
5 Post – 51 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

Lesbianism is cool. Women are beautiful. I suck da tiddy.

DMs are open to anyone: chatting, advice, or whatever. I love getting new friends online ^-^

drooling, sweating, crying, moaning, throwing up, flying, levitating, spinning, turning inside out, achieving enlightenment, ...

cat speaking into microphone, caption "would"

i wish Lemmy was more active tbh, but ive been doing my best to add my own bit of content to the slowly growing platform ๐Ÿฉท

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my bad. It's a federated texting app kinda like discord (unlike lemmy, it's not based on ActivityPub, so not technically part of the so-called 'fediverse'). Anyways, most people are more familiar with the most popular client used to access matrix, which is Element. Maybe I should've opened with that idk haha.

Anyways, it doesn't have to be on Matrix/element, just hoping there's something that isn't a shitty app. I need more queer online friends lol.

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this shit prolly funny as fuck

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okay that actually is funny yeah i like it

omg haii max :333

luckily element (the client i use) tends to be pretty good about actually having intuitive notification showcasing. Although tbf im only in like 6 rooms/spaces total so idk.

tbh idk what you mean. The stuff by my dresser? that's where it already belongs. Or do you mean my bed? there's no laundry on it haha

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matrix is another federated platform, but for chatting. The most popular client is Element, which is a web app. just make yourself an account and dm me your account name and I'll add you to the room that I make!!

aahhh thank youu

hehe thankss!!

i was under the assumption he was super transphobic wasn't he?

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Me when queer existence is being discussed in the US Politics community:


hey you noticed hehe!!

thank you lol, I love feeling cute <3

and yeahh it's a bit short, but I think it's really cute like that lol. Just gotta put on shorts or something underneath and it's great. Plus this was shot at a low angle anyways lol.

Love this community on here sm ๐Ÿฉท

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yayy ~ yeah just dm me ur matrix account so I can message you and I'll add you to the room when I make it

thank you so much hehe ^.^

wow that's actually pretty cool though ngl

not a furry, but i am gay, transfem, and compsci major/computer nerd

thank youu hehe ^-^

I'd love to! once we get a few people, I'll probably make a room or something idk

hehe I'm really glad to hear it! it can be hard to feel like it's true a lot of the time, but hearing it from others helps a lot

Definitely. It helps that I tend to stick to the less mainstream lemmy communities (mostly the queer communities on blahaj.zone). It's to a point where it can be rare for me to enter a popular comment section without seeing at least 1 or 2 recognizable usernames.

To be honest, I kind of enjoy the smallness of the platform at times, it reminds me of what the old internet has always been described as to me (but with faster data transfer, and more features)

i know right??


I know it's a bit of a clique at this point, but if you enjoy platformers, and especially if you want an emotionally compelling story, I'd reccomend Celeste, there's also a lot of trans allegories within the game, if you're up for that. It's on Steam and Switch, among other things, and is a pretty good indie game made by a trans woman

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for some reason i feel like i shouldn't run that command

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thanks hehe

aahhhh you too hehe :3

GYBE reference ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ /hj

I'm on 196, although it's not very active ;v; haven't heard of xmpp, but I'd be willing to give it a try! how does it work? what's the difference between it and matrix?

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ahh tyy so much <3

im not sure tbh, they're kinda just a mystery fruit thing, they're not easily recognizable as any particular fruit lol. but also yes strawberry dresses are so great I should get one


the endless cycle of samsara

thanks! if you want, you can dm me and I'll help you set up an account!

thank youu!! I probably will share more in the future with how positive all yall are!!

hehe tyyy :3


cat face distorted in silly manner through the reflection of a spoon


ahh tyy so much hehe!! seriously I appreciate it a ton! it's hard to feel like I even look remotely girly sometimes, so it helps to hear comments like this :33