
1 Post – 614 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You are a bit stupid if you think that, no offense, any vote not going to dems is going to the fascists who will grab power in the US if given the chance, on the other hand if you liked the recen Civil War movie and want to role play it IRL in a few years, then who am I to judge

Gym? If you go to the gym to not get a belly you are doings wrong already, you can never outtrain your fork.

People get fatter as they get older because they don't adjust their calorie intake to their decreased level of activity, there is nothing about a human body that says you have to get fatter as you age

Source: am a fat fuck

I doubt it's that little given that even lemmy has a fair few gun nuts

Pizza prices shot through the roof and I honestly can't say they are better than throwing a frozen pizza with some mozzarella added into the oven for less than half the total price. I don't think I have made photos, but I legit had "pizzas" where the outer 2-3 inches had no toppings, just tomato sauce burnt onto the dough.

this is central europe so frozen pizza is between 2-4 euros, 1 euro for mozzarella vs 8-10 euros for take out pizza.

it's also a lesser serving, so healthier.

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yes, 150 days, for the lord, how many days on your own property so you didn't starve to death?

they fucking worked all days except Sunday morning to evening, stop romanticizing feudalism ya cunts.

and the church was part of the exploitation od the masses, promising afterlife dor the peasants but not for the rich "insert the bible quote here"

fuck feudalism and fuck the church

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EU needs to get their shit together and clamp down on this, absolute abomination of a company

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do you guys not have an idiom for that?

in Hungarian we have (literally translated) : How one lives, thus they judge.

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I use arch btw.

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as a European I have to say both the Tipping culture and the not showing the full price in stores with VAT included is just mindblowing.

It's literally a culture of hiding true costs, weird af.

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Well if the companies refuse to give you a demo to try, maybe you should pirate it to try and then purchase it.

Another option is becoming a patient gamer and just waiting for the game to get better (if it does) a year or two down the line and then buy it at a discount.

In the last few years there aren't many games I didnt regret buying early.

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the version number is 0.18.4 that should give you a hint.

it's entirely possible that these simply haven't been optimized yet.

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even if that's true, which it isn't, wouldn't that still be a hundred times bettee than shit like Fox News? or what Bezos did with news company he bought?

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this guy is such a fucking cunt I literally felt like curb stomping him when I watched some of his videos regarding covid and the invasion of Ukraine, he is just so fucking stupid and he has no idea, same as Joe Rogan, well maybe even worse, more on the level of Peterson.

blamed the invasion of Ukraine on the West, because5if Ukraine opened it's market to foreign investment so of course Russia had to invade, what an absolute wanker.

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well that's some ignorant shit, lol

Remember when this cunt's show was cancelled by a single appearance of Jon Stewart


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Elon literally came out and said it was to delay/sabotage the train project


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Dave got rich and kinda lost his grip with reality

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this kinda literally the scene from Boys when the idiot gets brainwashed online to being a hate filled fascist cunt who then walks into a store and killa the cashier because he thinks he is a supe-terrorist

but conservatives absolutely won't get the metaphor in that shit.


watch conservative shitheads distance themselves from this, fox news will claim they had nothing to with this while pushing thwir hate filled fear mongering shit

does anyone ever assume that it's anything other than the grid when it comes to some article like this?

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So relatable am I right? Hahaha

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I dont think anything you said would qualify you as a "socialist"

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You will just switch to one of the openjdk implementations

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not sure about environmentally friendly,friendlier sure, but a well developed public transit system and biking infrastructure beats any kind of car based infrastructure

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woah dude, as a centrist this is why I vote far right, you woke leftists are taking things too far.

I feel like North America could fix its housing issue by simply abolishing the single family housing zones

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Fuck the death penalty, the guy needs to be punished, but the death penalty is barbaric.

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if you think this is bad, just yesterday or the day before I got a popup for some fucking Jake Logan documentary. like lol wtf, who cares about that shithead? lmao, even.

Imagine putting Manjaro in the article instead of EndeavorOs

jokes on you I have no idea what breed my rescue is, he is the cutest and bestest boi in the world though.


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yes I need to see the fascists masquerading as leftists otherwise I would be living in an echo chamber....

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shit like this was happening before the exodus, you'd go into one thread then the other where it's crossposted, and it's the same comment, but with some dot, commas in weird places and it's a reply to another comment and doesn't really makes sense.

oh and youtube comments are full of nonsensical AI convos that like recommend financial advisors, or coins to invest in, like bruh

also communities like chapotraphouse that's on hexbear that's thankfully defederated on this instance, they just vomit Kremlin propaganda, they are blaming the USA for Russia invading Ukraine can't make that shit up, some of them actually reveal their true colors though and openly call for the annihilation of Ukraine

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my answer is the same as bill burr's, people who go on cruises, nothing of value is lost

my previous samsung TV plastered a huge Doom Eternal AD into my settings panel...

my new samsung TV is not connected to the net, lol.

My PLex, Yotutube, Netflix goes through my NVidia shield.

TV comes from a box through a HDMI cable.

and Playstation is playstation.

0 need to connect that shit to the net

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I doubt 90%of players run the newest games at 4K/high

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no it doesn't

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did we forget about his sexual misconduct? the thing that when came out, kinda triggered him to buy twitter?


it also made it onto Seinfeld, it was also pushed by Republicans and their mouthpieces (Fox) that the country ia going to hell everyone can sue for anything bla bla bla, typical moral panic stuff.

that shit was so widespread I heard about the anyone can sue rhetoric about the USA as a kid, and I am from Slovakia

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Abortion is murder but starving children is fine

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I just feel bad for madonna, that's a mental health issue and just sad stuff all around.

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