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There’s no realistic alternative to voting for Biden.

It’s either; make sure Trump loses, or watch the USA and the bulwark of democracy it represents around the world be destroyed.

(Edit: sorry for the rant)

I think most of the ‘low information voters’ (this actually means ‘low intelligence’ but people are afraid to say that) who think Trump is ‘as good or better than the other guy’ are utterly deluded. Their basic lack of intelligence and education has shown this to be the case anyway.

There is absolutely no excuse for voting for Trump unless you are utterly fucked in the head, or so cynical that you think you might make some Pugh money to survive once the US government implodes.

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Gosh! It’s lovely to see that they are such calm, reasonable and intelligent people.

“I love the poorly educated.” ~ D. Trump

And what… my work will still pay me???

I don’t think so.

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The disconnection between the crowd-sourced content (original stuff and commercial articles) and Reddit’s heavy handed dismissal of users always felt weird.

The fact that they (with user help) aggregated OTHER BUSINESS’ content without recompense was a mystery. Like, you didn’t even need to go to the other site to read it.


Won’t you come?

And wash away the rain?

(Edit: forgot lyrics changed ‘tears’ to ‘rain’ apologies.)

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There are three sorts of MAGA asshole.

  1. Cynical as hell and only supporting it because they want to make money in the chaos.

  2. Genuinely evil, cruel and racist (Steven Miller) and wants to hurt people in the chaos.

  3. Ignorant as fuck and frequently also coupled with lower intelligence. Honestly has no fucking idea about anything beyond their daily existence or the tip of their nose, and doesn’t care to become informed. Low information voter and proud of it. Opinions and raised voices count far more than being able to read. Hopes they can get cheaper gas and beer in the chaos.

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I’m sure all the big players in the industry will step in with significantly reduced rates, knowing that so many people need the internet these days.


Broken by design

Dean Philips can suck a raw turd from Trumps ass any time he likes.

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He could jump off Trump Tower…

Just sayin’.

That’s heartbreaking.

The GOP will NOT LIKE that. ‘Bama and other states will reject the funding because… reasons.

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I heard her for the first time the other day and she was AWFUL. Wooden and patronising.

Because white people never graffiti anything. Uh huh.

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Russian shills have spent the last 20 years salting Facebook with retardium and it catalysed.

A nice prison cell awaits when her finances get brought to light.

It Trump tripped on his own shoelaces, they would say it was a political witch-hunt.

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Eventually the Left will need to take back the country by force.

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Imagine all the lovely jail time or indeed, generous helpings of high-speed lead we can give these chucklefucks when they start trying to make good on their demented tantrums.

Citizens United needs to be removed.

The massive polarisation in the media needs to be addressed and the outright blatant lies told by the Rightwing goons needs to be legally stopped. ‘Free Speech’ my ass. They need to be labelled ‘opinion’ or ‘entertainment’ or something other than pretending to be ‘fair’ or ‘news’.

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Fuck yeah! And I’m cis-het!

He has no sense of humour, or sense of care for others. All he has is greed and the ability to screech negativity.

“His Ruble supporters.” FIFY.

The brother isn’tJewish and is also likely to query the US’s unquestioned support for Zionism, therefore…


I hope he wins.

I’d settle for ‘set on fire on 5th Ave’.

I never liked U2 after they got all up themselves anyway.

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I don’t think it’s as simple as some sort of ‘Jewish Conspiracy’ thing, but the Jewish Zionist lobby is HUGE.

Let’s say Biden stopped all aid to Israel tomorrow, you can bet you sweet ass that Trump will win by a landslide purely through all the Jewish votes suddenly transferring to him, for the RIGHT OR WRONG reasons it doesn’t fucking matter.

People are are THAT fucking stupid and obsessed with Israel. They think Israel can do no wrong whatsoever, just because.

It’s wrong and sad and stupid, but there it is.

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That’s the joy of continuing with democracy in the US. Biden and ‘the Left’ won’t attempt to curtail your speech or throw you in jail. The other guys… not so much.

Isn’t there some kind of conservative something or other about women staying at home? Like… to look after the kids etc?

I’m not saying that ‘philosophy’ is correct, but I do wonder if the cognitive dissonance amongst her supports is ringing ever more loudly.

I’m not advocating ‘censorship’. I’m advocating for standards of truth in news media. Unless it’s laid out as the facts, it’s opinion.

This used to be the case until Murdoch and the GOP changed the law to allow bullshit.

I have, in younger years, not been particularly informed about politics and was glib in saying things like ‘they’re all the same” etc. but I was at least lucky to have a family background with enough smarts to never have given the time of day to a piece of shit like Trump.

To be charitable, there are unimaginably VAST numbers of people who are not actually idiots, but lack any point of intelligent reference in their family or community with which to leverage any thinking outside of the purposely-regressive framework set up by the GOP types; the RW media, the business grifters, the churches, the impassioned-but-warped-and-misguided funders, the downright evil. They are all in that mix.

Ever since he was the front runner in 2016 I’ve become determinedly interested in politics and the courts and become loquacious in attempting to describe their importance to people who claim the disinterest I used to.

Help spread the word to people you know need the help to understand the importance of it!

Yes politicians can be self-serving, but GENERALLY on the Left, particularly the progressive Left, politicians are not there to line their own pockets. This absolutely cannot be said for the Rightwing.

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WTF is ‘sigma’ in this context?

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Bit late eh?

His name conjures up a fetid town of incestuous slack-jawed yokels.

I’m not sure. Perhaps too driven by single-issue foreign policy to understand the wonder ramifications of potentially allowing Trump to win.

The thing they need to understand is that right now a vote for Biden is not a mandate for HIM or necessarily all of the policies that he is forced to carry out (and I mean forced by both GOP shenanigans (immigration stuff) and global strategic positions (Israel)) its a vote to stop the US being turned (even further) into a right wing shithole.

The US is indeed a mediocre democracy because of the corruptIon of the system that money has enabled.

There are too many business loopholes and carve-outs to realise a fair society.

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No no no! It’s “spy” misspelled to hide it, and -ops from Octopus, because Putin and the spyze are like the testicles, wriggling around.

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