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Joined 1 years ago

They are the Bug Bad Evil in my pirate themed DnD campaign. Or a proxy of them at least. What better justification for becoming a pirate than them? To quote a real pirate captain from the 1700, "They rob the poor under cover of law, we plunder the rich under the cover of our own courage."

Starfield early access hits tomorrow, I think it's gonna be tricky to convince myself to also do my washing, shopping, etc. this weekend!

Wait, hey, are you spez?

Just mine around the edge and make sure you catch all the blocks so they don't fall on the pressure plate at the bottom. You can mine out the reassure plate when you get down there, and the tnt! Good luck with the loot, hope you get some cool trims! Pretty sure Notch apples can still spawn down there as well!

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Nice try, QI elf!

Binging with Babish is very cool. He makes food fro TV shows and movies. And he has really sexy arms.

Its just how photography copyright law works. The person who presses the button owns the photo. I was a wedding photog or a while. I wouldn't stop the couples sharing my photos on social media, but they wouldn't be allowed to sell the photos for use in marketing or anything. Nit that ot ever came up.

If a couple asked me not to use their photos for advertising then I would have taken them down, not because I was legally obliged to, but because I'm not a horrible person.

When I was getting started I charged less, because I didn't have examples of my work at weddings. But I made it very clear to the couple that I would be using the photos for advertising o get my business off the ground, so they knew their pics would be all over my website, etc.

Supposed to be a troll I think, but that blatantly a goblin

Also the military cosplay guy has a swastika on his arm.

Not received, but given...

One Christmas, I was truly skint. No way I could afford to buy even half eddecent pressies for everyone, so I decided to buy the worst presents I could find instead. I found a £1 shop that was having a '25% off' sale. I bought my vegetarian sister in law a glue based mouse trap, I bought my dad some cleaning spray for car seat leather (his car had fabric seats), I got my brother a feather duster.

On Christmas eve I laid the groundwork by saying, "I didn't have a lot to work with this year, but I think I've done pretty well!".

On Christmas morning, I asked to give out ny presents first and bigger them up again with ,"I put anlot of thought into this and I think you're all going to be very happy!". I gave out the presents and watching them open them with an expectant, wide eyed grin, like "I did good, right?".

It went perfectly. A slight awkward pause while they checked my expectant face, then everyone burst out laughing. They loved the joke, we were all happy. I have fonder memories of that morning than other times when I was able to give out actually good presents.

Oh why not, it's a really good game. Did Beth do something evil or something?

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I like that your comment is the tl;dr for the above comment

Just in case you don't know, CP2077 is great now, and set to get better when the dlc drops soon.

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I'll add the Discworld games. And Simon the Sorcerer!

What like they moved the sensors closer to the sun?

I'm a special education teacher and today I was tasked with writing a baseline assessment for the use of an iPad. Was expecting it to take all day. I tried starting with ChatGPT and it spat out a pretty good one. I added to it and edited it to make it more appropriate for our students, and put it in our standard format, and now I'm done, about an hour after I started.

I did lose 10 minutes to walking round the deserted college (most teachers are gone for the holidays) trying to find someone to share my joy with.

Thise are good points and I see the appeal, but I like that lemmy doesn't track the total karma a user has generated. It discourages karma farming, people love sering the number go up! I know this isn't that but it still makes me nervous cos it's adjacent to that.

tl;dr you're not wrong, but let's be careful :)

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Also this is the second similar post I've seen recently. I think heblast one was, "iPhone users, why do you love your iPhone more than Android?" Or something. Made me suspicious of it being an ad. At the very least, I didn't think a second thread was needed.

I'd say those things are more prevalent in many developing nations.

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What's it from?

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An old uni friend of mine from Northern Island made up a word for that thing when you drink in the afternoon and then stop for a bit and you get really tired: "Cafaggerhaggied"

It's sounds much better in a NI accent, though

Wait what why would unsweetened black iced tea be bad for kidney stones??

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Mine is from City Slickers. Billy Crystal keeps saying "hellooooooo" to the cows in a kind of half-moo voice. I use it all the time and no one gets it.

Can we have some details from the 1st one please?

Some slang from York, UK that was common in my childhood:

Pushknacker - a bicycle, particularly a street bike. Best one on this list, tbh, it's a great word.

Lagin - pronounced la-jin. Means rubbish. Like, "your pushknacker is lagin!"

Weeny - really, as in "that's weeny lagin"

Chava - pronounced char-va, a derogatory term, to be honest I never had any idea what the actual meaning was but it's an insult, as in "ya fuckin chava!". I was confused when the word "chav" suddenly became a thing years later and I've always wondered if they are related or if it's a coincidence.

Ding - what people would now call a chav, also used ad a general insult.

Dingraff - either the full for of ding, or an extension of it, no idea. General insult.

They said they don't drive

Fallout76 was a bad game. Not really evil though. And I heard it got much better, admittedly long after launch. I really enjoyed Fallout 4 but I get that I was in the minority there. Either way, I don't think a company should be totally panned just because they made the main character voiced instead of silent. Re-releasing Skyrim got old, but you don't have to buy it, lol. I don't know what you mean about their launcher. Was it bad? You could always start the games from the exe as well. You'll be happy to know there's no launcher for Starfield anyway.

I think they've made something amazing with Starfield, although it starts quite slowly.

Pirate the game if you want, no judgement from me, but don't justify it by pretending its some moral good.

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Good vid, lots of nostalgia. But i think Duke Nukem 3d should be in there. And Blood!

There's a great podcast about this called Did Titanic Sink? It's entertaining as well as interesting

I think the new twitter logo cones from the font you used for your username. Just being silly

I never thought a legal letter would be entertaining to read, but that was.

Hey the thread isn't for really dumb stuff, just pretty dumb stuff.

You have won a beauty contest! Collect £10

Yeah, I read about them using the girls as bait

I was so confused when the article started mentioning the EU. Then it clicked.

I don't think it's as bad as it used to be, though.

Obviously you can't prove it one way or another. That's the whole point. Are you new?

To anticipate the next questions, IP stands for Iambic Pentameter, which is obviously self-explanatory.

This is so cool!

Wtf did you just call me?!

Nice try, QI elf!