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Joined 3 weeks ago

I've got a project coming hopefully this fall. You probably just saved me hours next summer.

If it's after they're elected then it'll run down the line of succession: VP, Speaker of the House, president pro tempore of the Senate, then the cabinet.

If it's before they're elected, I'm no expert but I believe the Democratic and Republican parties are private organizations that can do whatever the fuck they want, even fail to abide by the results of their own primaries.

We've seen this before with Reagan. We took the military industrial complex to the next level. If history repeats with banks deregulated as they are now... It won't matter one fucking bit, really. It's not very important whom they choose to front their cons. No President can save us, or would want to. Our oppressor is not our savior.

Your perspectives suck and no one's told you. This was maybe a time when you should've only asked a good question.

That's not a judgement of you as a person.

Handjob McVape chose a ridiculously gerrymandered district. This is middle class wage slaves, rural property owners, and the employees of rural property owners (incl. oil workers on rented rights).

Pot smokers worldwide lean hard left or are unengaged with their political and activist proceses.

It's not COVID making people stupid. They're just stupid, always have been, and don't know it. Humans have been choosing kings to conveniently let another reason and choose for them since the beginning of humanity. They're not changing. You are.

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Thank you for pointing out that I'm being an idiot in such a kind manner. I apologize. I also learned more about mpox.

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You keep repeating it because a false dichotomy, that you must choose between a D or R, prevents you from accepting that the lesser evil is, in fact, evil. So, you're stuck on stupid and not asking questions. This should help:

The Democrats already, quite predictably, ignored the outcome of their primary to nominate Clinton. They're not going to do a fucking thing that doesn't make a corporate donor money. All of Sanders proposals took from corporations to provide for humans. He never stood a chance of being nominated as a Democrat and he damned well knew it. If we give him the benefit of the doubt then his goal was education. If not, he rallied for Democrats to avoid the rise of a Labor Party during a critical time in history.

Monopolies don't care about the user experience, only profit. The AI doesnt understand the former, only the latter. The continued degredation of the user experience is a likely indicator of an increase in revenue as function of successful application of AI.

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I know it's just a joke. But, black and brown bears are very intelligent and quite peaceful creatures. I've run into forty or fifty in the wilderness. I've never once felt the bear was considering an attack. They're smart enough to recognize our complex behaviors as a large risk to their safety.

The story of the vast majority of humans mauled by bears:

Your dog has a perfect record of defending the pack. Every single time the target either runs or turns out to be friendly. No other pack member defends. Its primary reason to exist is to defend. A bear has a perfect record of fights with anything but another bear.

One day the bear smells some food, good stuff it can't find normally. It's some campers with their dog. The dog smells the bear, full adrenaline drops for its whole reason to exist, and defends the pack. The bear wins in about one second.

The human defends the dog. The bear fights because that's what it's doing right now. Then, it reconsiders and runs away. Finally, the Forest Rangers track down and kill the bear quietly, preserving the tourism the community relies on.

We're really shitty to bears, at least here in the US. They're not even very dangerous relative an wild elk, moose, or even free range livestock. It's the big and dumb ones you need to watch out for. And marmot. Never disagree with a marmot.

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There's an incredible story behind it. But, the short form is that Proton is more expensive because they're not harvesting your private information. In a few months the law will prevent them from doing for as long as the core fiscal law and Proton exist (at least decades).

I accused the other of misinformation when the article even said I was wrong. I'd be a hypocrite, an idiot, and an asshole to not make it right.

Thanks for not only recognizing but also taking the time to reinforce what we both want to see more of.

I just like bears, know a little bit, and think they're getting fucked over in many parts of the US. I definitely wasn't finding fault with a joke.

If you tried to scritch a wild cat you might just get away with it for awhile. But, you're never getting that hand back :)

Stupider or wiser relative what? If we measure against a what it takes to live a wise life at the time then people are definitely getting stupider (and you are absolutely correct). The wisdom required is rising much more quickly than the wisdom possessed.

Perceptions are also easily swayed because we've been on an unusually long objectively (not relative) downward slope. Some think technology of communication the last nail in the coffin, that we will never begin to become wiser again. They may be right. You may be very, very correct. But, hope is an important thing. In this, I think one should believe what's necessary for personal morale.

You made me think more about pot smokers. I think you're correct. Even in my own observation they're a much more diverse group than I present. And, I bet a lot of them keep their habit totally private.

I came down on you pretty hard there. I think you saw I wasn't attacking you personally. You received it so well you even changed my perspective. This is why I've faith in humanity. We've still got the special sauce.

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Thank you for the compliment. But, in this facet the biggest difference between us is probably only how much time our parents bought us before we had to fend for ourselves. My ideas aren't special, just regurgitated and stitched together pieces of work by actual smart people.

We're on the same side because any reasonable and intelligent person is on our side. We came from all directions, reasoning our way to the same basic conclusions: It's broken and humans suffer. We'll sacrifice to fix it together.

The entire Biden campaign is "not Trump". The most powerful closing statement Biden can make is to let Trump spout gibberish until getting abruptly cut off by the shot caller in the video booth.

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If a potential candidate doesn't understand why there's a strong vetting process then then don't understand the changing paradigm of human communication. Teaching that is an unacceptable liability. The OpSec is on point. Great work. And, thank you for everything, including tolerance of those that don't yet understand why.

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You came to proselytize. They asked if you love them. Now, show this person a meaningful sacrifice.

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I do not think that life will change for the better without an assault on the Establishment, which goes on exploiting the wretched of the earth. This belief lies at the heart of the concept of revolutionary suicide. Thus it is better to oppose the forces that would drive me to self-murder than to endure them. Although I risk the likelihood of death, there is at least the possibility, if not the probability, of changing intolerable conditions. This possibility is important, because much in human existence is based upon hope without any real understanding of the odds. Indeed, we are all ill in the same way, mortally ill. But before we die, how shall we live? I say with hope and dignity; and if premature death is the result, that death has a meaning reactionary suicide can never have. It is the price of self-respect.

Revolutionary suicide does not mean that I and my comrades have a death wish; it means just the opposite. We have such a strong desire to live with hope and human dignity that existence without them is impossible. When reactionary forces crush us, we must move against these forces, even at the risk of death. We will have to be driven out with a stick.

Your question is good. You're missing understanding of time dilation and frame of reference. An explanation of the theory of relativity is at least pages long.

The first book I ever read on the subject, and IMO the best introductory text for any non-physiscist, is Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time". But, any introduction to relativity should answer your question.

We're living in a late stage capitalistic hellhole and you're advocating faith in the free market.

What. The. Fuck.

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web design or legal compliance or social media marketing

Fuck all that. It's not needed.

They need someone with strong reading comprehension, who can consistently reason their way from an ideology to the specific situation, then write professionally. Mods work the collective que of reports independently.

If you don't want the gig no one one is owed an explanation. But, please don't judge yourself underqualified for the wrong reasons.

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Assuming you're coming from a linear programming and OOP background, then data (incl. SQL) kinda sucks because it's not always clear how to apply existing concepts. But, doing so is absolutely critical to success, perhaps more so than in most OOP environments. Your post isn't funny to me because I'd be laughing at you, not with you.

If a variable is fucked, the first questions you should answer are, "Where'd it come from?" and "What's its value along the way?". That looks a lot different in Python than SQL. But, the troubleshooting concept is the same.

If object definitions were replaced by table/query definitions in planning then you'd probably not have made the initial error. Again, it looks different. But, the concept is the same.

Right now my landlord isn't owning a gigantic series of mistakes. You made my day by owning a very small one.

I think this is much more positive and productive than what the other conversation became.

If the long day has been online, I suggest talking to someone about any subject IRL, in person or on the phone. A little human stuff puts all this digital bullshit right back into perspective for me.

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When I said to consider yourself, you asked me to consider another's opinion of you that you disagree with.

If you can dish it out then you'll see right though such bullshit when it regularly pops up in the mod que ;)

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Crypto would at least offer a non-zero chance of ROI.

I feel like the only "real" relationship I have is with my wife. Friends I think are close distance themselves if I begin a conversation with something personal and nuanced enough to be meaningful and engaging.

We both felt like this for quite awhile. And, we soon reasoned that we were about the perfect people in the perfect situation to answer: Where does a collectivist sense community still exist? The answer appears incredibly simple: Forty to sixty minutes from the closest Walmart.

In twenty five years you'll be thanking her because you know what the fuck the news just said. But, today, I can only imagine the torture.

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I'm not actually asking for good faith answers to these questions. Asking seems the best way to illustrate the concept.

Does the programmer fully control the extents of human meaning as the computation progresses, or is the value in leveraging ignorance of what the software will choose?

Shall we replace our judges with an AI?

Does the software understand the human meaning in what it does?

The problem with the majority of the AI projects I've seen (in rejecting many offers) is that the stakeholders believe they've significantly more influence over the human meaning of the results than exists in the quality and nature of the data they've access to. A scope of data limits a resultant scope of information, which limits a scope of meaning. Stakeholders want to break the rules with "AI voodoo". Then, someone comes along and sells the suckers their snake oil.

What I have to say isn't positive. And, it's likely not constructive as I believe I'd be preaching to the choir.

The important thing to say is that I'm beginning to understand why others likely believe you'd make a trusted and capable moderator.

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You said it, I asked you to think about it, and you've said it again. I'll certainly respect your decision. Thank you for reconsidering.

At that point one should should buy the gas blowback replica that the manufacturer licensed for airsoft. It'll have identical wright and balance, the trigger can usually be tuned to match, and it'll dry fire with about half recoil. It'll plink on target at 40' once the hop-up is calibrated. Should be a modest $150-250 for common Glock, Sig, etc.

It prioritizes profits over human needs.


How we change is somewhat undefined. We've many diverse examples from history. Our side is the ideological underdog. Flexibility and diversity are two of our greatest strengths.

The majority always chooses an authoritarian king, to let another decide for them in convenience in a paradigm as old as humanity. Critical to our collective ideological success is development of individual wisdom, that more individuals choose to learn and reason for themselves.

The core goals originated in FDR's 1944 Second Bill of Economic Rights, a proposed successor to The New Deal. It's been a third party platform for eighty years, including Sanders.

How to pay for it originated in Eisenhower's 1961 farewell address, where he defined and warned of the military-industrial complex. His predictions were in late stages (Reagan's nukes) in twenty five years. In 1990 perhaps the way to pay was to cut defense budget by half by 2000. But, by then the corruption likely ran too deep, as evidenced by the subsequent reckless deregulation of banks by both Democrats and Republicans (partial repeal of Glass-Steagall, Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act).

We're thirty five years past 1990. Banks own everything. Puppet kings are common. And, the Internet may have fundamentally changed communication and relationships so much that we could be past an "event horizon" of our Great Filter event. Belief in such a death perhaps makes it easier to cope with the fight.

I've certainly lost the thread of my purpose. I hope there's something of value for you here.

I would suggest reading the parable of the widow's mote.

It's not my duty to solve the Christian's problem. Their book teaches that love is sacrifice and that they recruit in love. If this one doesn't know how to sacrifice for another because they're online then their own text suggests they find another way to recruit.

If the one found a way to love the other, if they're true to their faith, then we will likely never know.

The pay is the satisfaction of a job well done. It's like a family. We work hard and we play hard. Make sure to read the company policy on appropriate flair. Don't miss the meeting to decide how to form the committee for defining the best means of communication between committees for accounting, finance, and those troublemakers from the moderation committee.

I don't like Biden, Democrats, or Republicans, because they've consistently represented their corporate constituency.

I personally

Political representation isn't a popularity contest.

That said, he's been an effective, progressive president.

Yes, when compared to diarrhea he's a God.

Get out of the echo chamber and begin thinking for yourself. Others will gladly help once you find humility.