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Joined 1 years ago

The one exception to this is if you're using your homelab to learn kubernetes.

That was the only time I used K8s and k3s on my homelab.

And for anything that I do want to set up in a HA/cattle kind of way, I use Docker Swarm, as it feels like a more comfortable extension of docker compose.

I used a GL.iNet Opal to do exactly this while travelling.

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I am using OpenBoard with bitwarden, and while it doesn't offer the autofill in the autocomplete section it does work as a dropdown in the input field

I've found that my lemmy.world account can be followed by my mastodon.social account. I wonder if it is possible to log in to a mastodon client with it?

Things I have that I don't see on the list

  • Home Assistant
  • Frigate
  • Mosquitto
  • ESPHome
  • Gitea
  • SyncThing
  • Weavescope
  • Vaultwarden
  • Keyper
  • Kanboard
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Home assistant is a home automation hub that integrates with almost everything.

Mosquitto is an MQTT message queue.

Frigate is an NVR that works with many camera systems and offers AI detection

ESPHome is a platform for programming ESP32/ESP8266 based devices for home automation

Gitea is a self hosted alternive to GitHub and includes an action runner

SyncThing is a peer to peer sync tool that allows you to sync PC to PC, mobile to PC, and mobile to mobile.

WeaveScope is a tool for detecting and monitoring containers across multiple hosts

Vaultwarden is a rust-based alternative server for BitWarden

Keyper is a container that manages SSH key authentication in a great way

Kanboard is a kanban board

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Thanks for sharing. I've finally replaced Gboard. Now I have to adjust to the new key sizes, but at least I know my data is private

The play store says lawnchair isn't available because it was made for an older version of Android... The versions on F-Droid are 2 years old too ...

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And this is why language servers and formatters are so critical.

No, it's only high in comparison to your experience. Others may have way more.

I can't recommend Migadu enough. I'm on the $99/year plan and have dozens of domains and clients with their own domains too, it's easy to manage and does everything I need it to.

Ive been using it for a few months now, and its probably more than 95% compatible, and closing the gap quickly

It has been ages since I installed Windows 11. Does it require (as in, you can't continue without) an internet connection be enabled at an earlier stage in the installation process?

If not, then MS can patch all they want, if you have the installer on a USB drive already, they can't force you to update it and the installer won't fetch a patched OOBE installer with the internet disabled.

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Xcover, sure, but not the Tactical Edition, right? These phones have extra radio hardware to support connections to things like night vision googles etc.

That's the problem. Marketing got the final say...

I do, but it's for a semi-unique situation.

I have Homepage running for my Work VLAN, without all the personal hosted stuff, and I am even thinking of building extensions for Homepage to add buildkite and JIRA so it better suits my work dashboard needs.

After starting with X-Men characters and quickly running out I moved to Star Wars planets as there are a lot more of them

No one said a single DB. You can have multiple DBs in a single container, and then use something like databacker/mysql-backup container which solves the complexity of multiple db backups for mariaDB and MySQL

The alphas there are the same ~year old ones on F-Droid

since 1.19 Gitea supports CI/CD action runners that are compatible with github actions. I have one that generates a static site from the data I store in gitea and publishes it to netlify.

You are responding to a post on an Android community with recommendations for macOS and Linux mail clients, without any mention of an Android mail client.

Voice over LTE and WiFi calling.

x-frame-options is a HTTP header (an obsolete one, too - use Content-Security-Policy instead) - a frontend framework isn't able to set that. Back end frameworks can, and probably should - or at least give you the option to with a default enabled value.

While WordPress could be configured to set it, it probably shouldn't do it in the PHP - the installation guides should be telling you how to do it in Apache HTTPD or Nginx, with a fallback to doing it in PHP if changing the server config isn't available.

You can have a preference without being passionate or evangelical about the thing you prefer.

I feel an operating system is a really weird thing to be passionate about anyway. And judging others for their personal preference in OS says more about the person doing the judging if you ask me...

I find merit in each of the major operating systems I use: Windows 11, Mac OS 13, Ubuntu, Debian, Manjaro, Raspbian/Raspberry Pi OS, and Alpine Linux - and those are just the ones I run currently. In the past I used OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Solaris, HPUX, Slackware, SUSE, Fedora, Redhat, Windows 3.11/95/98Se/2000/XP/7/10, and Mac OS 9 through 12 (with the exception of Cheetah and Mavericks).

But to act like you're better than someone else, and make it clear you think less of them, because of your choice in operating system is telling. As mentioned else where ITT it's like the console vs PC master race crap you get in gaming communities - it says more about the insecurity of the person trying to elevate themselves than anything else.

You'd have a nickel and a handle of.pocket lint?

No - It might be able to, but I still have to activate it. And I won't be doing that.

I think it is still called PowerShell, but to differentiate the installation source, Microsoft seem to be referring to the cross-platform version you can download from GitHub or via WinGet as PowerShell Core and the version that ships with Windows as Windows PowerShell

You get that analogies exist right?

The original commenter used the term "DLC" to paint a pretty precise mental picture. And you got hung up on the semantics.

You realise DLC was originally referred to an expansion that was released a while after a game's initial release. But now game developers are pulling half the features from a game, with those features being put in a DLC instead.

So the original comment labeling the practice of a feature being pulled from the original product and put into a separate product is apt and valid.

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If you really need to use Windows

What if I want to use Windows for many reasons? I mean in cases where Linux could work, but it is a personal preference?

I get you're trying to help with your suggestion, but the way you started that comment isn't needed at all - it stinks of elitism.

You could have just said:

Another way to get Windows without all the bloat is to install it using a Windows long-term service channel release.

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