
2 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

Stellar Escort

Originally for the TRS-80 Model III

...does not qualify as a true woman

What absolute rubbish. You're no more qualified to judge that than a sparrow -- which happens to have more genders and more brains than you, apparently.


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Ngl, taking a couple of casual transphobia pills along with your schadenfreude isn't a good look.

Lookin at some of you, commenters.

This is some dystopian stuff... The first election with deep fake video of the candidates going viral

I bought a Sunfish sailboat for $100 for an art project. I haven't stopped sailing since, and though I now have a seaworthy 17 footer (it was a deal!) I spend most of my time on, the Sunny is still my favorite.

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This needs to start trending on the fascist microblog platforms


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Surprise! It sweet potato

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sorry, I mean, if you didn't have to worry about food, housing, healthcare. I just edited the title to reflect that.

We need him here though. He keeps getting elected, and keeps shutting down the R pushback in the house. He's a huge asset to MN and it would suck to lose him.

Walz is a large part of why this "traditional Midwestern" Minnesota is a transgender sanctuary state.

Yeah lotta cool Xers, but also the same generation bullied the hell out of anyone not cis/straight passing.

Fortunately there aren't that many of us.

Tell me more about Victoria and her forrests...

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So much this!

I'm so proud of her, this gives me so much hope!

And her opponent has no idea what they're up against -- many of us that survived middle school still have our emotional shinguards within easy reach

  • Sanctuary state for transgender people
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  1. "You're almost a hotty." This was before I transitioned.

  2. "You have a great voice for radio." I'm an average tenor/alto. Not quite as high as the science Friday guy...

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Ha -- one of my favorite hobbies has an active listserv. They also apparently have a FB group but it's not as active nor as helpful.

Ouch. I'm so sorry. Thank you for organizing to protect them! Courage.

They're pretty much all in on anti-trans propaganda -- quoting flawed or bogus studies uncritically, etc. I can't imagine this their only "soft on truth" subject .

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Congratulations! You just uncovered the premise of Cantor's diagonal argument , which demonstrates this very thing: that there are an infinite number of infinite sets, each of a different size.

Also for some reason I can't ever wrap my head around, this idea bothers some religious faith leaders enough to want the teaching of it banned in public schools. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Not gonna digital self-harm for an argument.

Edit: but I can make it easy for you https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=guardian+anti-trans

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Isn't that like, how you declare different dimensionally sized arrays? If you don't care about memory integrity?

It's been literally decades since I had to deal with code like that, so I may have jumped my stack.


You need empowering Democrat that is neutral to the MTG loving republicans.

No, we don't. Those people will never vote Democratic anyway, so F them.

Mobilize the base. Play to the base.

Hunnert percent. He's quietly just bringing it home. I'm honestly a little afraid of what it'd be like without him

I disagree.

Blocked .

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Where are you getting all these left handed pitchers from?

Edit: i just searched half an hour for a reference. and couldn't find it. IRC it's from the extended version of "who's on first"



it's my go-to for long meetings

So much this. No freaking way I'm making my equipment discoverable in a lawsuit. If they want to contact me after hours they need to give me a phone.

Yeah. Thanks. It's always a good time for that video.

Not politics. I think we were talking about a newspaper's factual rating.

Were you up all night thinking about this? Weird.


If you have nothing to fear, etc etc...

You could also prevent a hostile employer from seeing you out with your same-sex partner by pretending you don't have one.

Or, keep your honey from finding out about your side piece by putting a mask on their head...

blobcat, rollingeyes

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the trailer for the Great Race doesn’t contain a single joke.

Maybe you just didn't get the jokes?

Public safety needs to be weighed against civil rights

Oooo a tankie!

. I don’t think women should be drugged because of a extreme fundamentalist a paranoid interpretation of privacy rights.

Oooo a straw man reducto ad absurdum argument!

Blocked. Buhbye🤖

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Does your wife wear silk stockings?

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Oh I'm just here to have fun! But hey, of you want to grump around that's your rainy day not mine! 😘

Out of the laundry and off the pedestal!

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Henry if you can't be more gracious shut up

Watch them yourself, no one else's opinion matters. But mine is actually correct.

Edit: they are admittedly very different movies, both really well done. But TGR has absolutely epic production that's not necessarily obvious on the surface. The big fist fight, for instance -- the moment when Leslie stage dives is choreographed with so much detail, and most of the stunts in that shot are tossed aside like croutons, but absolutely make the scene.

To say nothing of the best pie fight in screen history.

And: more brandy!