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That we stop fawning over tech CEOs

Thank you for saying this. Sometimes I feel like I sm the only one thinking like this 🙇♥️

You should probably change page content entirely, server sizey, based on the user agent og request IP.

Using CSS to change layout based on the request has long since been "fixed" by smart crawlers. Even hacks that use JS to show/hide content is mostly handled by crawlers.

Depending on your needs you can also break it into a columnar format with some standard compression on top. This allows you to search individual fields without looking at the rest.

It also compress exceptionally well, and "rare" fields will be null in most records, so run length encoding will compress them to near zero

See fx parquet

There is a dangerously large population of devs and managers that look at themselves, unironically, as the gigachads pumping out ui "upgrades"

Many of these fail to realize how disruptive it is. UI change is like API breakage for the brain.

I have lost track of how many times I've tried to help an elderly family member with an app after some pointless, trivial, ui change. Only ending with them entirely giving up on using the app after the "upgrade" because the cognitive overhead of the change is beyond the skill that can fairly be expected for them 💔