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Joined 1 years ago

This gets made back by September.

95% of people who use reddit use the official app or website, and don't notice a single thing except the occasional stray John Oliver meme.

Not enough hobby communities left.

18 more...

Honestly, this is "danger to the people" territory. He needs to be deposed.

Honestly, this kind of thing should be done automatically by whatever app they sign up with. It's not something that the average person will really know how to choose.

Because it's not only number of users, it's also number of connections to other servers, how many federate with it. Most people don't wanna use a social network where they have to type exactly what they want in to search it every time. Never mind the different policies about posting and de-federation that can completely change how the network works for each user.

It's the disadvantage of decentralizion, and we've gotta band-aid it somehow.

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Ah, yes, I was waiting for the Taliban to tell me which one of these two online clusterfucks to start using.

I'm surprised they even care about Twitter, wouldn't they want to be underground?

You can use the Web Archive, if those posts are saved, you'll see it without ever touching a reddit server. You can't comment or give awards or anything, but you're not locked out completely.

Or you can use a 3rd party app. The team behind Youtube Revanced have patched most of the major (Android) ones to still function afterwards. https://web.archive.org/web/20230705025421/https://www.reddit.com/r/AfterVanced/comments/14m3wgo/reddit_apps_for_which_patches_andor_patched/

Most lurkers view the Twitter/TikTok reposts Reddit is full of, which have not slowed down, or the ""advice"" subreddits, which have not slowed down either.

The content that people like us like, some of it has moved away, but the people who are willing to chase that content are a very small minority.

And I disagree with it too. And it's not because of how good the models are in technical terms, the corporate juggernauts are only just ahead of OSS on that front... it's server space and the money to acquire it that is the moat.

An average internet user will not install the Vicunas and the Pygmalions and the LLaMAs of the LLM space. Why?

For one, the field is too complicated to get into, but, more importantly, a lot of people can't.

Even the lowest complexity models require a PC + graphics card with a fairly beefy amount of VRAM (6GB at bare minimum), and the ones that can go toe-to-toe with ChatGPT are barely runnable on even the most monstrous of cards. No one is gonna shell out 1500 bucks for the 4090 just so they can run Vicuna-30B.

They are gonna use online, free-to-use, no BS, no technical jargon LLM services. All the major companies know that.

ChatGPT and services like it have made the expectation: "just type it in, get amazing response in seconds, no matter where".

OSS can't beat that, at least not right now. And until it can, the 99% will be in Silicon Valley's jaws.

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To be frank, I think this is a good thing. Maybe working conditions will improve. Leftists always say with businesses that pay shit wages "If raising your employee pay to a living wage would kill your business, it didn't deserve to exist in the first place."

That should apply to everyone.

Keeping this system of exploitation (which is what hiring undocumented immigrants is) is an affront to humanity. It's sad that this is even tolerated. I mean, DeSantis is a hack who hates freedom and should not become president, but this is one of his few moves I (mostly) agree with.

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Yep, especially for young people in the United States.

People have become so attached to "one place only for everything" that something as simple as blue/green bubbles (and associated service differences) will be enough to isolate.

The messiah of maximal convenience makes differentiation harder and harder for everyone.

(And for everyone who says "Everyone here just uses Telegram/Whatsapp/QQ/Line, not a problem over here!", guess what, you're still probably gonna be exclusionary to other services just like the blue/green folks. It just doesn't happen to affect you.)

Because an ad or a subscription is more obvious.

Algorithms are harder to prove and don't interrupt the flow of content, thus less people get pissed, which means less people leave, and they can charge higher rates to advertisers.

I hope to god you are right. What will truly be a revolution is if somehow these models can be transitioned to CPU-bound rather than GPU without completely tanking performance. Then we can start talking about running it on phones and laptops.

But I don't know how much more you can squeeze out of the LLM stone. I'm surprised that we got what was essentially a brute-forcing of concepts, with massive catalogs of data, rather than one more hand-crafted/built from scratch. Maybe there is another way to go about? God I hope so, so OSS can use it before the big guys convince governments to drop the hammer.

Doubtful, to be honest.

Most who have used 3rd Party apps have already migrated or found some other solution. Those who don't care are still using the official app, and, to be frank, despite what everyone says, the quality content hasn't decreased by that much.

It's still half Twitter and TikTok reposts, and one-fourth 'advice subs' (creative writing), like it's been for several years before this debacle.

Hell, maybe this is a good thing in some ways, where that kind of content can hopefully fall by the wayside over here, instead of choking communities out like it does in Reddit. (I have over 50 popular subreddits on Boost filtered out to avoid this stuff, and it's still not enough to get rid of all of it)

Definitely. Hell, maybe if food started to rot on the vine, we'd get a WWII-style sense of community back. Americans were (mostly) Americans first, political camps second when it was wartime. And saving our nation from (supposed) starvation I think would bring lots and lots together. Something this country damn well needs with how isolated we are as people.