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I once taught private lessons in math on calculating the area of a circle and I wanted to show the students how much cheaper per area a larger pizza is. So we of course got the diameters of pizzas from their favorite restaurant and started calculating. Then we found out that the normal sized pizza was actually the cheapest per area. It wasn‘t quite what we expected, but a very good math lesson for the attendees nonetheless: The owner lost money, because they were bad at maths.

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Buy a framework laptop instead!

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Thanks for creating Lemmy! I like it a lot :) Do you have any ideas/plans on a privacy and user focused algorithmic view? If Lemmy wants to be big, I think we need something like this.

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  • Use sqlite instead of Postgres, MariaDB
  • Avoid enterprise software (Kubernetes, Elastic Search)
  • Only use projects with efficient programming languages such as Go, Rust, etc.
  • Try to run things bare metal
  • Lookout for projects which name themself minimal or light-weight

I use a Raspberry Pi 2 to self host a Dashboard written in Rust (Axum), a RSS reader called yarr and a music streaming server Navidrome. The latter two are written in Go and very resource efficient. The electricity bill should be under a Euro a month (6.4W max power consumption).

The project controlled by only one entity can affect users in the future. Moving forward Hashicorp could do anything with the code or licensing and nobody could do anything about it. It is good that something is happening now, when there is still the chance to do it.

It is very normalized in the south of Germany, but generally Germany is very pro homeopathy so so it is even subsided by the public health care system.

Are you just starting out? I got started with home labbing with a Raspberry Pi 2B (1GB RAM!) and an external HDD I had lying around. I host Yarr, Navidrome, backups and a dashboard app Ive written on there and I am quite satisfied. I would really recommend starting small with hardware you already have and then buy new hardware as you go along. I am also using Tailscale. With this you can get your initial setup up and running in a day and save money if it turns out home labbing isnt for you or you dont really need the hardware.

Get a Steam Deck and use any Controller you want ;) (including the corresponding controller glyphs for many games)

Very interesting! Could you provide some summary of what the trends are or may be visualize the results? I am new to this kind of data

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Well thats what backups are for, but may be start with a mirror or with unimportant stuff for at least a year ;) Also proprietary service can delete your data, too. This happens especially when you are using the generous free tier and they decide to make more money. See Evernote, Gitlab, Heroku…

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Valve, by a far stretch. Also they support their games for a long time. Sadly they don’t make as much games as they could, because of the money printing machine that is Steam.

In the Veritasium video about IQ they said that the American military actually has limits on how many people with below average IQ they can recruit. They found out that those people had a higher chance of dieing and needed way more training, so less people with higher IQ were better for the military success.

A screenshot from Mastdon, yay!

In my opinion federation is the better peer to peer / decentralized service. Power is not centralized, but everything can be run as efficiently as a centralized service.

The problem is: The larger the usage of RHEL inside a company the more likely they do not need the support anymore, because they can have your own department do it instead. So those companies don't pay for bug fixes or general Linux development, which is a problem. If you want a healthy Linux ecosystem large companies need to pay the maintainers! I don't care if they do it through Redhat or directly.

Does one say power instead of energy in colloquial English? I am not a native speaker, but in German many people do it, but because they confuse both. (I know that it is technically work, but that's definitely out of scope for public communication)

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If you into city building and realtime strategy Widelands might be of interest for you. It is an open source game inspired by the Settlers II, but with much more depth and with online play. It is really freaking cool and you can play it for over 6h. It is installable via Discover on the desktop.


I act natural around my friends and they pay me, so I dont know what the big issue is 🤷🏼‍♂️

Definitely Widelands! It captures the heart of settlers 2 while also extending it in ways that were really needed to make it even more enjoyable. Also with the right controller layout it plays very ergonomically. (Use a trigger to switch to map scrolling via the touchpads)

Free software is not about free of charge, but about freedom. If you publish open source software under a license which allows commercial use or selling the software, you have given consent. If you don‘t like that, change the license. (Users will still be able to use the software for free if they choose to compile it themself, because the source code is available.

Redhat does exactly what you are describing: Packageing open source software into a paid Linux distribution and I would say they had an immense net positive effect on Linux doing this. I believe that this the point. Don‘t be an asshole. If you partly profit of someone else open source software, give them money, bug reports, bug fixes, recognition, etc. Be part of the community.

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There is plant-it written in Java and HortusFox written in PHP. Both using MySQL. Is there anything available which is written in Go or Rust and uses SQLite?

Yes, in the sense that you are responsible to update the Docker container and often this can lead to vulnerable containers. No, in the sense that it is much easier to scan for dependencies inside a Docker container and identify vulnerabilities. Also most containers are based on Linux distribution, so those distribute the security fixes for specific libraries. All you have to is update the base image.

Do you mean 1.5kW of power or 1.5kWh of energy? The first is the continues stream of electrical energy, the latter is the sum (integral) of all electrical power (electricity bill).

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In Berlin there is a hybrid firetruck currently in use and the firefighter are really happy with it, only using the battery for about 90% of operations. Here is an English article about it (German ones are much more in depth):


It is not mentioned in that article, but the firefighters really like the silence of the firetrucks. They didn’t need to yell as much and could therefore communicate much more efficiently.

Cool service! Is the code open source?

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What do you use tailscale on the Steam Deck for?

There actually is! It is still on my list to actually try it out, but it claims to do exactly what you want: https://fileparty.co

Tell me about your experience, once you have used it :)

Unfortunately it is not FOSS, but I believe peer-to-peer (hard to know for sure without the source)

Edge does this very aggressively and I hate it… Also I believe that Chromium based browsers use more memory per tab, so that might be the reason why it feels more aggressive. Firefox does this very rarely.

I chose Navidrome, with which you can stream music from your hard drive. It has very easy setup and it feels just great to stream your own music. I use Tailscale to connect the server to my phone and Ampery as an iOS app.

I bought Mirrors Edge: Catalyst. I really liked the original and doing a few runs from time to time is really nice


I‘ve recently started using Tailscale for my home setup and I really can‘t recommend it enough. In my opinion it takes a lot of the dangers regarding IT security out of self hosting. Depending on who you ask it is not true self hosting, but I couldn’t care less :)

With Tailscale you can create a VPN for your devices including your phone and even expose services to the outside world with SSL already setup (havent tried that out, yet)

They have guides/tutorials for a lot of stuff (web server, Minecraft).

Not quite, it‘s only restricting competitors and so all companies and home labbers can still use it for free and contribute as in free speech.

However this can bring a lot more financial sustainability to a project. I don‘t know the specifics, but the main problem is that companies make profit of the software, but don’t invest enough money back into the product. This cannot be good for users. Open source must be financially stable.

Also right now all those competitors (and users) can create a fork and maintain it. So it is up to the community what will happen to the project.

Dependency-free doesnt mean they dont have dependencies. Its just that they bundle them all in the executable. When there is a security vulnerability in a library on your Linux system the vendor of your distribution (Canonical, Redhat, SUSE) takes care that it is fixed. All dependent software and libraries are then fixed as well. All I say? Not the ones which have been bundled in the executable. First they need to find out that you are affected and then the maintainer has to update the dependency manually. Often they can only do this after there has been a coordinated release of the fix by the major distributors, which can leave you vulnerable no matter how fast the maintainer is. This is the way it is in Windows. (This was a short summary)

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It is also very resource efficient. I am running it on a Raspberry Pi 2 and it works flawlessly.