1 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

My assumption here is that Huffman may win the battle, but he might lose the war. Even if he manages to get the rampaging mods under control, how much damage will he do in the process?

r/pics will probably end up going NSFW, which gets another major sub to lose ad revenue. Can Reddit manage to get all these subs back on topic without pulling some fascist takeover of the mod teams? These malicious compliance subs aren't explicitly breaking any rules, and taking action against them will just fan community outrage more.

They can obviously ban NSFW material, but that'll force a migration far faster than any blackout ever could. Not to mention 3rd party apps going dark on July 1st, which might see a not insignificant drop off of mobile users.

Reddit has likely begun its slow descent, and u/spez's best long term strategy would be to reverse course and keep the public API. Of course, he'll never do that since that just communicates to any investors that you have no control over your community. Not sure how he digs his way out of this one.

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Obviously Facebook took off once it dropped the 'college student' requirement and opened up to the general population. But once that first generation aged up, the younger generation didn't follow and Facebook became the place your grandma posts Biden conspiracy theories. Widening your target audience can get you an initial boost of users, but you end up competing with every other platform doing the same thing. Then some new platform opens up, all the cool kids go there, and the old platforms gradually get dumber, withers away, and dies.

His point is he doesn't want to be shown everything. He wants a distinction between material that's inappropriate for a workplace environment, and porn.

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If you get your public education in the deep south, you'll get a lot of lost-cause revisionist history. Everything from "the civil war really had nothing to do with slavery" to "slaves were actually treated very well".

Several years ago for April Fools Day, Reddit launched /r/place, which created a canvas where users could place individual pixels every few minutes. Communities would get together to carve out their own little corner of the canvas for a piece of art, and overall the whole thing was pretty well received.

Last year for April Fools Day, they did it again. Overall, once again pretty well received.

Now, since Reddit has pissed everyone off, they're doing it again again, likely in a desperate move to try and generate some positive community interactions. /r/place has always been pretty popular when they've done it before, so this is probably a 'push in case of emergency' attempt to placate users. Predictably, everyone's still mad so they've littered the whole canvas with 'fuck spez' posts.

No, we're all about pooping right now, not farts.

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Another thought is that they're not trying to kill Mastodon, they're trying to kill Twitter.

Mastodon has a bit of a community already, so by implementing ActivityPub, Meta can make its platform seem bigger than it is by pulling in Mastodon content. Gives it another edge over Twitter.

Best case scenario is Threads sees ActivityPub as just the cost of doing business. That way, even people who won't use your platform are still interacting with it. Downside, people on your platform can leave for a federated alternative and not miss out on any content. Not sure if that downside makes up for the potential gains.

I think the default approach needs to be defederate first unless Meta shows actual interest in developing the fediverse with good intentions. If Threads become the majority provider of content to the fediverse and then we defederate, we lose all that content. It could lead to Mastodon, Lemmy, and Kbin withering and dying as everyone goes where the content is.

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Hell, just coming out with a statement that you're delaying the paid API by six months would fizzle out most protests. But they have dollar signs in their eyes with ChatGPT using Reddit for data and they want that money now.

Or Reddifugies.

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Oh, way dumber than the Titanic. Titanic was one of the safest ships of its era. It could withstand 4 of its watertight compartments being completely flooded and stay afloat. The issue was that they grazed the iceberg in such a way that 6 compartments ended up being compromised. Despite that, it still stayed afloat for 2 hours. Look how much crap its sister ship the Olympic went through and stayed afloat.

This stupid thing was a disaster waiting to happen.

On Artemis, yes. On, no. Was kinda wondering why no one else was talking about it.

I thought about this before, and mostly agree. My mom knows nothing about computers and could probably use Ubuntu if I stick it on a machine and gave it to her. The thing preventing me from doing it is that when things go wrong in Linux, it often requires extensive terminal usage to fix. And my mother can often find new and creative ways to break a computer. If something went wrong with it, I would have to fix it. There is literally no one else she knows who would even know where to start. At least if she's on windows, she can find someone to help her.

The OST from Persona 5, easily my most listened to soundtrack.

Honestly, mods should just force the issue and make Reddit replace them. It's going to be a big problem if Reddit needs to find new moderators for hundreds if not thousands of subreddits. And that's assuming all the new moderators will play along and not immediately join the protest, go on a tyrannical power trip, or just go dark after a few weeks.

Why would anyone even want to be a mod right now? It's like your boss threatening to fire you from a job you're not paid for while the building is actively on fire.

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The problem is that this should be the job of congress to pass a student debt relief bill. But congress can't come together to decide what color the sky is much less major economic reform.

BS looks better than AAS, but honestly that'll only really apply for your first couple jobs. Once you've got a few years of experience, your specific education matters less and less. I will say that a BS is "better" in terms of teaching you more, but your Associate's credits will transfer if you ever decide to go that route.

Also, once you pick up one language, you basically know them all (with some obvious exceptions). If you know PowerShell, you can pick up Bash pretty easy. If you know JavaScript, you can pick up Python. If you know Python, Java is pretty easy. If you know Java, you pretty much know C#. Learning a language becomes just figuring out how that languages does things. Picking up a new language goes from being a process that takes a year or two and schooling to taking maybe a week and watching some videos. There are some exceptions (Python doesn't tell you much about SQL, and systems languages like C/C++ are their own animal).

Nuke it from orbit.


A lot of people mention the waiver, which...sure, there's some assumption of the risk for diving to the bottom of the ocean. But a waiver won't exclude you from gross incompetence and negligence.

If I ran an indoor trampoline park, I may have you sign a waiver before you can use it. This makes sense, as jumping on trampolines carries with it some inherit risk of physical injury. That's a risk you have to acknowledge before you can come in. However, if you got injured because the building caught on fire, and due to my negligence I've blocked all the fire exits with flammable material, that's a bit beyond the assumption of risk covered by the waiver. I would totally be liable for any damages that result.

Did the Titan implode due to the inherit risk of deep sea exploration? Or did it implode due to a dereliction of safety precautions? (It's that one)

I would even allow as high as 25, but probably an amount that can be controlled by the instance. But we should stop these 1000+ communities controlled by one mod.

Works on contingency? No, money down!

@ernest, if Kbin starts making okay money, don't be afraid to give yourself a salary. It's important that you get to eat too.

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This would be a dangerous precedent. If you disagree with scientific findings, you just conduct your own research to disprove the original study. If companies can sue researchers for publishing claims that damage them, it'll just result in researchers withholding studies in fear a multibillion dollar corporation coming after them. Scientists need to be able to publish their research without fear of retribution.

The only exception I would accept is if someone published knowingly false research, a la Andrew Wakefield.

Currently I think my leading theory is that Elon Musk has made a deal with a witch, and in exchange for eternal life he has to burn 44 billion dollars as fast as possible. I see no other explanation for these batshit decisions.

The issue is that for your average Joe Schmoe, decentralization isn't really a selling point. For a lot of people, a computer is a magic box they use to visit websites, and how anything works under the hood is irrelevant. Whether it's one server or a federation of servers doesn't matter.

I saw a lot of people bail on Mastodon before even signing up because this concept of "instances" confused them. What server do I join? Can I talk to X of I'm not on X's server? Do I need an account on each server I want to follow? This concept of multiple instances of a platform doesn't exist outside of the fediverse. Kbin just pointing you to the default instance is probably the best thing it could do for widespread adoption.

I don't think it's fair to expect someone looking to join a new knitting community to learn about client/server relationships and federated social platforms. Point them to the main instance and give them a high level overview about the fediverse if they ask. The resources are here if they want to learn more.

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They're choosing between a man who literally tried to overthrow democracy, a man too focused on drag queens and bathrooms, or a democrat. Politics is a team sport for these people. It's not about electing the best candidate, it's about beating the Democrats.

But there are things that would constitute NSFW that aren't porn and also not NSFL. I think a way to designate porn makes the most sense so you know whether you're clicking on a video of a bad car wreck or a video of a woman being raw dogged from behind.

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Now that I'm in my thirties, I can answer this. Two things come to mind.

First, really should have just done college after high school. I really wasn't looking forward to more school after graduation and wasted about 5 years before going back for my CS degree. I'm in a good place now, but could have had a 5 year head start on life if I'd just gone straight in.

Second, please take better care of your health while you have it. I was skinny as a rail in my early 20s and sort of took that for granted. I'm not obese or anything right now, but as you get older keeping in shape takes conscious upkeep. Get in the habit now and it'll be easier to maintain later. It's harder to lose the weight once you have it rather than keep it off.

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My advice for picking a degree: pick something that you want to do, but also something marketable. The degree is useless if you can't get a job in it.

If you're worried about college being difficult, it can be, but 95% of your success is going to be based on motivation. I was a TA in college, and the best students were the ones that asked questions, came to office hours, and participated. I saw many a "smart kid" bomb a test due to overconfidence.

If you're not sure what to do, you can start with general education credits or even do the first part of your degree at a community college to save money. A lot of times a 2 year associates degree will serve as the first 2 years of a bachelor's.

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You Russians sure are a contentious people.

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Is there a way that this fight can end with them both losing?


  1. Hire more staff to do more development/QA in a shorter timespan
  2. Delay release schedule to not be annual releases
  3. Reduce game scope to something the team can accomplish

Gamefreak cannot keep its historically small team size while trying to make large, open world titles that release annually. Tears of the Kingdom tool over 5 years to develop, and that was working with pre-existing assets. Gamefreak's model is not sustainable.

I gotta preserve my cucumbers somehow!

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I think this has done damage to Reddit, but it'll be death by a thousand cuts rather than a big instantaneous failure.

To be honest, I really don't care what happens to Reddit at this point. I'd rather have Kbin be a smaller, more dedicated community than have it "kill Reddit".

I think something like this is necessary at some point, since duplicate posts across duplicate communities is an inconvenience when compared to more centralized communities in Reddit. Some thoughts:

When you go to the comments, which instance's comments are we seeing? If we make a comment, which instance is our comment posted to? My idea would be to throw everyone's comments into a singular bucket as you said, but then you'll have to select which instance you're posting to when commenting. This does introduce an issue with moderation though, as different communities may have different rules. So there may need to be a moderation option on whether you'll allow post collation across other communities.

Aside from grouping duplicate posts like this, we could also group different communities. If we have a and, we could just combine the posts from both communities into one group. This could be done automatically for communities with the same name, but a better option may be for moderators to add "sister communities" whose posts will appear in the magazine. That way, from the user's perspective, there is just one technology magazine that assembles content from multiple instances.

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You could do it per email address, at least on platforms where your account is tied to one. Doesn't stop it, but if you're only allowed to mod 5 communities, you'd need a lot of sock puppet emails to mod 1000+.

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