
3 Post – 54 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

+1 for this. PostmarketOS is definitely best privacy minded linux portable on smartphone.

I don't know if this totally credible or not, but I found news that KeepassXC receives positive audit from independent security consultant. Very rare to happen in pass manager apps..

I got this news from Linux Magazine first as I remembered, so I think this is credible and best alternative solution for us to use KeepassXC than other (never heard other apps has been audits by independent security firms / consultants like this).

Unpopular opinion: Antix Linux for workstation, because:

  1. It's Debian
  2. Very lightweight (100mb on RAM)
  3. Live to RAM
  4. Frugal installation
  5. Small size ISO (1gb) with full function utility
  6. Flexibel recovery, from old to modern system
  7. Responsive (no systemd)
  8. Retro-kind WM (icebox-wm), perfectly match on retro system

"Only the paranoid survive. - Andy Grove"

when I was kid and buy new game, if the cover are samurai like character, I will buy it.

Nah, only Lemmy. I don’t like the Mastodon system where you follow users instead of communities. Like why would I want to follow some random internet strangers I don’t know, instead of an actual community of people with similar interests to have a meaningful discussion with? Any Twitter-like system where you follow users is just not my type of platform to use.

Yeah, I think there's great benefit in our mental too from that standpoint. Like you have more active to interact digitally and have more diverse idea to talk rather than passive scrolling the content without any engagement or just leave short comment. At least for me, Lemmy push me more less seeing the contents and focus what people's mind in the comments section and trying to make meaningful discussion from that..

Instant bookmark!

And increase your memorable moment in digital world I think? the cons of infinite scrolling imo is you can't find anything to remember for mid to long time. Which means what we do are tend to meanlngless activity, Unless we create that mark on the internet (comment like this) so your brain not just only received many types of informations (till ur brain overload with it), but creating a dynamic to think in your mind. But yeah, that's what I feel now for sure..

Newsboat RSS reader are what I've been looking for!

  • already installed on AntiX,
  • native installation without any requirements,
  • very simple interface,
  • useful keybinding out of the box,
  • easy to configure.

Thank you for this gem! perfectly fit with my herbsluftWM interface..

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Newsboat are dope enough for my need right now. For nom rss, I think matcha looks similar but more polish and interestingly, Obsidian compatible..

Fedora since Podman UI desktop came, for long term usage..

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Yes, this game was so hella confused for me (8 years old) to understand when I find the game cover is really cool back that day (2002 I think). Gonna play that again for game story..

This is great and most relevant answer from all comment on this topic imo! Viruses are evolve everyday, hacker always find a way to intercept computer that has same framework system.

QubesOS breaks that framework pattern and make their system more dynamic with VM-ing everything, so the impact of viruses are near-to-zero.

++ QubesOS also provide all security enhanced out of the box SO we can enhanced it more with other security tools rather than start from RAW system like majority Linux OS..

+1 with Thinkpad any S series. More portable and compact (thanks to the lightweight compensation than other series). Also thinkpoint is the main point of Thinkpad laptop that brings you joy to the fullest on this machine.

You bring something that I focused on before, but not in pov like this. How do you think the role of IP in terms of people's behaviour or their political decision?

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Wow, thank you for the list sir! this list.. is totally hidden gem for me who's know nothing about many documentary movies.

Wow, you already implementing the anarchist way to the highest point imo. What I must focused first if I want to take a step like you? Unfortunately, I'm worker with WFH style. So the organization vibe touched me when I'm still colleague last time. Can you explain what I need to do in order to create small communities? Your answer really give me insight and push to take anarchist life very seriously. Thank you very much..

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This is complete answer! And what a bless to have partner that shares same vision and goal in anarchist activism. Thank you so much @captainlezbian@lemmy.world really appreciate your time and knowledge to give me insight!

Russia seems to have concluded it’s necessary to “protect” American IP

That's new fact I learn today. Surprisingly Russia method in this case was very interesting.

cost of maintaining your IP outweighs the benefits for all but the largest companies.

Totally agree. This is the problem of close IP in our business model right now, I re-found my quote about this topic from "Open Heritage Data: An Introduction to Research, Publishing, and Programming with Open Data in the Heritage Sector" book:

Outside the heritage sector, in the music industry, the film industry, and many other creative industries, they have the same struggle, and copyright is very big business indeed. It seems that much of our copyright law and practice today is still aimed at these areas, and this is perhaps why it is very difficult to understand copyright in the context of heritage data. However, one important thing to remember about copyright is the motivation for the law. Copyright should act as a motivation to create, because you know that you are the owner of your creative work and thus have certain rights over it.

Now I understand clearly how important IP is with the new fact that far from example I've found so far. Thank you so much for your insight! Really appreaciate your time to answering my foolish question..

I can’t use podman UI :/ I’m not fond of it

Yeah, it takes time I think since Podman UI is newcomer here. But the future seems promising, especially when Docker decision outraging many their users before. And of course as a Linux user, cli is the best option here for a moment..

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rootless capability

That's Podman primary feature right? still.. privacy and security has a downside on convenience as far as many people critize, and I choose that features rather than easy implementing with no security system enhanced. Yet, the future still bluring on Redhat side when they more expand than competition. Do we will face same tragedy like Ubuntu / Docker aggresive decision in open source space again?

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Because Wikileaks, Anonymous, Julian Asange, and Edward Snowden. Privacy (in digital data) are our own RIGHT to have as human has right to wearing any clothes so our bodies are not visible by public, and our government do not have to dictated what right clothes we should using or HAVE RIGHT to remove it from us.

In other perspective, people don't realized that their own data can HYPNOTIZED them and create mental health issue that can't be known only by our own mind. Consciousness is very fragile things. Still people pretend not aware and understand that..

Any SSD manufactures will fine as long you remember to choose SSD with SLC type for fastest, more durable, less error-prone, and security integration (on this link for further information). With the longest guarantee from the manufactures too will be great for you in long term usage.

For secure thing, SLC is the best option you have as you can see this video from this source that I found week ago. SSD with SLC type will maximize your productivity than other types, while also keep your privacy when you want sell them in the future.

I know the sources I'll give to you are from 2011/13 research like this comment. But as far as I know, this sources are the best explanation that give me deep understanding on how SSD works, rather than just articles or simple explanation things from manufactures with no deep explanation how they methods works. It's up to you to in the end..

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Yes, Reddit feels more like information overload platform to me, even ur limit it with subscribe page only.

I used Thunderbird for my Thinkpad x260. But for x200s, TB is too power hungry..

I want L-booted my x200s, but the procedure is complex than others. I need to find someone who's expert at soldering first, to not make any mistakes at the mobo. Still in searching, so it's all matter of time..

Do you have any tips or guide for me to L-booted this piece of art?

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I never thought to get this detail answer from lemmy user. You are real dark magician! Thank you so much.. I just surprised when check my inbox and got this + easy to understand for inexperience like me in Libreboot process. The only info I have right now for L-booting x200s is this. But your tips here are clearly make L-booting x200s looks so easy and make it possible as fast as I can.

do not compile libreboot with raspberry pi nor any sbc you’re using (use real x86 computer)

Can you give me an example for what real x86 computer you used or other best option? I'm still confused for the keyword in search engine. Still.. thank you so much for this guidance from my soul. It looks like overreacted, but this little step stone is very important for me to start..

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  • for Ventoy! more dynamic Linux experiences is one place and functions for one time effort..

Thank you for this, maybe I will used this for specific task in the future..

Great alternative! Mayber I'll used Matcha on my Thinkpad x260 once I try to messing with Obsidian. Thank you..

There's some fediverse that we can call it "the most secure and private" network. Not all of them, but yes.. the fallacy of pop culture understanding the fediverse hype by many people is too much. I agree..

Never heard about Depthboot but sadly, there is no support for Debian Linux. If Depthboot compatible with that, I will go down testing it in no time.

Regulation in capitalist created by people or choosen individual from mass / public right? If we want to have a better regulation, do we need change the leader or what other options do we have in capitalist system in your opinion?

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The problem is you cannot marry with a non-muslim person, so he/she should accept Islam first.

I'm a muslim and as far as I know, there's no law that forbid you to marry non-muslim. There's many muslim clerics or saints who are marry a non-muslim in history of Islam.

But to do that, first you need to have a really strong faith so your partner in future will slowly understand and accept Islam by her/his own will. The common understanding that seems to not marry a non-muslim by many muslims because is not an easy path to have a relationship with different faith. Especially family and tradition on both side.

The most common cases about this are men muslim married a woman non-muslim. On the opposite, is very rare cases that happen in history of Islam. Some (fiqh) law by clerics forbids woman muslim to married a men non-muslim, and some allowed that with requirement the woman need to have a strong faith first.

I have many friends who's their parents married with different religion (islam and christian, islam and shinto, islam and confucius). I admit is not an easy path than married with same religion as far I can see in my own cases, but I respect their choice..

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lol what package u installed dude? never see this since using linux 2013

Thank you for correct me, now I get what I need right now from this correction..

as the team that works in podman are veteran in Industry since Red Hat inception

Never know about this, Thank you so much.

soo… I won’t touch more than podman topic, he he he…

Ha ha ha.. ok, I understand..

Wow, thank you for this! AT will become my next PKMS, their features plan are dope and in line with their philosophy about freedom and humanity. Never thought PKMS reach the deep understanding as this..

Your analogy between parks and malls are very good! Thanks @sudneo@lemmy.world

Of course I'm not ChatGPT. I don't mean to support organized crime too, but lookin at my comment again and now I understand how cold it was. I mean the crime organization there is really straight forward rejecting any negative speak about themselves without thinking how public ppl will lookin at them in that action. But again, there's some organization that really supports local people without killing or human trafficking, just selling drugs because there's no other choice for them. And that's what typical crime org that I'm not trying to judge, but for other with that level (kill and sell human / organ), of course I reject them totally. So sorry guys for misunderstanding..