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Joined 12 months ago

Run your web browser from RAM for faster browsing.


In the screenshots of people setups, there are always fancy terminals.

Ha, they're just showing off their hacker side for the screenshot, plus terminals resize nicely. Tiling window managers work well for most apps. The only GUI issues I've had are some pop-up windows being tiled instead of floating, but that's an easy fix. They're not for everyone, but they work great with GUI apps.

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I think you can use Arch for university, but I have a few suggestions:

  • Don't update packages unless you have time to fix issues. Rare, but it happens, although usually minor.
  • Never mess with greeters, kernel modifications, bootloaders, or anything else before login. Fixing issues may require a live USB and take some time. Avoid the temptation! (Ask how I know...)
  • Use Flatpak where you can for increased stability by way of fewer packages to update.

Of course, you could also use a non-rolling release distro. Nothing wrong with that.

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Nice list. Another, similar repo, also quite opinionated: https://github.com/DoTheEvo/selfhosted-apps-docker. I'm not the author, I've just found it really helpful at times.

Definitely check this summary out: https://meichthys.github.io/foss_photo_libraries/. Everyone's use case and priorities will be a little different, but I'd vote for Immich as a Google Photos replacement that looks nice and is very easy to use. I was awestruck by the facial and object recognition, which wasn't even a feature I particularly cared about.

Thin clients! I "upgraded" from a RPi3 to an HP T630 that I got new off of eBay for $65, including power supply (and case). I was able to upgrade the M.2 storage easily. I use mine as a home server running over a dozen Docker containers. It's x86 instead of ARM too.

The only bad part was installing Linux. It took a while for me to figure out where the UEFI expected the boot files and documentation isn't great.

I agree and use Arch as well, but of course I wouldn't recommend it for everyone. For me, having the same distribution on both server and desktop makes it easier to maintain. I run almost everything using containers on the server and install minimal packages, minimizing my upgrade risk. I haven't had an issue yet, but if I did I have btrfs snapshots and backups to resolve.

Mostly, yes, X vs Wayland. Hyprland also has a lot more eye candy in the way of window animations for snapping, dragging, etc. I find the Hyprland config file simpler too, but that's just me.

Can you try pressing ctrl+shift+f2 from within Kitty and then adding font_size 20.0? That will make sure you are editing the same config file Kitty is using.

If that doesn't work, I'd try deleting the config and then try again. Kitty should automatically create a new config.


I have this scanner and agree it works great, although there may be cheaper options out there that also work well.

FTP worked well out of the box. For SFTP on Arch Linux, I had to follow the troubleshooting instructions here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Very_Secure_FTP_Daemon#LIST_command_resets_connection.

For this reason, I use kebab case for directories. But because I agree underscores show spaces better, I use snake case for files.

To be fair, the first time I tried running local AI (and it actually worked), I was so surprised that I actually unplugged my Ethernet and tried again. I'm still surprised, but it's possible for the massive amounts of training data to be compressed to a model under only 10 or 20 GB.

I run Hyprland on Arch. It seems most of the people who run window managers instead of full fledged desktop environments prefer the minimalism of Arch.

Well put. On top of the 5 points about the target audience above, in order to make a sale they also have to:

  • Have heard of the product
  • Decide to buy it (many will research competitive products)
  • Spend the time to actually place the order

NocoDB is awesome, although admittedly I haven't tried Baserow. The "group by," Kanban, and form features in NocoDB make data entry easy from mobile and nice to sort on desktop.

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Interesting idea. If you really break it down, the "terminal with command buttons" is similar in concept to saving each of the commands as a script and putting those scripts in a directory to act as "buttons."

I've also seen some programs such as Kopia, a backup tool, that provide a GUI with the equivalent terminal commands for what is bring done shown at the bottom.

I don't think what you're describing exists, probably because experts don't need it and beginners would prefer a full GUI.

There is Nushell, which promises more helpful error responses for the terminal, but its too early for it to be targeted at beginners in my opinion.

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Agreed on Mailspring, especially if OP wants a modern interface (although I think the new Thunderbird looks fine).

The only thing missing from Mailspring for me is seeing what folders my emails are in when I run a search. Otherwise, it's the only non-CLI client I've found that let's me use the keyboard to select multiple emails and move them to a folder, something I do in Gmail. If anyone knows of others, let me know! I've tried Claws, Evolution, Geary, KMail, and Thunderbird in addition to Mutt and aerc in hopes of finding something to replace Gmail...

I agree. Last I checked, Yunohost, Umbrel, and CasaOS looked to be the best options, although admittedly I haven't tried any of them.

Good question. Flatpak doesn't lead to fewer updates overall, but it does lead to fewer system packages installed via pacman or yay, which can run into dependency conflicts unlike Flatpak.

Flatpak provides a common runtime upon which different applications can be installed via containers, much like apps on a phone. You can then adjust the permissions for each app such as which directories it can access. It's kind of like installing Firefox (e.g. Flatpak) and then a Firefox extension such as uBlock Origin (e.g. LibreOffice). It doesn't matter if you're on Ubuntu, Fedora, or Arch, from the extension's perspective it's the same old Firefox and doesn't touch anything else on your computer. This means uninstalling is clean and it has no dependencies on other packages installed.

The disadvantage with Flatpak is they can be slower (sometimes not even noticeable) and take up more space, although the runtime can be re-used between Flatpak applications. Personally, I like Flatpak for large GUI applications like LibreOffice, which has 170+ dependencies if installed via pacman.

I'm not an expert, but hope this helps. For more/better info, I recommend reading https://itsfoss.com/what-is-flatpak/.

Since nobody else said it: make sure you have backups of any data you don't want to lose. It's really easy to accidentally partition any connected drive and wipe your data on it. (Learned it the hard way, but at least I had backups.)

For what it's worth, you can replace the name in most locations: https://docs.lubelogger.com/Replacing%20The%20Logo.

Do you use it for work or personal? I have aerc installed and working for my personal email, but I found it harder to sort through HTML emails as quickly as something like Gmail. I gave up on it after a couple days, but really liked the keyboard-centric workflow.

I just moved from Neovim to Helix. I think it's worth considering, especially if you don't know the keybindings yet. Plus, Helix is probably easier to learn.

Came here to suggest Onshape. It spoiled me for all other CAD software. (But it is web-based and proprietary.)

Would VNC solve your issue? I use https://github.com/any1/wayvnc with Hyprland occasionally.

I wrote my own program, filetailor. It's similar to Chezmoi but uses inline comments instead of templates for machine-specific lines. This allows me to make edits directly to my local files and then sync those changes to other machines.

I also use Ansible.

Have you tried Chocolatey? https://chocolatey.org/. It's a package manager for Windows and works great, much like brew for Mac. Or, if you prefer portable installation of programs without requiring admin, try Scoop (https://scoop.sh/). Of course, I'd rather use paru or yay on Arch, but I'm glad these options exist.

I find it hilarious that Microsoft even suggests these tools on their own GitHub page for the Windows Terminal.

I don't use NocoDB in an app. I use it as an alternative to a spreadsheet, especially with its web forms and relational columns.

For development, you would probably want to use their REST API.


I use Mailspring. The only thing missing from Mailspring for me is seeing what folders my emails are in when I run a search. Otherwise, it's the only non-CLI client I've found that let's me use the keyboard to select multiple emails and move them to a folder, something I do in Gmail.

If anyone knows of others, let me know! I've tried Claws, Evolution, Geary, KMail, and Thunderbird in addition to Mutt and aerc in hopes of finding something to replace Gmail.

I had the same problem as OP. My solution was to port forward to my server but then block connections from all IP addresses accept from my work, which I added to an allowlist.

It's working well so far, but I think the Cloudflare tunnel is the better option.

No command line interface, but if you're focus is a single solution with a consistent interface for lists, to-dos, etc., AppFlowy might be what you are looking for.

I'm a huge fan of NocoDB, including their kanban views, group by options, and forms. You could use the GUI to create the tables and relations and then use the REST API to quickly update from the command line. It can use any database for its storage, so you could still create scripts or read the data for specific needs.