
1 Post – 49 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Photo Pea is where it's at. Browser based Photoshop clone. Unless you're doing art, then go with Krita.

Gimp is needlessly unintuitive. I've used a ton of programs since I was 10 - I've ran Paint Shop Pro (JASC days), Corel Painter, Photoshop (all versions since 7), Krita, Inkscape, a tiny program called Paintstorm Studio, various Oekakis when those were a thing, paint tool SAI, and now Procreate. I have NEVER seen a program weirder than GIMP. People defend GIMP with the old "just because it's not Photoshop doesn't mean it's bad". My dude I've used programs that were entirely in Japanese and they made more sense than GIMP. The way the tools function and where they're located makes no sense.

And now Krita does 99% of everything you'd need GIMP for as the average person (cropping, filters, a bit of editing). There's not a good reason to get GIMP. I'm genuinely confused because the features are there, I'm not sure why they don't reskin the damn thing already.

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Underage fictional content is banned in first world countries like South Korea, Ireland, Norway, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and France. Do you really want to lump the very real discrimination that LGBTQ people face with someone's desire to get off to a 5 year old, sorry - 5000 year old school girl?

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Technically none, but my partner pays for Spotify and I'm on a shared YouTube Premium plan. I used to have 5-6 subscriptions and cut them off in January 2022. No regrets! Even buying an old machine second hand, an external storage, and a VPN still costs way less than my many subscriptions. It'll be hard to give up Spotify... Too convenient.

Also, don't make the mistake that smaller parrots mean less commitment. Parrotlets and lovebirds are smart, feisty, bite pretty hard, are extremely loud, and still live like 25 years. Budgies are a bit dumber and nicer, but still live a long ass time. Cockatiels have a very nice personality and are musical, but they have 25 year life spans. Consider any small parrot to be a "25 to life" deal.

Also chances are, your parrot (of any kind) either won't talk, or won't shut up about the wrong things. Hope you like hearing the Teams call music at all hours.

Well summer never made me want to kill myself so I tend to prefer it. Severe seasonal affective disorder is interesting.

That said these days I have ways of dealing with it. Turns out running during the winter days is kinda neat because you end up getting endorphins and UV. I also have one of those SAD lamps and they truly work for me. Nowadays I like winter a lot more - especially cozy stuff like knitting and tea.

I do think that the world's increasing waistlines affect people's attitude about summer. I know that the bigger you are, the more miserable the heat can feel. Plus wearing revealing clothes isn't fun for everyone, especially with things like chub rub. On the flip side, being skinny makes you pretty cold so the winter can be miserable. I know that no amount of layers would help the ache in my bones when I was underweight.

This is why autumn is bae. Hot enough to be outside, cold enough to not sweat, pretty colours and harvest activities, Halloween... Autumn wins. Close second is spring, which I hear is fabulous in many places, but in Canada is mostly just freezing winter temperatures, one week of trees blooming, and then just 30 C temperatures after that.

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Parents grew up under authoritarian communism. Their stance is and always has been "social programs rocked, being under that government sucked". No amount of decent living standards will ever make up for the possibility of imprisonment because you disobeyed the ruling party (and disobeying included things like having the wrong haircut, let alone the wrong gender identity).

The colour of the uniform is unimportant. The literature is unimportant. The slogans are unimportant. The leader is unimportant. At the end of the day, you'll still be stuck with a police state telling you how to dress, how to act, how to think, fascist or communist.

Let's flip that argument: should we all abide by American standards? After all, nudity is ok in a lot of places in the world, why should we blur chests?

Tons of countries ban underage looking things, even digital art of it. Countries with bans include Canada, Australia, the UK, France, South Korea, Ireland, Norway, etc.

Controversial take but in the early days I think it's fine if you replicate the content from the old Reddit posts (maybe even link to the post) as long as you don't claim credit. I think people just wanna see things at first, and then the conversation can grow. It's not like Reddit was chock full of OC.

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Rats carry all the personality of dogs and cats. In theory, you get a pet that you'll enjoy for 2-3 years. In practice, you'll be devastated after your intelligent best friends start dying one by one. Most people cope by buying rats constantly.

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Yeah even fictional suggestive content is illegal in Canada. And I'm glad!

Remember when SNL said failure would result in having to live in a van down by the river, and now #vanlife costs $$$, and owning riverfront property is a pipe dream?

I can't even afford yesterday's broke!

I think this confusion comes from the phrasing of the original post, which was ambiguous about allowing underage content. Also, there's a difference between being an adult and looking teenage, and looking like a literal child (which I doubt you do). But regardless of appearances, you're a real person whose age we can verify. And yes, I'm a proponent of verifying people's ages.

An ambiguous image of a person that looks 10, but whose creator insists she's a 5000 year old dragon, doesn't hold up in many courts. Many international courts say "nice try but that's a 10 year old". And I don't disagree with them. Overall I just don't get it? Why the need to have that stuff on the major NSFW instance? By all means, put it on a side instance that can get blocked and banned, and if you really need to see it, either join a Lemmy that's super lax or roll your own.

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Yeah ok, I really love that Reddit's crappy pedantry about stuff that doesn't matter is bleeding into the new world. First world, to most of us not using 50 year old definitions, means countries universally accepted to have decent human rights. The topic reeled into the Middle East's laws surrounding LGBTQ people, which is a shit argument when talking about banning underage looking content which happens even in countries with great LGBTQ rights. Let's not pretend that the world is this fantastic equal place where the human experience is just dandy across the board.

Also I'm from a third world country! Yugoslavia was the founder of the neutral Non-Aligned movement. That makes it, by most definitions, third world.

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Yeah that's not how seasonal affective disorder works. I can view the starry night sky as magical the same as anyone else but not enough bright light hitting my eyeballs will result in me being depressed as fuck.

One of my Linux people left Odysee recently. Can you guess why? He got sick of all the Nazi shit.

Gimp's brushes leave a lot to be desired. Photoshop has had vector like brushes for years, Krita has them as well these days, but it still feels like Gimp has rastery pixels on the edge of brushes.

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Why are you derailing an argument about adult underage content with definitions of the phrase first world?

Humans weren't ready for easily accessible sucrose, let alone an easily manipulated reality. My parents can't tell the difference between Facebook rumors and reality. My siblings can't tell the difference between YouTube conspiracies and reality. And I'm this boat, letting myself get personally affected by text on some website. We're in over out heads.

You can still set up PhotoGIMP but it's not good IMO. Making something unintuitive on purpose is strange and oddly elitist. Procreate is totally different than Photoshop but both programs have designs that make sense. Hell, I prefer Inkscapes interface to Illustrator. Nobody says you have to copy the paid product as long as your interface actually makes sense.

It's a Godfather quote, meaning "prepare for battle". In times of war, families would pay for soldiers to guard them and sleep on the floor in shifts. Hence "go to the mattresses".

Actually it's a bit of a recursive quote because there's a scene in "You Got Mail" where the male protagonist tells the female protagonist to "Go to the mattresses" and she's equally confused. He explains the Godfather thing. This is all said via AOL message. She later mentions that she will "Go to the mattresses" to her real life boyfriend, and asks him if he knows what that means. He answers "Yeah, like from the Godfather". She concludes with the statement "What is it with men and the Godfarher?"

Incidentally I'm not a man, and here we are.

As cool as Earthships sound, I feel like they aren't a good fit for all climates. I'm in Canada, and unless you live in BC (and I'm talking Vancouver or the island), your only sustainable building option is straw bale.

Even if I could go further south to a more temperate climate, part of my fear is that anything south will get unbearable soon. Even Europe is going to be hot as hell.

At this point I'm considering it. I wonder how much it costs.

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It costs a chunk to run, but saves a lot in health bills - even in countries where healthcare is universal. Heart disease is both a killer and something that can incapacitate you, and any potential weight loss benefits aside, running is fantastic for heart health (provided you do it properly and with the approval of your medical professionals). Not to mention it also has focus, mental health, and sleep quality benefits. Plus if you really get into it, you'll soon be training for some disturbingly long race and be too busy to do much of anything - especially shopping for pointless things you don't need.

I'd say that most people can get started with decent wicking workout clothes (thrift them if you can and go for gaudy neons if you live in a place that's dark most of the year), and a pair of decent running shoes on sale. Wireless headphones and a running belt (or just going for pants with zippered pockets to hold your phone) are small upgrades that also make it better if you have a bit of extra budget. Run like this for like a year, and then slowly upgrade with gadgets like running watches, CamelBak backpacks if you start doing long distances and feel like you need it. Also consider investing in slightly better clothing based on what you determine your needs are - colder climate thermals, merino, running shoes for specific pronation, and rolling tools to help you stretch.

Running can be as cheap as less than ~$100 a year or as expensive as you want it to be. It's cheaper than the gym, CrossFit, at home workout equipment, yoga classes, etc. Not to shit on those things at all, in fact cross training helps you build strength and avoid injury. But nobody should ever feel discouraged by running due to costs, it pays off in spades.

And for new runners, run s l o w. Slower than you want. So slow you feel you're not doing much and practically walking. Slow and long runs are the ones that make a real difference in building stamina, cardio health, and even decreasing your race times. You're also less likely to get injured and prematurely get winded by using up all your energy in a sprint. Also, walking is fine. Even experienced runners walk during certain moments - usually for me, I'm doing it to get a burp out or something.

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I'm confused by your definition. When googling Loli, you get the lolicon Wikipedia page which has an image of girls that look... I'd say maybe 10? And Loli is named after Lolita, who in the book is like 12? I'm not seeing anywhere linking the definition of Loli to women that look clearly 18+ in any way. I'm not even seeing strong ties between Loli and girls that look 16.

My argument is that to appease the large number of countries that ban drawn lolicon, the biggest NSFW instance should take a safe stance and ban that content across the board. I don't care if other instances serve the needs of those who love lolicon, I'm happy to personally block any that pop up even if my instance doesn't. But the biggest NSFW instance can distances themselves. This is clearly a contentious issue and it is one that the international community hasn't made a firm decision on.

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Reminds me of leaving my ex. Went from "baby I love you, don't leave 🥺" to "fuck you, you're nothing without me, you're a crazy bitch" in the span of minutes.

If it works for you, I'm happy. I'm just frustrated when GIMP is recommended to newbies looking into FOSS art programs. I think a lot of people have the wrong idea about FOSS art programs because thier first introduction was GIMP. As a result I feel like we have a lot more people who are in the apple ecosystem, when in reality being artistic shouldn't necessarily come paired with really expensive products. I mean most artists are broke and creative, and a lot of them have very left leaning ideals. FOSS art programs and cheaper hardware should be a natural fit, IMO.

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What is trans women's secret for looking great in thigh highs? Every time I wear them, I get the thigh fat creating little muffin tops. I'm not big or anything, I've had this issue even when I was like 95 lbs. One time I just gave my thigh highs to an ex (she was trans) because she put them on and looked amazing.

I wanna wear thigh highs too damnit!

What is your topic? I'm shit for OC but I am a slut for commenting (I'll even argue with you and get you nostalgic for Reddit if that's what you're into). You just gotta pick one of my ADHD hyperfixations.

I can generate engagement like a crazy person. Too much even. I have too many opinions and you people are my only outlet outside of my partner.

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Thank you for the resource. I'll give it a "Go" tomorrow. If it makes my brain monkeys dance, you're gonna be in luck (at least from the perspective that I'm gonna be filling at least one of your hobbies with endless comments and engagement).

For a successful community online you need two types of people: content creators and fillers. I'm a filler. I don't provide value 99% of the time but I can generally keep a discussion going for long enough to make communities busy enough to attract content creators. I know people are pessimistic about Lemmy but if just a few fillers start passionately bickering in the comments, this whole project is fine.

Anyway I'm gonna tell you if I like Go. I might also take you up on the match when I'm comfortable with the rules. I'll do my best, but the ADHD really runs this ship and I just do what the dopamine tells me. Wish you well in your Kansas City journey - not even sure what sport that is.

Bread and circuses. Things only change when you cut those off. Why do you think there were giant protests in 2020? We lost the bread (tons of industries were indefinitely on pause overnight) and we lost the circuses (entertainment like sports also vanished). Lasting change happened in the past because people were literally starving and people had nothing to keep them going. Even then, you can get a North Korea situation once in a while, where they're paradoxically starving to death and still compliant.

That's your experience. No matter how well I dress, I can't stop my bones from aching in the cold. On the flip side, I'm typically comfortable in the heat, even in 38 Celsius temps. I obviously have an upper limit of like 40-45C, but so do most humans.

Likewise it's not really safe to chill outside in -40 to -50C for most humans either. At that point you're getting frostbite through the wool underlayers, and the exposed skin will literally sting.

Freshly made by yours truly, feel free to spread it. Source of meme is the first episode of The Tick cartoon from the 90s, a beautiful story about a himbo and his platonic soulmate

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That looks neat! I'll look into it. How does it work, do you run Docker in it? I really have no clue what I'm doing.

Pixel art might be an exception, you're right. But to be fair, people can make pixel art in Paint. I mean, I'm sure it's not fun to do it in Paint, but it's very much the "ballpoint pen on notebook paper" of digital art.

I've got the domains already - I have a bad habit of buying domains that I never use. It's really the server part that gets me nervous. I'm not good at that stuff yet, and it's not really intuitive for me to learn. I know for Mastodon, they have some cloud based servers that they recommend, but Lemmy's instructions are kinda lacking detail for a newbie like me - and at this time, there's not really up-to-date YT videos showing you how to do it.

I know that being part of a server seems like a natural fit for someone like me who is totally lost with these things, but it's kinda frustrating that most larger instances have a ton of rules. I think the one I'm on has rules about lewd content, which is fine, but I feel like one of my comments got blocked from submission when I wrote about how Reddit's downfall will be similar to Tumblr's due to their likely eventual banning of that type of content. Maybe some of the words I used were triggering the auto filter or something? But either way, I didn't like that feeling of censorship.

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Our overlaps are currently only space and science. Go as in the game? I think I can get into it, I'm just scared of the rules. Seems complicated. How can I get decent at it so that I can kick my partners butt? He kicks my butt at chess because he's been playing for years but he vaguely knows about go but never played. Nothing would please him more than if I learned it decently and destroyed him at it. Im not lying, he loves when I'm randomly good at something because he loves when I become his main opponent, he'd get obsessed with the game.

And if he gets obsessed with it, he floods me with random information about it and then eventually I use that info as ammunition to talk shit on the internet. I've played maybe 5 games of foosball in my life but I could probably get into a fight to the death in the comments over Tornado vs Garlando vs Leonhart because my partner just infuses that information into me.

All this to say is that I'd love to comment and I can talk about any fucking thing. This is my third paragraph and I've said nothing of value. It's a gift. But someone needs to sell me on Go.

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I volunteered a local food bank before the pandemic. I'm Canadian so this is purely from the perspective of that, but I've observed a couple of things:

  • Food banks are very efficient with money so if you donate that, they can make it go a long way. Way better than chucking a few cans near expiry. That being said, food is always welcome and appreciated. Ask your local food bank about what types of food you're allowed to give.
  • Our food bank also provided toiletries which were always a hot item. If you have extra shampoos (unopened), conditioners, tampons, doggy pee pads, deodorant, toilet paper, or any hair products you don't need, donate to a food bank. If you're feeling generous and you know your local dollar store has name brand products for a decent price, pick up some stuff and drop it off if they accept that type of product. Also don't be afraid to donate something you (an adult) wouldn't use like strawberry scented deodorant. There are a lot of teen girls that would love it.
  • Please don't donate your expired food. For food that's just a bit expired, we had a system of sending it to the local Sikh charity who cooked meals with the food and served that to those in need. But that was our food bank's agreement because we were near a large Sikh community, your expired cans are a lot better off being used in your soup than being sent to a food bank that will throw it out. (Food banks often have no exceptions policies about chucking out expired goods, but most things are fine to eat past the BB date. Canned beans from 2021 are better in your tummy than at the food bank in most cases).
  • I'm not sure if this is true for all Canadian A&W restaurants, but our local one donated eggs in large quantities. Pretty much every family coming through could get fresh eggs every trip. Seasonally, the butchers and local grocery would also donate large turkeys for holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas. It was wonderful for local families. Anyway, so now when I do eat junk food, I go to A&W cause the burgers are good and turns out that they're real homies.
  • The shoppers (name we had for those who used our food bank) were kind people from a variety of backgrounds. Most were at the very least quiet and did their trip quickly, but the vast majority were extremely thankful to those who volunteered.
  • Those who volunteer at food banks vary - in Ontario we have some mandatory community hours for local high school kids, so you'll get some teens trying to fill their hours. But you'll also meet people who needed that food bank at some point in their life. And older people who want someone to talk to. And kind souls who want to make a difference. And the occasional power tripper who really wants to look great in the community. But most people are fantastic.
  • People who need food banks vary dramatically. Some were obviously homeless and had substance abuse issues (we banned any who were inebriated to the point of causing issues for staff), some were single moms, some were older people who needed help in retirement, some were on disability etc. It will open your eyes that anyone can fall on hard times. A woman who volunteered there disclosed that she needed the food bank after being diagnosed with MS and her husband losing his job in the same year. Luckily she's in a better spot now and decided to give back when she could.
  • This is just an observation from my perspective, but I was a late 20s petite woman who made decent money and I always tried to dress down for the experience so that I wouldn't make anyone feel strange. A lot of people who needed the food bank were in my age group. I typically wore old jeans, an old thick hoodie, no makeup, etc. It was both practical and considerate. I noticed the dudes my age who were using the food bank didn't even make eye contact with me when I was helping them pick food. I think a lot of them were very considerate to not make me feel weird about the interaction, but it also felt like there's a lot of cultural pressure on men to be successful, and it seemed like shopping with a girl their own age was kinda a negative experience. It made me sad, I think our society needs to do a lot of work on men's mental health and the pressure to be successful and a provider.

I'm not very worried about the monitor thing, right now I have some basic 1080p monitors and I may just eventually get one big great monitor. Hopefully just one monitor will not give me issues? How was gaming on Pop? I had a bit of a time getting Nvidia to work - kept getting some error. I needed to get the reinforcements (aka software dev boyfriend) to help. I heard Pop comes preinstalled with a lot of drivers.

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How do you like PopOS? I've been on Ubuntu for about a year and I like it but... It's Ubuntu. I don't necessarily love how the file system is set up, and snaps... Just... Snaps. I've been considering either Mint or Pop.

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This was years ago (2010 I think) before the good Linux driver for Wacom was made. Or maybe during the infancy days of it. I had a Bamboo Fun. It's funny to me that I've been fiddling with Linux since 2010 - growing up during the recession made me pretty receptive to making free solutions work, even if it meant troubleshooting things I didn't understand and crying at 2am because it's not working. I went back to Linux last year and it's been insane how easy it all is.

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