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Joined 9 months ago

uhh they will include copilot key in keyboard in new laptops...

There needs to be more laws and regulations. In this system, companies will use every legal way to make as much money as possible. This is especially true for public companies.

browsers by default wont allow infinite cookies

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they are the most advanced company in cost-cutting. They will put everything in 10 sub menus on the screen instead of costly buttons. And the people are confused, they see big screen they think cool. But having metal physical buttons and crowns with haptic feedback is just on another level 🤤. Especially those crowns where theres a silent click that you feel with every turn. Feels so fricking good damn.

facebook and google are also hated. Just not by the government.

Can't beat samsung's implementation with sound assistant. It lets you put individual volumes for each app. You can even allow two or more music apps to play at the same time. For example a game and music. It also allows you to customize the volume panel as far as you want, such as position, theme etc. Not to mention you can also output to two bluetooth headphones at the same time.

I dont like samsung much. But i would totally miss this on most other phones. This android 15 panel just seems lame in comparison.

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people still use instagram ?

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does the attacking country ever care about the lagality of an attack?

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then they will start downloading new apps that you might be interested in automatically

what would an artificial delay do? Litteraly nothing. Also they can scan posts after they have been uploaded. And a scan shouldnt take even a second.

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it's such an easy thing to code. They take ages for basic features.

9 more...

dont use parental controls. Its fake, doesnt make sense, and limits learn oportunities. Any Linux works out. Linux Mint works great

9 more...

Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code is not the same thing at all 😂

How is this in any way relevant news, if it has nothing to do with being an emulator, but the cause being spam by a rip off? Is that even worth a post?

what i use for annoying apps i kinda need: use karma FW. It basically routes all your phones traffic through itself and you can block apps to not use internet at all. Having it set up as always on works best.

Although this is kinda trash, Micheal Fisher is a beast in video production 😄. So classy.

i think windows uses it for updates to make them faster, and many games too

Samsung just says:

Can't auto update Installed from Google play store. And Can't auto update Installed from Aurora store.

You can easily see from what store an app has been installed in android.

we had that in our school toilet on the wall 😄

... and we will block them anyways

okay. if they had never done it maybe. but its in Google maps already. So they already have all the data available. Making the code to show transit, with having access to their internal API's is probably very easy.

Just look up a local bus provider API. Very easy to just make a request. Google probably has their own API already that bundles all transits from over the world.

uh hu, you locked yourself in. Imo if you dont need Excel, OneNote or any of that shit, its perfectly cool. For devs its even nicer not to have to deal with all the windows shit ways of doing things. As for documents, LaTeX is great.

Also, in the end, the command line is even easier than having to learn shitty user interfaces. And you get much faster with command line too. Windows likes to have 3 different design languages from different decades for no reason.

Using it as OS and as Server, it has been perfect for years.

People who don't use it either have a life and simply dont want things to change, or are too foolish to realise they are getting trolled with every update.

For people starting, just dual boot a Linux Distro. For the shit that requires windows boot into it. The rest can all be done in linux. Even boots faster.

And for average people probably the google documents / slides [...] will be more than enough.

Rip to people that need windows shit to be in their life for work. Though they could also use a windows vm.

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nu. The people decide in this. We cant keep making new rules for the shit they come up with. I care. Thus i use firefox on linux with an open search. The people are stupid. Thats the problem. They want this comfort, they pay for it.

how do you mean so? as in it's a web app? They have access to persistant storage.

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hazlenut milk is the best!!!

go to linux alreadiii

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always has been.. do people only notice it when main main stream media covers it?

almond milk is probably alot healthier though ....

thats ok with me. Wouldnt buy a ios device anyways. Exactly, because they dont allow third party apps.

google and samsung suck just as much. Custom rom's for the win. Besides on Android at least you dont have to use a google account and can use aurora store or apks. And you can easily set a filter to not allow any apps or system apps to use internet.

apple tracks as much data as google does. It just isnt as open in saying that. But its commonly not known.

Anyhow. Both suck hard. Atleast on Android though, you can go without google.

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What your talking about is rate limiting. And pretty much every social media already does that. The issue with adding requirements like phone number etc, is that it also makes it more difficult and annoying for regular users. Besides, bot account owners litteraly have large amounts of fake valid mobile phone numbers they can use to "verify" their bot accounts. Then they also use change their ip addresses, so rate limiting can't be enforced. Instagram also has a massive bot issue, but its just an endless amount of bot accounts, not just one that is spamming all over the place.

Adding a fake 10 second delay would stop absolutely nothing and make the experience even worse for regular users.


you can guarantee it, by feeding it only information without weapon information. The information they use, is just scraping every single piece of data from the internet.

Linux Mint. Yes, it's not that interesting, but as many others point out, it just works. Both on my laptop and desktop pc. No issues for over two years.

naw. You mean all the secretaries would loose their office job

this app uses java swing?

Look at what mods do all day. They dont have anything better to do.

In the end they will remove whatever hurts their fucking feelings.

But i wouldnt have thought they do their useless job here too.

yes yes