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Joined 12 months ago

and people say global warming/climate change is not real

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do you watch anime with your feet?

they hate vegan preacher. how do vegan promote their ideas? by saying meat eater are murderer. by calling people meat eater. meat bad. 🤷🏻‍♂️

valve would be really happy if Microsoft do windows subscription, lmao

i thought metaverse thingy is dead?

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where are you? desert country? if mine have that temp, there would be so many dead people.

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this "dev" are really dumb.

most people don't like trash tv, most reality tv are trash tv. both of the show you mention are trash tv.

they should learn from the fiasco, don't promise what the devs can't deliver, marketing department should ask the devs what they can promote. and you shouldn't buy game on day one 😂

moba feels like superfast mmorpg. the only reason i don't like it.

why would you want only pocket tv when you already got pocket everything?

this kind of comment is exactly what make people hates vegan. lmao.

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perfect analogy. 😂

the only feedback they respond to are the feedback that give them concussion.

did they try to make triforce?

lmao, you're still young, don't worry it will definitely get worse or better depends on your luck


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nazi shouldn't be punch?

how do you deal with frustration before the revelation?


same here. fuck reddit

the day before is also playable released game 🤷🏻‍♂️

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they have no excuse for it to be slow as shit

official tachiyomi is dead


you whizz on computers? smh

nah, you guys are just weird.

because USA is a hypocrite country

my cat "dig" the place they want to sit on. i saw a monkey "wipe" the place it want to sit on

so they do whatever?

you are a naughty boy.

if you're not greedy you would pay lemmy dev, and whatever lemmy app you use

cryptonft is shit though. At least "A.I" have actual tech behind it.

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but the stain is pee

that was fast

well, the afterlife is the real world, and we're in a sim and we get there by dying. kinda no difference at all.

🤣🤣 nintendo sound like a dog

because not every country produce beef like you westerner. and not everyone eat beef everyday.

go make your government ban beef like you ban palm oil if you really care about earth.

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