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Joined 1 years ago

Sure does, and I hate it. If they add more ads, I'm going to cancel nitro and move elsewhere.

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No. I don't like short form video content. My attention span is longer. I retain information. I want explanations and datapoints, not silly memes or reactions.

Also I don't want more apps on my phone, I don't want more companies mining my life for data. I don't want more privacy scandals. And I don't want any more Chinese government involvement in my north-american life.

Lock him up for the rest of his life.

Prison for the rest of his life, to set a precedent that Nobody is above the law. And that all conmen deserve punishment.

8GB of RAM wasn't enough for me to use in either person or professional contexts in 2006. My work laptop has 16GB and I'm constantly running low on RAM when I'm working with spreadsheets and relatively simple Photoshop projects. I'm not talking about games or compiling code either.

I would not be looking at systems with fewer than 16GB of RAM for any user for any reason in 2024. And for myself I would not be buying any systems with fewer than 32GB of RAM.

(My personal desktop has 64GB and so far that's been sufficient but I have nearly capped it out when running substance painter, blender, unity, etc.)

So it really all comes down to the software you use. But my advice is to consider 16GB the absolute minimum.

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I have a problem with that last sentence. Because larger files do take longer to load from storage into main memory, and then longer to load into VRAM from main memory. Also, with larger files, you can't keep them cached and ready to be reused, because you have to free that memory for other large files.

Your argument might be true if computers generally had RAM and/or VRAM larger than the entire game. But when games are 200+GB and typical main memory is 16-32GB for most folks, and only 64-128GB at the higher end, you know data will have to be shuffled around. VRAM situation is more dire: typical is 6-8GB, high end is 12-16GB and absolute max is 20-24GB.

Yes, faster storage and faster RAM help, but all those loads and unloads of huge chunks of data do take up time, cause stutters, or absurdly long loading screens despite the high performance components.

OPTIMIZE YOUR GAMES. Lossy compression is fine, and uncompressed assets should be optional downloads.

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Sure, on paper. Convince some non-nerds to give it a try. I haven't managed to. Therefore, telegram.

But the question asked wasn't "what's a good messenger" it was "WHY THE FUCK DOES ANYONE USE WHATSAPP????????" and I've been wondering that myself for the past... uh... ever?

It takes tremendous bravery. but also, support from family and friends. it's learning a whole new set of performative skills, but speedrunning it.

A close friend of mine just had her mom do her nails before a weekend long date with her (long distance) boyfriend. I thought that was such a sweet and subtle way to show support for her. Mind you, the couple I'm talking about are in their late 30s.

I refuse to touch additional Meta products until I feel good about even ONE of the existing offerings. ZERO hits so far.

IMO that's pretty normal, maybe even classic!

Also, how are black olives so bad and other olives so good? I've never understood it. Kalamata olives would be so much tastier.