
5 Post – 55 Comments
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This a huge step back for transparency with Meta (shocker). Access to this data is important for a variety of reasons, and using the recent EU laws as an excuse is deplorable (again, shocker from Meta).

It's clear the data companies were left alone for too long to rule the schoolyard. It's going to take some time to treat them and others what decorum looks like without throwing an absolute hissy fit.

Here's hoping the EU, which seems to be the only teacher on the playground willing to discipline anyone, will set them straight.

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Would you rather watch content in your native language, or subtitled? If you read translated content, it's fine. But it's not the same as hearing something performed for you. Might be hard to grasp if your language is largely auditory and written, rather than visual and emotive.

Just because sign language is a visual language, does not mean reading is an equivalent. There is a ton of nuance and feeling that goes into communicating through sign language that is not possible through text alone.

Beyond the communication piece, there is respect of an individual who natively speaks a language, and the importance of keeping the language alive.

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F-Zero. Saved you a click.

This is all speculation and dependant on a "reliable leaker" do take it with a huge grain of salt until it's been announced. It's been 19 years since the last F-Zero entry.

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If you aren't up on the acronyms: The Wolf Among Us 2.

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This is an overall win. The upward pressure is good for everyone, as phones have passed the meteoric rise of speed. Devices have been able to last far longer than their update cycle for a few years now.

I really enjoyed Equilibrium (2002). Is it derivative of 1984 and Fahrenheit 451? Absolutely. But so was V for Vendetta.

It's a B level film that still packs a punch today, particularly in a dystopian era of politics. The message of learning to connect continues to be relevant in a hyper connected, but shallow relational landscape.

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That's not how this works.

You're free to create stories, video, of your own video game in the universe. If you chose to make that public domain and give it away for free, then good on you.

Others can create freely in this universe with their own expression, which they could charge for.

Much like how there are movies about Cinderella or Red Riding Hood which are under copyright, but the base story itself is in the public domain and free to use.

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The idea of the product is really great. The cost is prohibitive for all but major corporate customers.

Add in Google's track record of killing products... just like this... and why would you invest?

Jamboard needs to be a tablet companion app first, and the hardware can follow. If they're going to keep coming up with these halo products, then they need to support them for the long term. They also need to be willing to bite the bullet and give these away to lock people into Workspace because it's unique and no one else does it.

Now it's another reason to not buy in.

Citation needed?

Google explicitly stated the exact opposite of what you've said here: Google Drive Terms of Service

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The gating of a lot of the software features and UWB are really disappointing in the non-pro 8. I'd love a smaller phone, but they really do push you to the big one if you plan on keeping it for any length of time.

Even the pre-order bonuses are only for the larger phone.

Need more places calling them out on this.

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Or, and hear me out here, they heard that the investigative committee was set to release their findings in 2 weeks, and wanted that process to work itself out first.

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He followed this up this morning by saying that the reason it was removed was that it was not being used. So keeping the code in there increased the overall package size.

Spread out over billions of devices and small changes make a huge difference. He also stated metered data plans as a primary motivation.

So tinfoil hats off.

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TL;DR: Samsung is better, according to the author.

Some questions remain though, as Google's Magic Eraser gives multiple options for object removal. Some are quite bad or blotchy, others are nearly seamless. Don't like any of the options it's provided, then ask it to try again. The author doesn't touch on this at all. Did they select the first option everytime? Was this the best of the options they were provided?

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The title doesn't seem to match the article. For nearly all the games the performance was identical or negligible.

There's lots of great things about 3.5, but bumping FPS significantly doesn't seem to be one of them, at least yet.

This article is not about a lab curated disease, but about how doctors in Wuhan were aware early that the virus was transmitting person to person, despite what the government was saying publicly.

The authoritarian nature of the Chinese government meant that they were muzzled and unable to speak freely.

😂 As a Canuck, we use both. But the computer term is definitely Kernel. Unless we're marching out on a battlefield....

Neat technology, but nonsense title. The Stethoscope is rarely used for something as specific as the heartbeat anymore. Listening to various body systems, though? That's where it finds use.

Are the lungs congested? Confirming what the sinus rhythm is showi?

Computers, for all their advancements are still diagnostic tools that need confirmation. They still give off false positives and miss things.

To be fair, it seems that AMD is intercepting, modifying, and injecting code. That's not a false positive, that VAC working as intended.

What's wild is that AMD didn't have a conversation with Valve before releasing this. You can't go messing with someone else's code, particularly in such a highly competitive game, and not expect to screw some things up for players.

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Good interview. They didn't let them off the hook, but weren't pushing an agenda either.

This is going to be a moving target that someone is going to pay big bucks to figure out in court. International laws are not up to speed on what is or isn't ok here, and the ethical discussion is interesting to watch unfold.

It's articles like this that make me glad there are numerous horses in the race.

Autonomous driving is an incredibly complex problem. We have people like Musk who thought they could throw money at the problem and have it solved in a few years, with disastrous results.

We've lost Uber, and Cruise is flagging. Both had been touted as examples to follow. Both have had some serious safety problems from moving too quickly and lacking caution.

Behind all of this is Waymo. Plodding along, gathering vast amounts of data and experience and iterating slowly.

I think they, out of all these players, understand the stakes at hand, and the potential profit on the other end. But you have to get it right. It has to be nearly perfect, because people need to trust it, and our emotions are fickle.

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Someone give this writer a raise for not using AI to describe a new algorithm.

Essentially when you turned off the work profile, it would still sync in the background, just pause all notifications. Previously, turning it off would suspend the entire container and there would be no activity at all.

The rational was that when you unpaused the container there wouldn't be a lag time to getting everything sync'd up.

It has now been reverted back to fully suspending the container.

Beyond a few news articles in there, that actually looks surprisingly balanced.

In my experience it's the inbox/YouTube where it really gets into it. Subscribing to some of these "alternative news" sources brings a deluge of patently false information with dangerous spin to it.

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What I like about this posturing is that the big tech dogs have given up trying to fight the EU. They know that the law makers are serious about enforcing their rules, and the market/fines are too large to ignore.

They've moved fully over trying to circumvent the law, or get exemptions. Historically, the EU has not been kind to that either.

I really wish we lived in boring times.

It is so fascinating how Trump seemed to never want to win in 2016, yet somehow was the least incompetent Republican candidate. Then his life devolved from there, as if each bad decision just kept having more children until he was so overwhelmed he was a victim to his own personal sunken cost fallacy.

So here we are. A clear criminal whose only chance to remain free is to become the leader of the largest economy and military on earth.

Boring times seem so comforting now.

For those curious, the game was released March 11, 2022.

Making the server support just over a year and a half of running the servers before pulling the plug. That's not something I'd be spending 60USD (which is what it is on sale for today) on.

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Wireless switches — consisting of a transmitter on the switch and a receiver near a light fixture or other appliance — have been around for many years, and have been proven that they can reduce the material and labour cost for wiring houses, says Kambiz Moez, director of electrical engineering in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, but they require batteries to operate.

So the product already exists, what is novel here is a concept to harvest RF energy I stead of batteries.

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The only real disappointment here is the lack of UWB on the regular Pixel line.

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You're referencing a different thing. This is the open source version bundled into AOSP, not the Google Play Services version.

Directly from the source:

So, as I suspected, Fast Pair code was deleted from AOSP because it wasn't being used by anyone.

And because it wasn't being used, it was just taking up space unnecessarily. Although HalfSheetUX was only a few megabytes in size, Mainline modules are served to many millions of people, a decent portion of whom are on metered connections.

Note: This has no implications for the Fast Pair feature you're already familiar with. Fast Pair started out as a feature bundled in Play Services and will remain that way for the foreseeable future. This news just means there's no longer an open source version of Fast Pair.

I had no idea what SHMUP is... so if you're like me they are SHoot eM Up games. Either bullet hell or isometric shooters.

The OG Pixel was slightly wedge shaped for this exact reason. They gave up on the design in the Pixel 2.

Global owns the airing rights to SNL in Canada.

More specifically, it is enabled in the dev builds, but not in the user builds at this time.

I'd imagine it's scant on details because it's still a theory. The next phase of the competition is funds to build a proof of concept.

This is a great move for Google, and goes beyond the minimum of what they needed to do. That's a huge step forward for them, Pixels, and Android as a whole.

Right from the first Pixel, Google was seeking (for better or worse) to take a bite out of Apple's pie. They've largely been successful in that. Without Google entering the fray, it would only be Samsung left.

They've elevated the hardware expectations of Android devices. Pushed the envelope of software integration. Shown that a bloat free experience is preferable and possible for the consumer (even though many here on Lemmy want a Google free device, that is a different discussion).

Now they didn't merely match other OEMs, but exceeded their updated promises by years.

Android isn't going anywhere. This is a pillar of their company now, and Pixels are a key part of that strategy. If Google dumped making Pixels, the whole Android ecosystem would be in doubt, because who would make phones if the maker itself doesn't believe in them? Google, by jumping into the fray, has moved from a platform provider to a pillar of the hardware ecosystem.

So despite all the cynicism, which is justified for all but their core software, this promise has teeth. If they don't follow through on this, we're likely seeing the demise of Google as a company, not just the Pixel line.

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Translation isn't a 1 to 1 process. Every language has difference, idioms, etc. My understanding is that sign language is no different.

The translator makes choices to convey meaning, as well as the literal sense.

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This should be a setting under "Cast Options" in Google Play Services options. At least that's where that generic notification is on my Pixel.

Won't affect your "direct" casting, like Spotify, just the generic broadcast, without turning off the per device options.

I've turned off the broadcast on every device in my world, because I found it obnoxious.

I'm genuinely confused how this is a thing. How are people rapidly pressing the power button 5 times in rapid succession without being aware of what they're doing?

Now adding a 3 second press after those 5 presses is solving the problem? Mine as well go back to opening the phone app and dialling the number.

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Ah. The UWB is only for direct position. It largely uses Bluetooth to be found and broadcast.