
1 Post – 19 Comments
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I know that this probably won't work as stubbornly idiotic as Huffman seems to be doubling down but god isn't that amazing.

What's fascinating is the sudden increase of people whining about this. If this kind of stuff bothers them imagine how bad it is when these moderators leave completely? I know a subreddit based on interesting things have completely lowered their standards as a protest and it shows.

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Thanks for sharing this article, honestly this kinda stuff been such a quickly growing problem that its hard to even tackle. I remember people involved in fandom TRYING to get folks to listen but because its fandom it was mostly more of a punchline.

What especially sucks is how puritanism has infested leftist spaces, in which its common to hear "porn-addict" as a common perjogative.

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authors do get money from libraries that buy the books. and in some places they even get money depending on how much its checked out.

man its real interesting to see vintage stuff like this

Yep! Its technically reopening and it makes the spez simps mad. Honestly reddit deserves the worst.

this is unfortunate to say the least. Its hard to decide if Republicans have been cartoon villains all along or if they just began to be more honest. Sad thing is will it even stop folks from voting for them? lmao

I'm sure a lot of folks came in saying that its better than centralization and I do agree with it. Centralization is simply easier to consume a lot of content mindlessly but I don't think thats how the fediverse works nor is it how it should be.

(Also sorry for using the terms incorrectly I'm not really a tech person. Also obligatory these are just my thoughts)

Centralization means that people usually get buried. Bigger instances are also harder and more expensive to host (from what ive heard). Perhaps we'll see the same issue when a certain instsnce gets bigger and more dominant, but the nice thing about different communities is if we dont like one we can move to another. And the cool thing about federation (ideally) is that we aren't completely disconnected from the fediverse if we decide to move instances.

While if its like with twitter, discord, reddit if we dislike a main rule or aspect we would be stuck with it because of the network affect. Even reddit has many different subreddits for the same topic because people have issues with how a subreddit is ran. For example r/childfree spawned r/truechildfree because people disliked how it became a child bashing forum.

But I do see how the fediverse can be seen as being too spread thin at times. But I hope that with welcoming communities it can seem more alive because people are more likely to participate. Its what will need to happen with a smaller community.

Yeah, it really sucks how toxic fandom became. Nowadays its TOO normal to see harassment for people having even the wrong headcanons. Ship wars used to be ultimately a light hearted joke but now its tied to your morality.

fossa was a disaster in so many ways. it made it harder to STOP human trafficking because it all went underground. https://newrepublic.com/article/162823/sex-trafficking-sex-work-sesta-fosta

the centralization of people also was a more recent thing. I remember specialized smaller forums and websites used to be more popular when I was younger. hell even earlier with GeoCities people had their homepage and blogs.

and even with discord and twitter people had their own small groups that may seem "redundant".

what a cool article and website

I subbed to that subreddit specifically to see people whine before lol. I'd say it feels astroterfed but that would be giving them too much credit

I had the impression that the community was more or less conservative in the garden variety but I'm welcoming being wrong

ahaha yeah it's unfortunate that people on twitter and tumblr and tiktok just lose their minds when it comes to kink in media. really, get me out of here. Murder violence and gore in stories is perfectly healthy and people won't immediately go and kill people but if you show a couple with an age gap its all of a sudden a moral imperative to stop any depiction immediately.

i do feel like the joker sometimes

oddly enough I prefer the new ui over to the old ui. Feels snappier

(Probably because I'm on mobile though?)

yeah but threads has advertising and corporate money backing it up checkmate library

for real though my greatest fear is that threads devouring the fediverse regardless of how much of a dumpster fire it is

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yeah! You're right 😭🙂! and I'm so happy to see it.

donations are important too! id like to donate more when I can eventually when I am more stable (in the most general term). one day

Thanks for showing us that app, I was thinking about getting back into podcasts one of these days and it looks really nice

I zeroed on that too. Ive never thought or seen the very word "minorities" as a political dog whistle but I guess thats just sign of the times

(For real it does suck to be seen as political just for being)

yeah thats what I plan on doing! I hope you're right and I'm just being paranoid. thankfully a lot of other instances are defederating from threads too... hopefully it'll be enough at least to keep a small part of the community safe

optimistically, the fact that zuck is even trying to take over the fediverse means he sees it as a threat. we've been already doing well enough without their "help" and it scares him

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