2 Post – 197 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Developer. Feminist. Ecologist. Used to be a protection Paladin.


I was like “Ok where’s the catch? Too many fingers? 3 feet? Dang those pictures are good now, was OP just being serious?” And then I saw. Fucking hilarious.

Thanks for the laugh OP

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Unfortunately it’s the opposite here in France and I’m devastated.

Congratulations to the Finns!!!

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I would like to add that the money Bob gets to buy food returns directly into the economy, thus helping to pay Kevin the mall manager AND Floyd the country boy

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I read somewhere that she grew up in a conservative family, from a conservative state, and voted Rep at both Obama elections, but was deeply regretful of that.

People who endure this kind of brutal twist of values tend to be far more intolerant towards their former beliefs, and I really like the motivation and heart she puts on being a better version of herself.

Anyway, nice

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Sooo how does it work when you've done a successful IVF and still got a bunch of Frozen embryos waiting somewhere? Do you get back at home and put them in the freezer until you die? Are you mandated to carry them to term? What if a woman dies in a car accident before she had a chance to carry the embryo? Is the man mandated to find someone to carry them to term? I have so many questions

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How fucking crazy times I must live in if my French leftist ass is now cheering the once most hated man in the World’s common sense.

Gotta deep fry some freedom potatoes I guess.

  • Install VSCode
  • Install all extensions
  • Copy extensions folder
  • Install Codium
  • Move extensions to Codium extensions folder
  • Remove VSCode
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When Trump appointed Musk he said that Musk would have licked his boots if he asked.

Back in the day I thought it was just another Trump’s bragging nonsense.

Now I have the absolute certainty that the coward Elon Musk could have ate shit directly from Trump’s butthole.

For Christ sake will this man ever stop? My head is about to explode.

French dude here

I can’t even remember any French recipes for frog legs. The only frog legs I ever ate were in a Chinese restaurant, with bitter sweet sauce.

TBH I don’t even know a single restaurant that have frog legs on the menu, and I can’t even think of a grocery store that sells frog legs.

I eat two dozen of snails a month though. Are they endangered too?

TL,DR I call this article absolute bullshit.

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I was about to say $75 Million is not a big deal for a billion dollars company, but:

"X, the social media company formerly known as Twitter, could lose as much as $75 million in advertising revenue by the end of the year as dozens of major brands pause their marketing campaigns after its owner, Elon Musk, endorsed an antisemitic conspiracy theory this month."

$75 Million over one an half month is a much more significant number. Let's hope those company stick to their position and let that thing die.

Alex Jones can swallow an handful of rusty nails and broken glass

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As a French, I understand this post and it hurts because it’s true.

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What doing satire has to do with the matter?

How do you think it would go if OpenAI had used actors with the voices of Biden or Trump and Altman had tweeted “POTUS” just before the event?

Altman knew exactly what he was doing.

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A few years ago (already) I would have been sad and shocked. Now I don't give a shit about SpaceTwitter. That douchebag managed to kill all the interest I had for space exploration, a topic I was passionate about for most of my life. He really is that kind of killjoy.

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Are you training an LLM?

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Someone has to do the job for everyone else can enjoy it.

Thank you very much for your service my friend.

Can’t wait to see North Americans come back to Europe to runaway from religious persecution.

Welcome to the Old World my friends !

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The meme potential of (DEAD) is unlimited.

Fun fact: In France, Saw VI and Saw VII skipped the numbers because Saw 6 is pronounced like saucisse (sausage) and Saw 7 is pronounced like someone having a lisp saying chaussette (sock)

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IMHO people just won’t give a flying fuck about it. Most people won’t even be aware of it.

They’ll upgrade when they’ll buy a new PC, just as usual.

91% of the dumbest people on Earth are even dumber than we thought.

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  • 0° : freezing water
  • 100° : boiling water


  • 100° : I love you darling
  • 0° : We're all gonna die


  • 50°C and 50°F : Not a good temperature for a bath
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In France we’re not here to fuck flies

We don’t mind others’ onions

When someone is about to get late somewhere, we say « Tu vas te faire appeler Arthur » (literally « You’re gonna be called Arthur »)

This expression came during the German occupation, when soldiers would shout « Acht Uhr » (« eight hour ») to people during curfew. It sounds like « Arthur » in French.

Last one. « Faire le Jacques » (« acting like Jack ») means « playing dumb »

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I think it should depend on the conjoined twin capacity to prevent the murder.

If he had enough control over the body but didn’t try to stop the murder he should be at least held a little responsible.

If he wouldn’t have been able to prevent the murder then he’s just a witness and shouldn’t be put in jail no matter what.

And now I wonder what would happen if the conjoined twin could be sentenced to death.

But what exactly is this measuring?

Hard to tell honestly.

phpBB and Wordpress are websites engines. It doesn't take into account the content of the websites they are serving, and more importantly the bloated advertising scripts that might be added to the sources.

Mastodon? What are we even talking about here? The content? The engine? Which instance?

So, while it's true that some websites are bloated and some are not, OP's post says absolutely nothing about it. Size means nothing when a single picture can easily outweigh a huge javascript file mining some bitcoins. For the same reasons, loading times mean nothing either.

Memory usage, FPS, Cumulative Layout Shift, First Input Delay, Largest Con­tent­ful Paint, any data gathered from the performance API. There are tons of efficient way to measure a website's efficiency.

Finally, a website can fail to load for many reasons. First of which can be a 504 Bad Gateway Timeout, which is an event based on an arbitrary value on the server's side.

The WPA's layout is not crazy good on mobile, but at least I got some real estate.

Now, how can I contribute? I'm a frontend web developer.

Posting an embed link shouldn't be an issue. You don't have to host the video directly to display it on a website.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Lemmy just need to accept embed in comments

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Friendly remember that when the Egyptians were building the pyramids, the Europeans were still hunting the last mammoths, and it blows my mind every time I think about it.

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What could possibly go wrong?

Nice. I read this in the voice of my dear grocer Ashraf who never sleeps. The nicest person on Earth.

Yeah Macron and his goons are out of control. I'm 45 yo and I've never seen a President that tyrannic and authoritarian, and he's self-proclaimed centrist. Even the right wing governments I've known never went that far. And it's not going to get any better.

Historic parties have been wiped out from existence in the last 10 years. There are three major parties left. The far-left run by a grumpy old egomaniac (Mélenchon) that ruins any chance of a left win. The center (Macron) which is definitely more right leaning than the historic Right party. The far-right (Lepen/Bardella) which is everything like the current US Republican Party, without the weirdos and outright liars (making it way more dangerous).

My country is an awful mess right now.

Good. Resign then

If the TV Show The Crown is the slightest accurate, I could definitely imagine King Charles making this exact joke TBH.

What the fuck?

And my all mighty Dad is pissed when you use the clitoris He created for you, but won’t bother much having his sons fucking children in His Holy House

When I was a kid Darwin Klaus was played my dad. I play Darwin Klaus now. It is a great honour and a great responsibility among the hairless great apes. I love Sciencemas because it's a beautiful way to celebrate the great brain Nature gave us, and the great discoveries we made along the road.

Swearing. This is the purpose of bad words.

I’m guessing she won’t say otherwise because if her voice is canceled she probably won’t get paid as much.

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The French government fears unrest. Protests in France are not peaceful, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a highly sensitive subject.

I have been on the Palestine side since the beginning of its violent colonisation, but the Hamas attacked civilians, not warriors. It was an act of pure terrorism. Very reminiscent of the events in France on November 13, 2015, when terrorists attacked concert-goers at the Bataclan.

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I was about to say that I hoped we could make protests against Israel’s government without being called antisemitic here in France too…