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Attorneys from the ACLU’s National Security Project will be working with Brandon Clint Russell’s defense “for the limited purpose of challenging the government’s secretive warrantless surveillance under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act,

ok. You're a russian plant

Great. Awesome. This way our regulatory agencies can be hamstrung just like prosecutors going after crooked cops with qualified immunity. Unless the law specifically states what is to be regulated and how, then agencies can't do shit.

Just like how if the law doesn't specifically state that a police officer can't do a thing, it's fair game!

This is such a disastrously stupid ruling, further curtailing our ability to combat climate change and all but dismisses any authority the EPA and other agencies were once afforded.

conservatives have such a boner for the vagaries of the second amendment, squeezing in as many assault rifles as they can into something original drawn up with fucking muzzle loaded muskets in mind. But as soon as anything vague in law is used to do good, they'd rather throw out democracy than risk doing the right thing.

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I took mushrooms, high dose and micro, while on SSRI's. There's the smallest, most miniscule chance of seretonin syndrome. But 9999 times out of 10000 you'll be fine.

From the study itself:

These (UPFs) products are characterised as industrial formulations primarily composed of chemically modified substances extracted from foods, along with additives to enhance taste, texture, appearance, and durability, with minimal to no inclusion of whole foods.

What is a "whole food?"

I looked further into the paper they used to classify UPFs

A practical way to identify an ultra-processed product is to check to see if its list of ingredients contains at least one item characteristic of the NOVA ultra-processed food group, which is to say, either food substances never or rarely used in kitchens (such as high-fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated or interesterified oils, and hydrolysed proteins), or classes of additives designed to make the final product palatable or more appealing (such as flavours, flavour enhancers, colours, emulsifiers, emulsifying salts, sweeteners, thickeners, and anti-foaming, bulking, carbonating, foaming, gelling and glazing agents).

So I guess a "whole food" is a food that doesn't contain High fructose corn syrup or additives. But if they are making this direct link between ultra-processed foods and increased mortality, then surely it's these specific substances that are responsible for it? So why aren't we banning high fructose corn syrup and these additives?

Surely it doesn't need to be more complicated than that?

"What happens when we eat these substances?"

"we tend to die more quickly then if we didn't eat them."

"so let's ban these substances."


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Oh man, she got the crazy eyes. Don't mess with someone like that, don't engage or make eye contact.

So, makes sense she's republican.

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For Bacon, Lewis’ son, the lack of charges is an open wound. He worries no one will remember what happened given the passage of almost four years — and the number of others killed by police under questionable circumstances.

At this point, the damage is done. A child has to grow up without his father. They had the trooper in jail for 100 days, paid the Bacon family 4.5 million, and only agreed not to prosecute the trooper because he signed a pledge to never work in law enforcement again. So they know he F-ed up, but what's with the slap on the wrist for the trooper? He shot this black man in the forehead, 1.6 seconds after stopping his patrol car. I don't even understand why he got out of his car so quick after successfully pitting the guys car. The guys car is perpendicular to the road, in a ditch, with your squad car behind it. Why are you jumping out with your gun drawn? God, you'd think he'd be jumping out to make sure the driver was OK, but nope.

Someone driving intoxicated should be punished, not murdered.

The world needs more babies.

Does it?

Or do we just need to embrace migrants?

“A reduction in the share of workers can lead to labor shortages, which may raise the bargaining power of employees and lift wages — all of which is ultimately inflationary,” Simona Paravani-Mellinghoff, managing director at BlackRock, wrote in an analysis last year.

"Have babies," said the billionaire, "or else who am I going to exploit in the future?"

Remind me why it's legal for a foreign government to fund election campaigns in the U.S. against it's critics? When mbs ordered the killing of Jamaal Kashogi, and people were outraged, did we let him pay for the election campaign of his critics opponent? Who's Saudi Arabia's candidate in congress this year? how about China's? Russia's?

Remember when Bernie almost won and only took transparent, U.S. based small money donations? Remember what it was like to have a candidate that you actually trusted?

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Latimer pulled in the endorsement of former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Holy shit just fuck off to obscurity you POS. Nobody wants to hear from you. All the power you've wielded and you've done NOTHING good with it. Americas marge thatcher

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When I started my first "real" job, where I got health insurance, it was an absolute nightmare trying to find a therapist through their network. I remember having to call them to figure out if they would cover visits to a specialist in trauma. Sat on hold for an hour and 45 minutes, just to get some random woman who would NOT give me any information until I told her "why" I needed to see a therapist.

After trying unsuccessfully to skip past the question, she kept asking, so I said fine, and trauma dumped all over her. I'll save you the details, but I could tell she was shaken once I finished. After all that bullshit, she still couldn't even tell me if the provider was covered or not, and instead sent me a 90 page non-searchable PDF listing a bunch of random therapists in random order located all over the state (which was negative help). I was so upset I just hung up on her.

Medicare for all. Health insurance is a scam that bankrupts Americans, puts barriers between you and care, and actively harms all of us collectively.

This is where Finland and Sweden excel. Because they have mandatory military service, everyone with a gun has been trained in all aspects of it's use/care. Finland is one of the top 10 countries with the most firearms per civilian, and yet their rate of firearm deaths is minuscule in comparison to the U.S..

At this rate though, I don't see how any meaningful gun regulation can be passed. The nra stopped universal background checks from being passed after Sandy Hook. I lost faith in republicans since then. They're bad faith actors, that when faced with the prisoners dilemma, choose suicide.

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Pride is for people who were routinely ostracized, beaten, disowned, and murdered because they were different in a way they couldn't change.

Being overweight is something you can change.

Being fat has always been accepted. It's just not celebrated, because it's not healthy, indicates that you don't take care of your body, and/or you don't have control over your eating habits. There are rare circumstances when weight is influenced by a medical condition, but generally it's people eating too much and not moving enough. Being fat is looked down on the same way as being un-showered, wearing dirty torn clothes, or smelling bad. It's not the person, but the way this person presents themselves, and it can be changed. It's like if a guy wears offensive slogan t-shirts every day, and gets upset when people aren't especially nice to him. It's your own doing, my guy.

Were you kicked out of your family because you're fat? Were you fired from your job because you were fat? Were you denied healthcare because you were fat? When was the last time someone targeted fat people for a mass shooting?

Fat acceptance is just an attempt at finding victim hood within habitual self-flagellation.

But also, I've never fat shamed anyone, I've never picked on someone because of their weight, or "judged" them. People who do that are assholes. I'm just upset that pride is being routinely co-opted by other movements like furries, fat acceptance, and all this other nonsense that, again, nobody was ever actually hurt over. I'm sorry you feel judged at the beach, but gay people are routinely murdered because they're gay and pride is a protest.

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That summer, I went to witness the protests in Raleigh, NC. The most intense of it was limited to a group of 7-12 people yelling at a group of police holding a line in a street outside the courthouse. Someone threw a firework at them, and then the tear gas came out, with police shooting rubber bullets at us. My friend and I were off to the side, not doing anything but watching, he got hit by a rubber bullet on his collar bone. Broke the skin, leaving a baseball size bloody petechiae welt. Regulations say that they're supposed to fire those bullets at peoples legs. But of course, police are given 3 months of training tops, so they just fire them wherever.

On a side note, whole milk is the best thing to use to wash tear gas off your face. Also hold your breath if you have to walk through it's smoke, getting that shit in your nostrils, throat, or lungs feels like inhaling fire.

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Yeah but no. I've been tear gased, and water does nothing but make it worse. The capsacin is dissolved in an oil, and using water will only spread it over your body (and that shit hurts a lot everywhere it touches). Use milk, it will provide instant pain relief. The threat of bacteria in pasteurized milk is the same as in water, and odds are, after dumping milk all over, you're probably going to wash yourself off afterwards.

if you're gased, don't waste time following this bad advice. Take it from someone who's actually had been gassed, only milk works. Don't try water.

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do you defeat terrorism by terrorizing an entire group of people into becoming terrorists themselves? Is that how you defeat terrorism? you fucking clown?

For all the effort you've put into trying to convince people that water is the answer, it's reasonable at this point to ask you to try it yourself. Get yourself some pepper spray from the store, and then spray your skin. Try to wash it off with water. Wait until you're in sufficient pain and the water clearly didn't do anything, then try milk, and feel your pain evaporate. You can do this experiment in less than an hour. Report back when you're finished, or you can delete all this misinformation. Whichever.

Friday marked 5 years of sobriety from alcohol for me, which was nice. Then on Saturday I went to my city's pride parade. I asked a friend to come with me, and another friend if they wanted to play a round of disc golf afterwards, but both cancelled. This usually means I wallow in self-pity, but instead I got geared up in my gayest outfit, and enjoyed the festival anyway! it was like 100 degrees, but I was proud to see so many happy people having a great time in one of the most welcoming, accepting environments ever.

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oh look it's one of the three conservative jokes.

Should probly identify as an attack helicopter that hates his wife, make this comment the trifecta of dumbfuck.

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yeah, I get that.

But here's the thing.

Everyone feels judged at the beach.

You're in a state of undress, in public. Bright sun illuminating everything, where the main activity is sitting and staring.

If you're fat you feel judged for your belly.

If you're a woman you feel judged for your attire.

If you're a man you feel judged for your lack of muscles.

If you're a teen you feel judged (I'm pretty sure this is just a permanent state of feeling judged between ages 13-23).

If you're alone you feel judged for being alone.

Everyone feels judged at the beach.

But that's OK because who cares what they think anyway? fuck'em, enjoy the feeling of sand between your toes. See how far you can punt that child. Collect a seashell.

congrats, you identify as the only thing dumber than a conservative

Getting real sick of all these different foreign governments abusing shitty campaign finance laws to fleece Americans out of tax money while shielding themselves from the consequences of their own actions. Everyone standing in the way of campaign finance reform is explicitly on the take, it's never been more obvious.

Anyone else also hesitant to comment on stories like this because you just know some zionist POS is gonna pop up out of the woodwork to say some dumb shit about hamas?

I was a small business owner in this same situation. I got a contract, I got partial payment up front, then they reneged upon my finishing the job and asking for the rest of the payment. They said they'd pay me 10% of what they owe, AND demanded additional services for free. I took my contract to a bunch of lawyers, all who said the same thing "They're too rich to sue. They will delay, stall, and after years, even if you won, they still probably won't pay." What they owed me, they bragged about paying every time they flew their private jet. They could easily have paid, but instead they decided to destroy me and my company.

This isn't something the small business owner can protect against. To the rich, none of us or our laws matter.

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I would hope that being found guilty of treason would revoke any duty to protect them by the secret service...

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why the fuck is a schoolboard voting "along party lines." I know it's been this way for a while, but it doesn't make it any less stupid that your godamn political party decides your EVERY attitude in life.

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Christmas eve at a pub, random bloke comes in and starts shooting at people. Pub goers react to stop the assault, gunman is killed of injuries sustained in the beating from the crowd.

Man, if someones shooting into a crowd of people, using deadly force to stop them does not sound like whatever vigilante justice narrative these prosecutors are trying for. Sounds more like what the world needs, a healthy dose of FAFO.

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Irresponsible and reckless republican passes terrible, damaging law as political theater. Surprised that terrible, damaging law is terrible and damaging. Am I supposed to give him kudos for backpedaling now that checks notes THREE years have passed?

Article describes him as a "middle of the road" republican. No, sorry, those are all gone now. All you have left is an entire party devoted to a christian theocracy with what could reasonably pass as the anti-christ for its leader.

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Last year Governor Jim Pillen, whose family owns one of America’s largest pork companies, was widely criticized for calling a Chinese-born journalist at Flatwater Free Press a “communist” after she exposed serious water quality violations at his hog farms. Earlier this month, the Nebraska supreme court ruled that the state environmental agency could charge the same investigative news outlet tens of thousands of dollars for a public records request about nitrates.

Everywhere I look there's a huge problem affecting all of us, and a republican doing everything in their power to make it worse.

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He's been fighting this obvious injustice for 11 years. Where the court has put the burden on him to show that only getting alotted 4 hours of sleep every night (while getting woken up at the 2 hour mark for mandatory roll call) has caused him harm. Instead of taking literally every medical professionals opinion, who all say at least 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep is required for basic functioning, with any less causing serious health issues.

11 years, where the court has repeatedly dismissed, and been told to reconsider upwards of four different times. 11 years.

Serious question, does anyone still have faith in the justice system?

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Not just a Muslim nurse, a Palestinian nurse.

In a portion of her acceptance speech, she spoke about mothers who had lost babies during the war in Gaza, saying the award was "deeply personal" to her.

"It pains me to see the women from my country going through unimaginable losses themselves during the current genocide in Gaza," Jabr said in the video of her speech that she posted online.

The hospital's spokesperson in an email said Jabr had been warned in December, "following a previous incident, not to bring her views on this divisive and charged issue into the workplace.

She commented about the active genocide of her own people, and she was fired for it. Who is the coworker getting mad at someone discussing the genocide of their own people? Some zionist just couldn't take it, had to run off to upper mgmt? And who's the moron in charge who decided to fire their award winning nurse because she's sympathetic to the plight of her own people??

Love how they just casually mention that this abusive POS ex-husband still has parental rights. He beat her until she cried out for her son to call the police (imagine how desperate you must be, as a black American, to reach out to the police to help), when the cops showed up, the husband was gone, but the cop still came in guns drawn on her and her family. When her child (the one who was so brave by calling for help for his mother) followed the cops orders to come out, hands up, the cop shot him in the chest. Cop didn't get fired, he still works there. But now this poor woman, whose only mistake was to love the wrong man and trust the police to help, is being dragged through the mud, having her children held hostage, because she "let" herself be the victim of domestic abuse. That's seriously their claim.

On the same day that this woman was beaten bloody by her ex partner outside her home, the police shot her child. Now the same state that did nothing about this domestic abuse, that failed to hold the cop who shot a child accountable, is saying they don't trust her with children.

You just can't make this shit up, man.

Wow. The video of the Greek official, denying everything during the official interview (whilst seeing video of a migrant woman and her child, forced onto a boat by armed men, who were then left in a dinghy to float towards Turkey), then caught with a hot mic during the break, talking to a colleague, saying:

"I haven't told them much, right? It's very clear, isn't it. It's not nuclear physics. I don't know why they did it in broad daylight… It's… obviously illegal. It's an international crime."

This migrant crisis will only get worse.

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my mother. asked her to stop bringing up my rapist in conversation with me. she said "ya know other people have problems too." Then she went and had holiday lunch at his house. that was before I was set to drive there for christmas, so instead I stayed home and did nothing. Turns out christmas is just a regular day.

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Dang, so they just swept all of this shit under the rug in return for him being dismissed from the police "quietly?" Dude threatened to rape, and kill the chief of police wife, and kids, before killing the chief himself. Abused his authority to engage in an inappropriate relationship with a 15 year old girl, all while his fellow officers actively feared for their lives due to his anger.

Their response? "Well we don't want him going psycho and killing us, so in exchange for him quietly exiting the police force, we're just not gonna hold him accountable for literally anything. Feel free to go off into the night, you violent, angry, pedophilic monster! Good luck everybody else!"

Then they elected him state rep! TWICE!

And not one single cop came forward to talk about this shit while he was seeking election.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes, but dang man. ACAB.

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I grew up in Ohio.

Don't live in Ohio.

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Weird, but I read this article and before it said specifically that he died from a gunshot wound. Looks like it's been updated (or redacted) to leave that bit out. Originally it said he died from a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head.

So Boeing executives murdered a whistleblower. huh.

Being in Quality Control myself, I've always felt pressure from higher ups around some of our bigger findings. Cool to know if I ever find something too big they'll just straight up murder me.

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“When we advise clients about having children, we honestly don’t even give them the full real details and the real numbers,” said Shannon McLay, founder of The Financial Gym. “It’s one of those things if you see the math of it all, it might make you decide to not have children.”

what a whole generation of pulling the ladder up behind you will do to a society. Party of family values doing everything they possibly can to destroy familes.

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in other news my ultra conservative parents installed solar panels on their house, and for over a month now, they've been generating more electricity than they can use, feeding back into the system their surplus. when real world results are such, we can start using these incidents as examples of why it's not only the morally correct thing to do (combat climate change and save our species), but also the economically savvy thing to do.

who knows what will be the final straw that breaks their stubbornness.

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It looks increasingly unlikely that this case will be tried before the election. And if Trump wins that election, the case will likely never be tried at all.

C'mon timeline, don't be the darkest...

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yup, I'm willing to bet all of the money that if he were told "no" by a man, he would've slinked away. Instead, he was told "no" by a woman, and this is how he reacts. By putting his hands on her, and then bull rushing her with plenty of "no you" energy. He's a misogynistic POS, so, republican.