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They could have prevented this by wearing hazmat suits to avoid being ionized in the first place.

What if the pattern is that if it starts with a vowel , it needs to be prefixed with a B and if not , replace first character with B ?

Why’d you leave the keys upon the table

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Inching closer to cyberpunk every day

Hello World

It grinds my gears that sony software locked the ability to backup saves locally on the PS5 making a PS plus subscription the only way to have a backup of save games. I don’t play multiplayer and don’t play the monthly free games either so I have to pay a premium for the rest of my life to get a basic functionality that was present in ps4 but got nerfed for some dubious reasons in ps5. The recent ps plus price hike was the last straw so I ditched my PS and got into PC gaming and loving it so far.

What would your language of choice have been? And why is java horrible for this scenario? it sounds like a reasonably good choice to me

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He smashed it in a fit of rage

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I am confused. I thought the OP was asking about pants, as in underpants and people are suggesting jeans. Is this just a misunderstanding or are there actually jeans underpants ?

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What does this mean for the spring framework? Doesn’t VMware maintain spring these days ? Or is it unrelated ?

Shawty got low low low low

What’s wrong with 9 though ? Didn’t iPhone also skip 9 ?

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I use it as a media remote for my computer via infrared. IR sensor sends analog data to an arduino which converts it to digital and sends it to a raspberry pi which then invokes commands to control media on my computer by invoking rest apis on a “unified remote” server running on the computer.

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In case you weren’t aware , you can disable internet in ps5 settings and launch the game and it won’t bother you. Had the same shit happen in AC Valhalla and it was so annoying turning internet off and on just to play this game. I would have been ok with this if at least the game worked the same after signing in but no … A whole class of online specific bugs started to show up ranging from stupid stutters to outright in game repeated popups whenever your player moves, it made the game unplayable so had to delete the whole game. I tried again later after a few months and the bug had been fixed so it was better but still had random stutters.

Does it have to be the same couch ? My couch is too small to fit two people

I am aware of the dialect difference.. was just wondering if there really is such a thing as underpants made of jeans material .. that sounds comfy to wear at home.

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Also worth mentioning that it's for mobiles, specifically android. At first glance I thought it was similar to playnite and got excited.

Edit : didn't mean to insinuate that it's not exciting as it is. Just wanted to point out that for people who are not looking for an android game launcher, this may not be useful.

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What if you’re attacked by a bear ? You’d be wishing you had gotten those security updates wouldn’t you

I am still confused about what OP is looking for. Even in typescript, if a new field is added and not used in other places, compilation will fail. Unless OP explicitly marks the field as optional.

There’s also the possibility that the codebase is littered with the “any” keyword (I’m not saying OP is doing it but I’ve definitely seen plenty of codebases that do this). If someone says they’re using typescript but their code is full of “any” keywords, they’re not using typescript. They’re just using plain JavaScript at that point.

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I remember reading a post here about steam looking to make steamOS available for other handhelds. I think it would make sense for them to get other handhelds to use steamOS , as that may drive up steam usage and sales.

It still doesn’t make sense. Obviously your whole explanation hinges very heavily on what exactly you mean when you say “not used/handled” . Depending on your specific use case this could mean anything. As with any code related question, there’s only so much that people who haven’t seen your code can do to help. I think the easiest way to avoid this confusion is to just show some code so we are all on the same page about what the issue is.

1 Tbps ???? Or did you mean to say 1 Gbps / 1000 Mbps ?

You guys should team up

It actually turned out to be easier than I thought.

The infrared reader (arduino code) is based on


The code running on my raspberry pi was written in Java using spring boot which is probably overkill but I am more comfortable with java than python so I used


to read data from the pi’s usb port and just sent instructions to the unified remote server which does most of the heavy lifting. I used


as a reference along with some verbose logging on the unified remote server to see what codes needed to be sent over the rest api.

Happy to help you along if you want to give this a go :)

Just curious, what about go or rust makes them the logical next choice and not java? What do go or rust do better that java doesn't?

On thinking about this a bit more, I feel like you may be expecting the system to handle situations where your business requirement needs the new field to be used now, but used to work without this field before. Based on the example you provided, I am imagining something like a getTasksForUser functionality which previously might have just been filtering on userId but if the business now says that this functionality should now return tasks sorted by priority, you expect the system to somehow know the business requirement and force the developer to use this new priority field ?

If that’s what you’re hoping for, the problem is harder to solve although not impossible. Assuming the example as above , you could maybe just inject the priority field at the data access layer . Another way would be to make the modified entity private and expose a facade with helper functions that are exposed. Now when code that previously used to rely on the entity inevitably breaks , you can replace those usages with usage specific functions exposed from the facade and since the entity is now accessible only from the facade, you can easily update all usages within the facade and make sure no one can miss passing the priority field since the entity is private to the facade and all functions in the facade are known to use the new field.

Please don’t crucify me but is there a way to do this on windows ? I just have a handheld gaming console that came with windows and it’s setup just the way I want but would be nice if I can also connect to Bluetooth using command line so that I can map it to playnite and have it automatically connect to my headphones when launching a game. I did a lot of research and tried some stuff like “Bluetooth command line tools” which worked a bit but somehow caused a lot of instability and caused crashes so had to stop using it.

No not at all actually. Playnite does everything I want it to, but was just excited at the prospect of trying out a potential alternative to see if it looks better. The default theme of playnite looks a bit bland and I've tried quite a few themes but just couldn't settle on one.

I have been looking for some client tool to interact with Bluetooth on windows. After a lot of searching, I came up empty so I bit the bullet and decided to code one myself and managed to create a small command line utility using C# .Net and it was surprisingly easy. It would have been so awesome if something like bluetuith had existed for windows so I’d be happy to contribute. I should point out though that I have not written any windows based app/tool ever and this was the first one so I would definitely have some learning and research to do. I mainly use a Mac for work and personal stuff so I can contribute for the Mac portion of it as well if required. As to the implementation itself, would it be viable to use something like rust which already has cross platform support so that the server component can just be a single codebase instead of platform specific?

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I just mentioned rust as that was the first thing that came to my mind. I’ve not worked with it either. I am ok to take whatever direction you think is appropriate for the product. I just want to contribute to the tool since I was also looking for something like this in the past and I can see this tool being useful for me for my own personal projects. I can definitely help with the macos part if that’s what you need help in. Please feel free to DM me.


Rocky road …. Take me home …

Can someone eli5 to me why it’s hard to track down these dipshits ? Even if it’s a distributed attack, picking a single IP and doing a lookup for the domain name and checking with the registrar might actually reveal their identity right ? Of course I’m guessing law enforcement needs to be involved to force registrars to give up that info if it’s not publicly available? Are there laws that say a ddos is illegal ?

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