
1 Post – 59 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Rude tone apart, this is absolutely true. Nobody thinks satellite Internet is meant to compete with fiber to the door.

15 more...

Donofrio broke a glass window on the front door "and reached inside to manipulate the doorknob,"

How much more "immediate" do you need? A complete stranger is trying to break into your home to do god knows what is the epitome of a clear and immediate danger to me.

What would you have done? Opened the door and welcomed them in?

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Any brands you would recommend?

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Exactly. Even if the standard Lemmy software does it, there's no guarantee that your instance admin hasn't altered the code or done something else to keep that data.

That would be great but a site with a password field doesn't support such a system anyway

Serious question, what is the right number of officers for a city that size? 1 officer per 400 people or so doesn't sound very low to me.

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What about the comments though? I don't think hiding duplicates or merging comments will be easy

So why not return a long or whatever the 64 bit int equivalent is?

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archive.is usually works

Exactly. They have all the data in the world, but I'm sure they are doing what's optimal for their profit.

How much are you scraping? You may end up getting your home up blocked.

The active user chart on that site shows a spike after Twitter was sold and then a 50% decline and a flat line after.

It's not bad, but doesn't seem to be growing.

No, I get that. I'm sure the programming language design people know what they are doing. I just can't grasp how a double (which has to use at least 1 bit to represent whether or not there is a fractional component) can possibly store more exact integer vales than an integer type of the same length (same number of bits).

It just seems to violate some law of information theory to my novice mind.

10 more...

I pronounce it like this:


Do you need to expose the services to the entire Internet or can you use something like tailscale or zerotier (these require installing an app on each remote device, but don't open up ports to the internet).

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How do you have this set up? Is it possible to have a single verification process in front of several exposed services? Like as part of a reverse proxy?

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Same here. Well worth it for $10 a year

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It sounds like the crew, except for the pilot was killed? Pretty brutal for the crew. I assume there was no other option

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Or mergerfs if you are not too concerned with performance

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Does the bt hub let you turn off DHCP? I had a similar issue with my ISP router, but it let me turn off dhcp and then I ran pihole which can run its own DHCP server.

Then, the DHCP server can tell all clients to use your preferred DNS server.

I haven't used adguard, but it can probably do the same. If not, you can run a DHCP client on the same box probably.

Any specific reason you think they should be backwards? I have only limited exposure to the alternatives, but caddy was the easiest for me to set up when I was looking for a reverse proxy.

My main issue with caddy was having to compile in any extensions manually, but you don't even need to do that anymore.

I'm curious which part you think is overkill and how you would redo this? I have a proxmox cluster and run docker amongst other things, but haven't set up any sort of high availability.

I don't need live migrations, but something that could help with load balancing and reducing any potential downtime if a host fails would be great.

Probably because the ratio of r:d is higher for actual voters than for registers voters.

If you have access, the ny times article goes into all of the methodology

Cross-Tabs: July 2023 Times/Siena Poll of the 2024 Race and National Issues https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/08/01/us/elections/times-siena-poll-registered-voters-crosstabs.html?smid=nytcore-android-share

Ok. But what was r/195?

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This is my exact setup as well. Proxmox with one beefy vm dedicated just to docker and then a few other vms for non docker workloads (eg, home assistant, pihole, jelltfin). I can probably run those in docket as well, but the to worked better as vms when I set them up

I've been using the official android app. Are there any killer features that the 3rd party apps have? I'm trying tusky out right now, but don't notice much different.

Completely a personal preference, but this is one reason I prefer caddy. I like to keep the configs separate and not clutter up my compose files.

It means I need to update two things when adding a new service (a compose file plus my caddy file), but I like the separation of concerns.

It also lets makes my proxy config consistent for all services, regardless of whether that run in docket or elsewhere.

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Yeah, then I can see the appeal of keeping everything in the same configs.

The guy has no idea what he's doing, but he did say the limits were temporary

Definitely more expensive, but you can get used ones from a few generations ago for cheap on eBay

File compatible is one thing, but I just can't get over the difference in shortcut keys/workflow.

Plus, creating and editing charts is still miles easier in excel.

I have not heard of this before. How is the performance compared to RDP or VNC?

This is great info thank you

Yeah that makes sense.

Works fine for me on 0.0.38

I'm not familiar with the terminology. What's the distinction between a terminal and a console?

Tmux does let you copy from a shell to your system clipboard using the keyboard, which is nice. But many terminal emulators like mobaxterm on windows let you copy as well.

That's great. Can I set the subnet router to use my local DNS? So service.mydomain.com will still route appropriately?

Not being able to install local apps is a valid issue. But if you are really concerned about a work laptop, I wouldn't trust something just because it's web based. Depending on the company, they can access that data if they really wanted to just alomst as easily as a file on disk.

I've been testing out restric and kopia for backups. Anyone with experience with these know the pros and cons vs. Borg?

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Or Castlevania?