. Just flip the paper over so the glue is on the outside bottom, now when it's rolled there will a bunch of excess paper you can burn off. Makes a better tasting joint because you're using less paper. And when you burn off the excess, if you turn the joint just right, you can light the joint too. People will think it's amazing.

Who? The woman?

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Ohhh ya... Car is a different story, they know, or at least think you've got money...

Not voting isn't throwing a tantrum. I choose to not vote because I have nobody I think is worth voting for. That's all.

But to be honest, the amount of attacks you get if you say you don't want to vote, or you plan to vote third party, the negativity against that you get from people, like this is all your fault, is what seems like people throwing a tantrum. My vote my choice. That's all. My one vote in my state makes no difference whatsoever. So I'm just not going to do it.

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I haven't been on a flight in 10 years that didn't have an outlet or USB to plug into. You'll probably be fine.

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Ooook ya I guess I'm full of shit. Vietjet never had them that I can recall. I guess I just wasn't thinking of short flights like that. My bad.

I haven't packed a bowl in more than a decade. Joints and blunts for me 100% of the time pretty much

I've bought phones on Lazada in Vietnam and everything went fine. And I've bought phones from some of the bigger chain phone shops here and it's usually a one year warranty.

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What if who they are is a literal Nazi? Do the get to just be who they are too?

They still work for me. I've hooked up with several girls from tinder, bumble and Badoo. I've dated a few girls from the apps too, not just hookups

Same to you, strawman... Im on your side with this, but you did say people can be called whatever they desire... here I am, I want to be doctor. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I absolutely can, that is my choice. It's my vote, it's my choice to use it or not use it. Simple as that. If I bothered to vote, I would write in Bernie every single time.

The consequences are not my fault. Give me someone worth voting for and I'll do it. I'll even volunteer for them, because I have before, and I would again for someone that isn't a pile of trash or a pile of shit. I won't vote for either of those things, and that is my vote.

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No. I don't.

I'm as far left as it gets and I listen to Rogan sometimes. It's just a podcast for entertainment. He has a large platform and nobody controls him, people don't like that so people talk a lot of shit about him. Some if it's warranted, some if it's just shit from people that are repeating what they've heard about him and don't actually listen. Listening to it doesn't mean anything, it's just entertainment with a lot of different guests. Some you might find interesting or funny, some boring, and some completely crazy. Guy can make money however he wants, people can listen to whatever they want.

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Do you think that's all Joe Rogan is? Because he is a lot more than that. Mostly he is just a shitty comedian that has his comedian friends on and talk about the same shit over and over again.

I never heard of Matt Walsh and I don't care to know who he is. I don't listen to any right wing conspiracy crap. Why would I waste my time on that nonsense?

Ahh ok 😆

Who? I don't support that shit at all.

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I can safely for for them, always have.

No they aren't. That's complete nonsense. Do put this on us, if they'd give us someone worth voting for, we would.

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It's yes yes yes yes. You couldn't he more wrong.

Don't have to believe me, you already made yourself sound like an idiot with that claim, my vote is for the person I voted for, nobody else.

I live and work outside the US, they can't touch my wages

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No, I'm not giving advice to do anything. The op was frustrated they would not get their loans forgiven, so suggested the possibility of not paying. It's an option. No payment as a form of protest. And I definitely did not tell anyone to live in a different country... Learn how to read