
2 Post – 136 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

I'd prefer to see downloads per country per capita.

This sounds like a cool idea because it is a novel approach, and it appeals to my general heuristic of the inevitability of technology and freedom. However, I don't think it's actually a good idea. People are entitled privacy, on this I hope we agree -- and I believe this is because of something more fundamental: people are entitled dignity. If you think we'll reach a point in this lifetime where it will be too commonplace to be a threat to someone's dignity, I just don't agree.

Not saying the solution is to ban the technology though.

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Reminder that poor Gary Bowser was jailed for a year and owes 30% of his income to Nintendo for the rest of his life. He uses a wheelchair and has two kids.

It would be morally wrong to pirate all future Nintendo titles and pay the cover price to Gary's gofundme. Please don't do that.

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Addictive? Factorio.

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Yes. They skipped right over. It confused many people at the time: a whole year of their lives, gone. Many centuries later when zero was invented, an explanation was finally offered as to why that happened.

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No, it's unreasonable to expect the servers to stay online forever. Instead, they should be required to hand the keys over to the community if they stop providing the online service.

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There is no evidence that it comes from Portuguese. It most likely comes from Korean. Wind-on-the-panes is bullshitting (convincingly!)

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This is not news. The headline is misleading. They took down an ad-bloated fork of an emulator which is still on the app store. Nobody should find this remarkable in any way except for the fact that Apple actually made the right call for once.

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That's amazing and I'm thrilled to hear that Abby found love.

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This article is severely misleading. AI is a buzzword -- but mostly for chatbots. Bots. You can prove this easily: observe that chatbots such as ChatGPT type much faster than a human possibly could.

Much of the training and validation of AI requires outsourcing. Companies which just mindlessly slap an LLM into their product somewhere aren't usually outsourcing.

Don't be misled. When your CEO brings up integrating AI into your product, s/he isn't secretly talking about outsourcing.

It may require intense passion and a manic episode to do something like that with one coder or a small team, which is hard to arrange bureaucratically.

All of these represent various social mores. I'd have no problem with my kids seeing content involving fantasy violence, but I respect that others might object. As a bisexual myself, I have less respect for those who object to their kids seeing homosexuality specifically, but I can tolerate their existence.

For fairness' sake, I wouldn't mind it if heterosexuality were on the list too.

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How is this different than labeling god good?

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It is very difficult to accept mortality if you don't believe in an afterlife. Religion brings comfort, and comfort improves mental health (at the cost of some delusion).

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Sure, but by randomly guessing code you'd get 0%. Getting 48% right is actually very impressive for an LLM compared to just a few years ago.

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Just a reminder for people casually browsing that unmarked spoilers are present here!

I wouldn't be surprised if police are jumpier/more trigger happy in the U.S. due to the increased prevalance of guns there. But I also wouldn't be surprised if it had no effect (anyone could have a gun, after all).

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Yeah, they could have applied a logarithm or something.

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But were they watching in real time?

Also, as the end of the eclipse approaches, keep one eye closed just in case.

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I loved the pilot (ep. 0?) but was disappointed by episode 1. The change in voice actors really threw me, and the writing wasn't as clever.

Now I have my eyes on The Amazing Digital Circus.

Oh they're very good controllers! The problem is that they took Nintendo's button names (ABXY) and transposed their positions. It's utter chaos, and very hard for me at least to remember that A is B and B is A.

Playstation, by contrast, came up with entirely new button symbols, so it's much less confusing that O -> A.

The APIs for gamepad interfacing are a total mess now, with some based on button names and some on position (south/east/west/north).

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just draw the accidental all squiggly.

Kinda boring. I don't think about it. We look after each other with love and spend probably too much time together because we enjoy each other's company. But it's not the incredible harlequin drama you might think.

you mean the MiGSwitch, a device for dumping and preserving switch ROMs? I would love to have one for personal backups, and it pairs well with yuzu. Team Xecuter is credibly presumed to be the developers, so that's likely Bowser's current hobby.

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I don't think he's saying to tip for a Blizzard game. He's not at Blizzard anymore (probably still has stock though).

I basically agree, I mean, I'd tip for a game I really like. Actually I do, indirectly. I buy other things from companies like FromSoft. I would go further than you and admit I agree with him despite the irony.

Make it 20. 10 is too obvious a slight to any onlooker. 20 still won't cover most mains post-covid after tax and tip (depends on your region and the restaurant of course).

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Article mentions the death of flash was a nail in Neopets' coffin, but they don't mention the open source Ruffle project which resuscitated Neopets' flash content.

Others in this thread will tell you it's only acceptable as an adjective or for animals. That's not true. Here are some non-adjective uses that most people wouldn't consider misogynistic on the surface:

  • A female changing room (noun adjunct)

  • Female-only spaces. (noun)

  • Sorry, this shelter is only for females. (noun)

  • This procedure is not recommended for females. (noun)

  • Only females are eligible for this award. (noun)

  • "Is the person you're going out with tonight a male or a female?" (noun, my mom said this)

  • "A male character has no stats difference compared to a female." (Probably an adjective but arguably not)

That said, "I am a single man looking for a female" is pretty gross usage. Also, please note that some of these examples may be transphobic in nature.

That's the joke

Sometimes a bullshitter is what you need. Ever looked at a multiple choice exam in a subject you know nothing about but feel like you could pass anyway just based on vibes? That's a kind of bullshitting, too. There are a lot of problems like that in my daily work between the interesting bits, and I'm happy that a bullshit engine is good enough to do most of that for me with my oversight. Saves a lot of time on the boring work.

It ain't a panacea. I wouldn't give a gun to a monkey and I wouldn't give chatgpt to a novice. But for me it's awesome.

It would be worse to treat trans women differently than other women.

Some people object to this usage of "you guys." Some people also object to "y'all." I know someone who dislikes "y'all" because it reminds them of confederacy and slavery.

If there is someone who expresses discomfort with certain words, it's usually best to avoid those words in their presence.

By the way, nobody can be expected to know whether or not a woman they are talking to is transgender. "You guys" should not be avoided for the sake of trans women if it isn't avoided for the sake of all women.

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It's context-dependent. "They" as gender-neutral was also considered context-dependent until recently.

  • "I met someone and they said..." would have been accepted generally
  • "I met a woman and they said..." is only recently acceptable.
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Yeah I mean it's just a more easy to use Photoshop basically.

I agree people need to understand better the privacy risks of social media.

When you put out photos of yourself on the internet you should expect anyone to find them and do whatever they want to them.

Expect, yeah I guess. Doesn't mean we should tolerate it. I expect murder to happen on a daily basis. People editing images of me on their own devices and keeping that to themself, that's their business. But if they edit photos of me and proliferate, I think it becomes my business. Fortunately, there are no photos of me on the internet.

Edit: I basically agree with you regarding text content. I'm not sure why I feel different about images of me. Maybe because it's a fingerprint. I don't mind so much people editing pictures I post that don't include my face. Hmm.

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From what I've researched online, the consensus among linguists is that it is not Portuguese in origin. I haven't found anyone opining this other than this tumblr user in fact. Anything is possible, but this seems completely ungrounded.

The only positional numbering system I use daily (base 10) has only one zero. What system are you talking about?

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Is any investment ever ethical?

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Now non-coders can finally wield the foot-gun once reserved only for coders! /s

Truth be told, computer engineering should really be something that one needs a licence to do commercially, just like regular engineering. In this modern era where software can be ruinous to someone's life just like shoddy engineering, why is it not like this already.

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More discussion on lemmy here, including how to enable gesture typing (I'm very impressed with the gesture typing)

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