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Joined 1 years ago

Low wage earners? Never in American history have they been ignored for longer

He's been president for three years.

Hes outlawed collective bargaining

To what is this even referring?
From here

the policy of the United States is to encourage worker organizing and collective bargaining and to promote equality of bargaining power between employers and employees

See also

If you're referring to the Railroad workers, see this comment by BrandoGil

put it into law that oil and gas must get more land than any renewable energy

Please post a source indicating any sort of mandate that oil and gas "must get more land".
From here

The Biden administration will resume federal oil and gas leasing in June with a large reduction in acres available for drilling and a historic royalty rate increase.


eliminated 80% of the federal acreage originally nominated for competitive leasing (473 of the 646 previously identified parcels) following environmental review.

1 more...
  1. As school children, we swore this oath. It describes loyalty to the flag and (more importantly) the nation and ideals that the flag represents.
  2. As a child, I would just be silent during the 'under god' part. No one noticed. If they had, there isn't really anything they could do about it.
  3. There have been lawsuits. Basically, you are not legally obligated to say it. There would be a lot of peer pressure to do so, because each of our school days would start with the whole class saying it.
  4. Again, it is controversial, but you are not technically forced to say it.

Here is a breakdown of what the pledge means:
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America"
I swear loyalty to the flag
"and to the Republic for which it stands,"
and to the government it represents
"one Nation under God,"
a country guided by the Lord!
"indivisible, with liberty and justice for all"
united, with freedom and justice for everyone*

*terms and conditions apply