
1 Post – 102 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

You are the real hero

If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.

—David Frum

Is there kissing?

…For Kids Who Can’t Read Good

You’d be fine. Keep in mind that within Texas and California there are pockets of very different cultures: Austin TX and Corpus Christi TX are not going to feel very similar despite both being “Texas”

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Thanks to Duolingo I can enjoy this meme! Muchas gracias!

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What are LBRY and Odysee?

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People choose $80k cars on 5-7 year notes because “they can afford the payment” thinking that means they can afford the car.

Me last week when my pi-hole was down

I love T2 so I’m simply upvoting your passion for T1.

Yea I like this guy.

I’m not even supposed to be in jail today!

I was thinking the same, but it would be trivial for software to realize that “fnj xlg” maps to “the dog” with Colemak or Dvorak.

New phone, who’s this?

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Planescape: Torment is an old PC RPG similar to Baldur’s Gate 1&2. Your character recovers from death in the morgue (which is where the game starts) and occasionally it will trigger memories in your character, who has amnesia of sorts.

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Animals that resist shearing = viscous animals

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Glad you got out!

I wasn’t aware of other guitarists hating on him. He did a show not that long ago where he jammed with The Edge and (I think) Jimmy Page and they all seemed to get along just fine.

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I clogged the toilet and it overflowed at an apartment I was sharing during a college internship. I panicked and yelled for my roommate. My roommate took care of it by toweling it all up, mopping, and such; I watched him do it all, horrified.

Afterwards I realized what a shitty thing it was for me to a) not clean it up myself and b) not even help. I grew up a lot that day.

Not surprising but: metric units, and they are the units of the finished product not some arbitrary historical size lumber used to be

No, the moment that draw(9) is called, draw(10) goes on pause while draw(9) runs, which pauses when it calls draw(8) … which repeats (or recurses) until draw(0) gets called. Then it returns which returns to draw(1). The draw(1) un-pauses and does the #\n bit and returns to draw(2), which un-pauses and does ##\n and so forth until draw(10) does ##########\n

If you got one with a decent CPU it’s also quite the little workhorse of a home server via its apps and Docker.

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Show up in court? Believe it or not, also jail.

Microfinance is not the same thing as the gig economy.

Happy Birthday!!

ETA: …you know, whenever it may be

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Man, System Shock 2 was so good


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Not enough Ranch or BBQ sauce

Hopefully he is having a cheeseburger in paradise now

Well now it’s stuck in my head

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When will fediverse allow more than one upvote!? Until then, I can only give you this one

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Look into Trash Guides to get set up. You will probably have to start over. It’s okay, I think I’m on my 3rd iteration of folders and such.

Navi from one of the Zelda games. “Hey!”

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Fifteen years ago when I was looking, I took vacation or sick days off in order to focus on the search. For in-person interviews, I would take “doctor’s appointment” for the morning or afternoon as that office was pretty lenient on that excuse.

Yes, it is tiring and time-consuming; some things have to get sacrificed - I just chose to sacrifice the tasks at my current job.

As for transferring within the same company, if you are a good employee then “the company” is usually happy to have you stay internal even if it disappoints your current team. There is a much lower cost of an internal hire than external, and since you are still an employee your old team can still reach out for support if needed. In other words: talk to HR and see what their policies are. Your new boss will most surely talk to your current boss so it’s not going to be a secret.

This smells like someone who considers himself an “intellectual” and is sick of people disagreeing with him.

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If I’m understanding this correctly, this (plus some other stuff I probably don’t have setup, like traefik) would publish to a local-DNS-like entity so that I could go to sonarr.local and jellyfin.local instead of my current way of memorizing/ bookmarking all the various addresses in the form of server_ip:port# ?

It’s actually fairly evident they’ve convinced both halves of the middle/working class that the other half has it out for them.

Probably a good portion do it unintentionally, but the ROI would be really low: “hey Mr. Mechanic, you made a mistake and owe us $17”

as opposed to “hey Mr. Hedge Fund Mgr, you made a ‘mistake’ and owe us $17,000”

Pork chop sandwiches!

Haha we have a kitchen hammer and screwdriver! Our family found a similar drawer in a vacation home and laughed about it; then we got home and realized how often you just need one of those and it’s great to have one right there!

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