
@karmiclychee @sh.itjust.works
1 Post – 51 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They could just pay their fucking taxes so we can have trains

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Maybe they just don't have the actual numbers you'd expect from their outsized presence in the discourse, when they're not being protected, or facilitated, or actively promoted by engagement algorithms or the individuals who own the other platforms.

(I'm pretty sure this is the case, but I'm too lazy to get sources just this minute)

Gandhi. Seriously. Sleeping habits aside, dude was pro-apartheid.

If you want to talk weird, each leg on a horse is actually one really long finger.

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I call this my "rule of three" - I wait until I've seen "something" three times before deciding on an abstraction. Two isn't enough to get an idea of all the potential angles, and if you don't touch it a third time, it's probably not important enough to warrant the effort and risk of a refactor

Seconded. I'm a dude in my mid 30s and I love those movies

That's a whole can of worms

/me waves from that place

It's absolutely a thing. It was a game changer for me when I gave up fighting it and just accepted that "whelp, my brain's just gonna brain today." If you can, just try to give yourself what you need and slow down. It is what it is.

I also find something satisfying about doing a big methodical cleanup after I feel better from a slump, your milage may vary.

I've seen some active instances die due to admin neglect (not paying the bills, for instance), and I've wondered how those communities have fared since, since they'd have to start over elsewhere, and without all the content and history from their origin server. Same goes with user accounts too.

You don't have super powers, you're not having a "spiritual crisis," you have ADHD and you're losing your shit. See a doctor. Medicine is good.

That's it. That would basically rewrite the last 18 years of my life (not that it's been bad, but I lost out on doing cool stuff in my 20s to figuring out I had, and how to deal with, my mental illness)

Given the psychological effect of owning a gun, or having access to one has on a person, I honestly feel like we're in the same mental health territory as any behavioral antagonist, like leaving an addictive substance around an addict. You take a gun and put everything it means in a person's hands - the power, the mythology, the kind of baggage it comes with in this country - and it's gonna have some kind of effect.

I don't know about you, but I've witnessed, and am aware of many cases where drivers of certain kinds of cars - big, fast, whatever - do stupid, reckless, dangerous, even murderous things because of the feeling of power and control their vehicle gives them. It's the psychology of the damn things that makes people crazy.

We have a phrase for it, oddly enough: "it's like leaving a loaded gun on the table"

Not enough people consider the origin of these words, trying to use them divorced from the thing that actually makes it a pejorative. Growing up, "gay" was another one people tried to use as an insult "non-homophobically"

It's poisonous for a reason

I'm very anti one charter - my intention here is to propose the idea of charters as a way for communities to sort of balance each other out, solve each other's problems and avoid reinventing each other's wheels.

Well-thought-out policies will be copied and forked by other new instances, and that will create consensus communities of instances that are at least on the same page when it comes to how a site is supposed to work.

Yeah, pretty much this, but with some mechanism - literally at an icon level - to indicate to users (lemmings, lemurs, lemurians?), who aren't necessarily keyed into inter-instance politics, and just want to see their memes, that "this instance follows the No-Nazis charter, which I like, and the rest of the charter members agree. Cool."

This thread is really alarming if you're like me and got Patrick Bateman confused with Jason Bateman

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I initially misread as "lecher" and was very confused.

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From the welcome page

my secret mission with Perchance is to get people interested in coding with a smooth, fun learning-curve

Seems like it worked!

I do web dev on a daily basis, and I tend to think of HTML as "formatted" data.

A database has data in it, but it's in a format of columns and rows, like a spreadsheet.

My application fetches that raw data and uses code to manipulate it - it can inspect it, rewrite it, combine it with other data from other places, validate it against rules - all sorts of stuff.

Since my app is a web app, all that code is designed to use the data formatted in columns and rows from the database, and use it to generate new data in HTML format to send to the browser.

Technically, writing HTML for a browser is a form of programming - it's a set of instructions that tell the browser how to display the data in the HTML. It's not considered programming in a professional* sense, though, as HTML doesn't get, send, change, or process data. Its purpose is as a format for data to be sent and read by something else (the browser).

*professional as in job titles that affect your salary

I'd happily take a sliding scale subscription that comes with zero personal benefits, if it means keeping a cool and valuable instance up and running.

Oh hey, like taxes.

Depends on how they pronounce it

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I feel a repressed memory or two stirring 😐

If you're in RoR land, there's always the Faker gem to get you started. Or keep it simple - find lists of names on Wikipedia or something, shuffle and combine.

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True, I specifically called out the Lemmyverse, versus the Fediverse, however. In this moment, the Lemmyverse feels like a crucible of "now what?" where there's room for something like this.

To clarify, in my head, I couldn't, nor wouldn't imagine all Lemmy instances to adopt a single charter, but to have the concept floating around in the space - take it or leave it.

[disclaimer: I don't know how to talk about this stuff without sounding like a Pollyanna, but I'm actually a "hope for the best prepare for the worst" sort of cynic]

You could have one charter developed by a group of instances that are committed to being inclusive, diverse spaces.

  1. The charter org would need to have a good reputation of member instances following the spirit (or letter, if that's their thing) of whatever (laws, guides, mission statement, whatever)

  2. Adopting the charter, a staying a member instance indicates to people looking for safe, inclusive, diverse spaces that "hey, let's give this one a shot"

  3. If a member acts in bad faith, the charter org can do what they will to uphold their reputation. If the charter org itself has shenanigans, they lose that reputation (and members)

I'm thinking about this like a Syndicalist/Confederalist - administrative organizations (interest groups) form as necessary, and dissolve when their function has run its course.

That is literally what it is :D

Just mix them together.

It is actually exciting to see and participate in how things develop.

Same, to go from years of lurking on Reddit to feeling compelled to post here is an indication to me that something cool and different is trying to happen.

Anyone else remember "disemvoweling?" I vote for that instead of deleting comments. Let us frolic amidst the shattered ruins of our foes.

some specific instance should have its own “charter” that it uses to make those decisions with, sure whatever

This one, yes.

Heavy lifting is the only thing that's stuck for the way my brain works. I used a program called 5x5:

  • only 5 different lifts to learn, each full body so there's no fiddly minmaxing
  • more or less timeboxed. 5 sets of 5 reps 3 times with about a minute between each rep and set. To improve, you add more weight, not spend more time
  • consistent, once you get the routine down, and you know roughly how long it'll take, you can just let your body take over, coast on muscle memory and motor neurons, zone back in in an hour when you're done
  • numeric satisfaction as your weights increase in fixed increments.
  • immediate gratification because functional strength is neat and comes on surprisingly fast

Downside: So hungry, all the time.

It's been a few years since I've been active. I used to live in an apartment directly above a gym. Now I live in the boonies and need to convert my carport into a garage before I can buy a weight set.

I hate that thing

Fuck material UI. Forever.

Good question, something for folks writing the charter (whoever they might be) to take into consideration, and hash out.

Off the top of my head, there are types of for-profit orgs, like B Corps, that could be included. There are non-profit orgs, like religious institutions, that could be excluded.

(Edit: point is that it's something for more and better minds to sort out, and adjust over time)

I would love to see the test suite

I used this for a bit as data collection to help me and my therapist to track my depression. There are a bunch of free CBT apps out there for they kind of thing too.

Well done, well done. As a meat brain, this took me down a rabbit hole of new spacetime paradoxes.

Now do puhs

"healthy unemployment rate"

Just read a thing about how persistent usernames may work better than actual ID. Of course, I don't have a link, and I'm not finding anything on Google right now, but as someone who uses the same handle across multiple services, which makes my activity traceable, but not necessarily to my real identity, I definitely think there's something to that.

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As a manager, agreed
