1 Post – 71 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Lead admin for, tech enthusiast

Your title should be "fuck subscriptions, except subscriptions from this site pulled from 1998" since everything in your guide relies on a paid debrid sub.

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Hey this name is familiar.... these guys sent me all their app telemetry for a couple weeks because they hardcoded AWS LB IPs into their software, and I got lucky enough to get one of those recycled IPs.

Wouldn't be surprised if their apps are still screwed up and sending large amounts of junk traffic at me, but at least now it's going into a void.

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Oh cool, so Elon has helped contribute to the adderall shortage in a roundabout way.

Yeah, after literally bankrupting Westinghouse and costing us Georgians billions of dollars. I'm all for more nuclear power but this project was a colossal shitshow.

Georgia also has some shiny new solar factories so I'm interested to see how deep into renewables we can get in the next decade.

Backing a Kickstarter for a game is the same as preordering. Money leaves your pocket and enters the studio's before the game is out.

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Maybe don't allow autonomous cars on public streets then? The tech is nowhere near ready for prime time.

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That counts as unauthorized access in the eyes of the law. It's a private system and they did not have any agreements permitting them to use it as they wanted.

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Maybe someone should fork Opencart and patch the security vulnerabilities and try to drive people away from this guy's repo, since he's just combative anytime someone raises a concern.

Or quit using his code altogether.

If the game doesn't meet their own standards, why exactly did they bother releasing it instead of delaying PC like the consoles were?

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From what I've seen and read, server to server traffic is less taxing on instances than client to server. So even if your instance is JUST you, it would be your instance talking to everything else so it would have some net benefit on the federation. But it would take a lot of users self-hosting solo instances for this to help in any noticeable way, I'd think.

There is certainly no downside to running a solo instance, if you're even slightly interested I would say go for it!

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If you're in the EU you can send a GDPR data takedown request, then if they fail to honor it you may be able to get a kickback from any fines they get slapped with

I just sub to both if I run into a sublemmy collision where both are sizable. It is a little weird and I'd like to see some clean way to merge them in the future (i.e. with content migration and redirects), but for now it is what it is.

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I've got most of the channels I sub to tracked by yt-dl so it all gets pulled to my nas. If Youtube starts forcing ads I'll just put some effort into getting things categorized properly into Plex and ditch their site.

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Because 90% of their users don't care about APIs or 3rd party apps, they just want the content however reddit makes them consume it.

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This is like asking a cop if they're a cop, they can answer however they want. I'm no tankie but I won't be replying back some message with a copypasta just because someone asks me to.

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You can see what instances your server has blocked at {instance_url}/instances, there's also a link in the footer. If you're unhappy with your home instance blocking too much content, you can always make an account elsewhere and sub to the same communities as before. Account export is a feature that's currently requested on the Lemmy Github so maybe that process will become easier soon.

Gee, what a surprise that everyone called last week. Of course Reddit admins are booting uncooperative mods in favor of those that will un-private their subs, they have zero reason to be loyal to mods protesting against them. And they're actively losing advertising revenue for each sub that's dark.

The real way to protest this is to delete your Reddit account and never look back. Monthly active users is the only statistic that will force them to backtrack on any of the API pricing changes, and loads of people that have moved to Lemmy are actively using both platforms.

You seem popular, it may be a good idea to invest in some queuing poles and velvet ropes for all the people that want to have intercourse with you

What "trade secrets" does he claim were stolen? Obviously ex-Twitter employees who move to Meta know their tech stack. But there's not a chance that their codebases are compatible so even if someone directly carried cover over from Twitter to a new job at Meta, it's not like it would be useful.

And if he thinks current Meta employees are still accessing Twitter IP/code/etc, Elon probably needs to first look internally and maybe not fire entire security & compliance teams.

Meta is launching a Twitter clone that's supposedly going to be fediverse-compatible eventually. Everyone's panicking now and blocking the domain before it can connect to any instances because zuck sucks

These instructions won't work in anyone's unraid box, even if they compile compose from source. Not sure why people think posting random chatGPT'd instructions is remotely useful.

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AMD has ROCm which tries to get close. I've been able to get some CUDA applications running on a 6700xt, although they are noticeably slower than running on a comparable NVidia card. Maybe we'll see more projects adding native ROCm support now that AMD is trying to cater to the enterprise market.

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Why would they need to look into Apple's conduct here? Investigate Beeper for CFAA violations since they cracked into Apple's internal APIs and ignored large chunks of their ToS in the process.

Of course Apple is going to shut down unauthorized access to their messaging system. They'd lose all customer trust instantly if they didn't.

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It's not. and are the commie instances, .world is run by a good team.

You absolutely can refuse to hire someone (in the US) for something they have no control of, assuming it's not one of the few protected classes. I could refuse to hire you over height, inability to grow facial hair, etc with zero repercussions.

Looks like I'm about to switch fully to YT-DL/Plex for the subscriptions I care about. Should be good until they start embedding ads into the video files anyway.

Marijuana is still classified as a schedule 1 drug and remains federally illegal.

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All the things! I've got a hybrid VMware cluster (two nodes at home and one in a DC) with a bunch of VMs for stuff like Plex, Plesk, Gitlab, Lemmy, Stable Diffusion, etc. also running a 5-node Rancher k8s cluster.

Some of my public services do actually run from home but are routed through ZeroTier to my Nginx Proxy Manager appliance.

Pretty much everything is running RHEL8 or CoreOS after a recent migration. Veeam for backups (two community instances since I'm too cheap to pay for licensing for personal stuff).


Unraid 114TB usable, 2TB NVMe cache
  • Nextcloud
  • *arr UI's
  • Pihole
  • YT-DL
  • Satisfactory server
  • Fivem server
Game/AI Rig (i7-13900k, 128gb ddr5, 6700xt, 12tb ssd/nvme)
  • Plex
  • Minecraft server (big ass custom pack)
  • Stable Diffusion
Home servers (Poweredge R410, old but powerful)
  • *arr downloader (routed through PIA with kill switch)
  • Ansible Tower
  • Splunk
  • Domain controller
  • Veeam backups
  • Handful of Red Hat dev/test VMs
  • 1x Rancher controller
  • 2x Rancher workers
Mac Mini's
  • 1x Rancher controller
  • 2x Rancher workers
Desktop (Ryzen 7, 3090ti, 128gb ddr4, too many ssds/nvme's)
  • Another Plex server, same content
  • Stable Diffusion
  • oobagooba text-generation-webui for LLMs

Not sure this one counts but...

OVH Game server (Ryzen 7, 64gb ddr4, 2tb nvme) [not self hosted]
  • Plesk (web/DNS/DBs mostly)
  • Teleport (SSH/RDP tunnel)
  • Nginx Proxy Manager
  • Gitlab

Strongly disagree about gpt being excellent for code, it's extremely confident about the wrong answer most of the time. I've found it to be mildly useful as a Stack Overflow alternative (for asking general questions and having it point me in some direction) but it's code outputs are garbage.

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The vast majority of the popular accounts are not run by the women on the profile. Most of them pay friends or agencies to manage the page for them, they simply show up to photo shoots every now and then and enjoy the easy money.

I haven't seen any obvious bots in the wild here (yet), but they'll come soon enough. There are at least a couple Github repos out there (i.e. this one) with bot libraries so I'd expect some of the old reddit bots could make some sort of a comeback pretty soon.

Probably, it'd be pretty stupid not to put his ex-Twitter engineers on the Threads projects. But it's entirely legal to have your employees work on something close to what they did at their last job. I'd be very, very surprised if Meta knowingly allowed stolen IP to be incorporated into their new product, Musk needs to provide some evidence to back his claims.

I spun up Firefly a few months ago and had about three weeks where I was actively categorizing transactions and reconciling everything and then my ADD kicked in. Really cool tool but I just need something low-maintenance for budget tracking.

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This is one I'd probably just let be. If the kid is working they're obviously there because they need money, no half-decent parents are going to let their kid skip school to go do lawncare unless the family is in a bad position. Yes the company is violating labor laws by having a child work during school hours, but if the kid is their of their own free will, they'll just go look for another job if the company lets them go.

The lawsuit does not involve Germany in the slightest

Apollo going away was the catalyst for me. I will never use Reddit's garbage website or first-party app.

Plus Lemmy gave me an excuse to host another neat service and still waste the same time I did on Reddit.

Uhh... if your script is subbing to 24k remote communities, those will continue to grow from then on, unless you start purging communities at some point. After one user subscribes to a community, all new content gets indexed and stored on your instance. Pict-rs can cache images short term (and eventually clear them out), but Postgres will start growing very quickly and never slow down until it fills up disks.

AI content moderation will be chump change if they get enough takers on this new API pricing. Plus they're wanting to IPO at a time when every Fortune 500 is jumping on the AI bandwagon in quarterly reports, so I'd be surprised if they don't already have teams researching this internally.

I'm just letting mine do whatever it wants, got plenty of local storage. If/when I have storage issues I'll add an s3 bucket, pretty easy to modify the entrypoint for pictrs to pass s3 connection info in the docker-compose deployment.

They can, but Reddit can just as easily restore it, with a blank mod list. But based on their actions I wouldn't be surprised if they outright ban any mods that try this.