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Joined 1 years ago

So it worked when Trump was elected, but now it doesn't... how are these people on TV?

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Fuck it. I'll just say this instead. It's time to break up the tech monopolies. Google, Microsoft, etc.

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I'm sorry but that Principal is an absolute cunt. She was targeting that kid, regardless if he did or didn't do anything wrong...

One thing I didn't like from Reddit, the elitism and gatekeeping posts from its users. OP, I'm right there with you.

This is also why most jobs should be unionized

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What they meant to say was "We didn't have the foresight to monetize these heavy users, so we will be doing that now. But first we'll create the problem..."

We've replaced Kotick with Microsoft lol

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LMAO, considering big business is buying up homes literally for this purpose, I'll take what he's saying with a grain of salt.

Does that mean we should over extend on buying a house that's outside of our means? Absolutely not, but at the same time, housing is still way overpriced and since shit is barely regulated, both from a seller and a purchasers standpoint, there's a lot of regular people getting stuck with a lot of shitty options for living situations.

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I think there's a bit of misconstruing "let companies do what they want" with "private businesses can run their business how they want but could and should suffer the consequences of their actions".

The main problem here is, who's going to govern the businesses? Who's got the teeth to throw the book at these companies like they're so eager to do at people that break stupid, societal made up laws like "weed is baaaaad. Grrrr"

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These ad block users should be considered the cost of doing business and they should be careful with targeting them.

This kind of thing springs users into action to either find or use work arounds or create a alternative platform.

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I told everyone that once contracts for cell phones were replaced with payment plans, companies would start gouging their customers with higher phone prices because the customers could now "afford" it.

Greedy ain't the right word imo.

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It's a tactic to pit us against each other rather then the proper people running to the bank.

And they're hoping that you and I aren't paying attention

Fuck, this is totally me.

Terrible assumption

Lemmynsfw my friend. Has tons of growing subs. Check it out. Don't forget redgifs.com too.

I left out of principle but there are a few communities I'll scan from time to time because they don't quite exist here and I don't have the energy to make it myself.

This is part of the reason why they chose the launch day

I agree with the first point. Using our human bodies as an example when we get infected. It gets really warm. It's usually a technique used to kill bacteria among other defenses.

I don't personally believe it's some kind of "I got my peace for a brief moment and want more" thing. I just believe that we ramped up production after the COVID "recovery" period and we went back to business as usual at a rapid rate.

Yeah looks like I'm going to have to start moving off as best as I can as well.

Don't think I can do it completely but I'll try my best.

It is remarkably close to a real bill. If not for the numbers being obviously wrong, I can imagine someone mistaking this for a real bill.

Stop attacking the drivers. If you're upset about how door dash works, get upset at DOOR DASH itself, not the people they can't seem to pay properly.

Stop using the service...

Don't worry. Phone manufacturers will appease this in the most frustrating way possible. Kind of like how apple does the at home replacement hardware.

Have you looked at your phone recently? That's all that thing is unless you literally don't use it for anything other than calls and texts, and even then, phone manufacturers are constantly constructing their OS to guide you to other functions.

Let the big three fall. Decentralize them and remove their overreaching control on the networks. All they do is sick money out of our pockets both directly and indirectly.

What are the odds I see this shit right after having a stent put in....

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Won't matter. As soon as those alternatives get big enough, they'll either sell out or look for more ways to maximize profits. The Internet is wholely infected by corporations now. Just need better ways to beat them back somehow.

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Of course, attacking McConnell's health was part of the game plan. She's not wrong though.

High positions of power/money/fame tend to attract those types unfortunately.

If they have it, direct support is the best way. Like Patreon for instance.

But the second you steal money from them, youll be only trial for your life pretty darn quick.

Not only that, but what if I observe more then one god huh?

I never was personally. But one thing that constantly gets me is religious people knowing their church people are touching little boys and girls and they still believe in them and their higher power.

Oh it can definitely get worse lol

Gotta go further and deeper then that too. There are other, larger and more diverse companies that are hiding in plain site behind the more popular business like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, etc...

Gotta start somewhere.

Outside of gaming, I play softball regularly. Run multiple teams and sub when I can during the season.

Probably going to pick up electric guitar soon too. Been dying to learn just haven't had time.

Unions, the bane of rich people that take advantage of their workers via positions of power.

Imo it currently plays like shit. Cs has a feel to it and to me, this doesn't quite feel like cs. The gunplay hasa very specific feel and I just don't get the same feedback when shooting on it.

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Oh you mean the unregulated, gambling industry?