
8 Post – 281 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I don't think of it as 'cool' - I just view it the same as a preference.

Alcohol, weed, shrooms, and even some party drugs like ecstasy and such, are all fine in my book as long as they're done responsibly.

I think once you venture down the path of abuse, it's a problem. That goes for everything in this world - moderation is key.

Heroin, meth, and all the other hard drugs are a problem because they are so incredibly addicting that it's almost impossible for someone to use in moderation.

I put that shit on everything

I second immich

I third Immich

more of along the lines of shitty

Inbox was absolutely stellar and I can't believe they got rid of it.

Well made adaptations can be mainstream.

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Check the files included in the torrent. Sometimes the folders include a little readme or something that people set to not download.

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Don't listen to this bullshit. I hear higher ups like this talk all the fuckin time about how we're "on the brink of war" but nothing happens. They're just constantly edging themselves at the thought of us going up against another adversary.

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Brother printer is probably the best brand if you want it to "just work" but still have support.

I paid the premium price for a color laser printer scanner combo - about $450 I think - seven years ago and I haven't paid a cent since. It's done everything just fine.

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It's named after the inventor of the process though. Heat things to kill bacteria.

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The amount of tinkering required to get Windows to function as I want is increasing, while the same for Linux is decreasing. Eventually they'll cross and that's when I'll switch.

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To be a little more clear about the cost:

Pilots must fly a minimum number of hours, regardless of what is going on in the world. Adding a mission (such as search and rescue) to those flights is trivial because the man hours, fuel, and maintenance are already allocated.

They may have added to the plans but a lot of the cost is already paid when these things start.

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Stop using that app and find a different one.

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ GFIBREI Adapter for Android Google Phone to Power Adapter 6 ft USB-C to USB-A Certified Adapter

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A 14 TB HDD to throw on my Plex server. Went with a cheap option from serverpartdeals.com.

I was using a 4 TB for the longest time and had to go through and delete stuff every month.

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My Plex/Jellyfin server

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There's a space suit on a mannequin locked in a glass case in the basement of the Lodge. There's a small crack in the seams of the glass case that allows you to interact with the mannequin instead of the master lock.

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What a shit hole state

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It removes paywalls and ads.

KDE Connect?

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Bonus points is you can host yourself with docker. It has a bunch of handy tools for computer related projects.

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The problem isn't just delayed vaccinations.

The kid could have had a health issue that prevented him from receiving the vaccine.

The real issue is people who choose not to get it for any reason other than a health problem that prevents them from getting it. This kid could be alive if it hadn't spread to him from unvaccinated people.

Herd immunity saves lives.

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It's mostly about the timing that is infuriating people. Fallout regained popularity with the TV show and they dropped a mod breaking release days later. Now they keep updating it with shit nobody asked for and breaking mods.

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Any drugs. If you're not familiar with medications, just look at the active ingredients. They're most likely the same or very similar dosages.

Also, sleep aids are usually just diphenhydramine, aka Benadryl.

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Beyond initial bleeding - extensive gastrointestinal issues, depending on where it hits. If it lacerates part of the intestine, it may leak feces into the abdominal cavity. It would require flushing and antibiotics to prevent going into sepsis from massive infection.

If it does enough damage, you could be looking at removing a portion of the intestines and possibly requiring a colostomy bag.

Abdominal wounds are no joke. The liver bleeds profusely if lacerated or punctured. All of the blood flow to the abdomen exits through the liver into the inferior vena cava.

He was given more cotton candy and eventually figured out that it can't go in water and ate some dry.

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But by doing this are they not opening themselves to even worse lawsuits? A student was called a racial slur and hospitalized and they're handing her the same punishment as the aggressor.

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Isn't clitoris that big red dog?

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Minecraft! There's lots of modpacks as well that give it variance and replayability

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I don't understand that, though...

Fried chicken is fuckin delicious.

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Actually, it's called gaslamping.

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It's more likely an issue with the placement of the stats rather than the data behind it. YouTube probably updated the UI in a way that Return Dislikes is not compatible with.

PiHole doesn't block YouTube ads because they're served from the same server as the content in the video.

uBlock is the real answer.

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Solar powered grid charges the car when not in use

Fossify is the fork of Simple Mobile Tools.


I tried formatting it on here but it doesn't work.

gluetun + qBit

The compose file creates both and binds qBit to gluetun. I also have port forwarding set up through AirVPN.

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