2 Post – 366 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Funny how people elected under the two party system aren't super motivated to change it.

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Nope, he's not the official nominee until after the convention. Still not gonna happen, but technically could.

Definitely did not.

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This doesn't look like a woman without makeup, it looks like a woman with makeup with a filter over her face.

Well that's largely because so few companies are doing agile correctly. Its usually some form of agilefall.

Doesn't the use of VoIP often make these hard to trace, as well?

There are a lot of entry level jobs that basically assume new employees know nothing, anyway. Seems like this will just further devalue degrees and emphasize work experience for hiring.

This is true of a lot of large companies in general. The fact that they make money in spite of this shows how much the markets favor established players.

That's true for soda and beer lines, too...

And those recipe changes were probably aimed at lowering costs, not increasing quality.

I'm mostly just wondering how they're distinguishing between astroturfing and legit posts.

Largely because we understand that what they're calling "AI" isn't AI.

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Impressive, but also stupidly risky no matter how good you are.

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Keep on mind that there were a wide variety of reasons people are on this list. There's no evidence of wrongdoing for the vast majority of them. Some of the people on the list were even victims.

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They run this same story about third party candidates every election year. The problem is they never show that the people who voted for the third party candidate would've definitely gone to one party or the other. People know what's at stake, why do you assume people voting for RFK Jr would've voted for Biden? There's nothing about his platform that is very left leaning. The most left leaning thing about him is his last name.

Edit: Just as an example, I voted for Nader in 2000. I'm someone who would've voted for Gore otherwise. But guess what? I was voting in a state that wasn't in close contention at all, so I could vote for a third party without really changing the calculus of who would get elected. The idea that votes for third parties are fungible with votes for major party candidates is just not accurate.

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We need a system where they can't turn it off by themselves. Let them call someone to remotely to request it off for a specific period of time if they're taking a break. "Hey, taking lunch, can you pause it for an hour?" This is easily solvable, but police accountability is not a problem that the police want to solve.

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I really wonder how the palworld devs feel about being gamepass day 1. I have no idea what the payouts look like for them. It probably got a lot more people to try their game, but would they have done better selling it only on steam? They probably weren't in a position to negotiate a very favorable contract with Microsoft.

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This is not a very helpful article summary.

One of the key benefits of the codec is that it helps maintain video quality during compression and decoding, so many users are excited about the potential for higher quality AV1 video. However, not everyone is happy with the change — particularly those with older devices and midrange phones. It's mostly newer higher-end phones that have hardware decoding support for AV1, so those with midrange devices and older flagships may have to rely on software decoding now that YouTube has opted in to the libdav1d decoder. Many of these Android users have expressed concern over how the change will impact their battery life if it means a move away from hardware-accelerated decoding.

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Since VPN users share IPs it is very possible that someone using the same IP address did something ban worthy.

Try using a VPN on top of that.

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This country is so completely fucked.

I know that I heard (on the 538 podcast) that before voting on this, congress was given a security briefing about it, and after that there was wide bipartisan support for the ban (and we all know how rare bipartisan support is these days). It sounds like the security briefing was pretty compelling. If it's not just theoretical that Chinese gocernment could leverage tiktok to spy on Americans and influence them, and there's evidence that they are already doing it, I think it makes the case for the ban much stronger. But the information has not been made public.

I'll also note that they set the ban to not go into effect until after the election.

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Smoking in the US has actually fallen off a lot.

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TBH this is surprisingly honest.

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Meanwhile the real question is why major browsers don't seem to have a "do not ever fucking make a noise unless I explicitly tell you to" setting. I swear, Chrome and IE look like they do, but it never seems to actually work. And then there's "this setting is managed by your administrator" bullshit on top of that...

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If you like minesweeper but hate these random picks, I really recommend the Hexcells series. They're fun puzzle games that can be solved purely with logic. Kind of a cross between minesweeper and sudoku.

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Mostly just by association. It sounds very incel-y.

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I mean...none of those things are disqualifying for running for office, even if he were convicted of any crimes related to them, which he hasn't been. Trump is a piece of shit, but yes he has a right to run for office. Now why people would still vote for him despite all that, is much more mysterious.

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Not going anywhere and they know it. Pretty much exists for grandstanding purposes in the 24 election.

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For this? No. For the Georgia case? It's a real possibility if he doesn't get elected.

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I assume they knew because of the enigma cracking?

Trackball gang.

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Vast majority of fish you're eating is flash frozen, even if you're on the coast.

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I just use a reusable filter for loose tea. Oxo makes a nice one.

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Ehhh, maybe. While the game is so much better than it was at launch, it's still pretty sandboxy and repetitive. I found myself dropping it after I realized I was trying to build bases to get better at gathering resources to make money to buy bigger ships to make more money to... What exactly?

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Mario Kart 64 is definitely not wide-screen

Roguelikes are a pretty specific genre of game that generally feature procedurally generated levels, permadeath, no meta progression, tile-based gameplay, hunger systems, randomized loot appearances, etc. Nethack is probably the best known example of a true roguelike.

Roguelights are a wide variety of games that feature some of the features of true roguelike but not all of them, most commonly procedural generation and permadeath, but most of them feature meta progression.

Honestly if you've ever played a true roguelike, the difference is immediately apparent. They're usually not very similar at all. There's just a very good chance that you've never played one, they're not exactly wildly popular.

And just to stress: if a game features meta progression it is not a true roguelike. In true roguelikes, you start from zero every time.

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Won't work. Livenation owns the majority of the major venues in the US.

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I think it's properly called Hollandaise.

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I dunno, I think I'm on the side of "it might taste great but if it's vegan it doesn't meet the definition of cheese."

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