
4 Post – 111 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Hear hear

Words, possibly numbers, letters, punctuation, and maybe some symbols

I hate how this is phrased as "redundancies". IGN literally JUST bought these outlets, they haven't had time to dig into and examine the organizations they acquired; it's just straight into the Corpo playbook of "lay people off and let the dust settle where it may".

These are people, not "redundancies". They contributed in the old organization, and they could contribute in the new, but they never even got the chance.

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Yup, it's a little known secret of our economy that roughly 15% of the populace makes over $10,000 a month evaluating restaurants, aka, eating at them and filing reports.

Those reports are essential for us all, and I for one have been perpetually grateful for the knowledge I have gleaned from them.

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It's simple, then:

We ban ads. All ads, everywhere.

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"As you all know, we have worked hard over the last year to run our business as sustainably as possible. Unfortunately, we still have work to do to rightsize our company and I regret having to share that we are taking the painful step to reduce our headcount by just over 500 people across Twitch," Clancy wrote.

Cripes I hate corporate newspeak. "Rightsize" isn't a word, and I hope I never encounter it again.

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Nerds still are smarter than us.

Unfortunately a cult of managers has arisen to rule over the nerds and they hype with an iron fist.

That's some hostile workplace kind of BS, and shouldn't be tolerated. Document everything, names, dates, info etc.

I reached out to The Guild of Restaurant Evaluators to ask, and they told me it was a trade secret. But then when I asked the Restaurant Evaluators Guild, they told me it's for "legal" reasons. But they put "legal" in quotes. The Evaluators Agency told me it was because nobody trusts 21 year olds, but let's face it, of the "big 3", nobody trusts The Evaluators Agency compared to the other two.

And that broad grew up to be Elom Nusk

If Mother Teresa couldn't beat the charges, that would mean that it's because a fair and impartial trial found her guilty? Definitely word salad

If it's like a lot of other tech companies, likely this was posted in a questions thread during a large meeting, and while everyone can see the questions being posed, Execs pick and choose which questions they're interested in answering, ignoring the ones they don't like. It's a good way of determining employee morale while avoiding all accountability.

Yeah, this has definitely happened before, we just don't hear about it in the news. I am personally aware of a Canadian non-profit whose Google accounts were nuked with no notice or explanation last year, leading to massive disruptions for 150 staff and even more clients. They never found out why, and had to restore from backups onto a brand new Google business account

My wife found out about The Elephant Scene and refused to ever play it as long as she lives

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I don't care about AI.

It's not because of posts like this; it's not because of the endless hype cycle. It's not because hundreds of billions are going into it and it's not because everyone's doing it; it's all these things combined with the fact that I don't have a use case for AI in my life. I don't need AI's sanitized, corporatized opinion on anything, and there's nothing a chatbot can do that a human can't do better.

But that's just me. If you and others like it, Cool Beans.

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Nexflix has... Fans? Customers yeah, but fans?

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When outrage is the prime driver of engagement it's going to push some people right off the platform entirely, and the ones who stay are psychologically worse off for it.

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MVP as usual. Minimum Viable Product

Yes, I would accept getting paid $800 to pet a cat. I'd take less, but now that you made the offer I'll just take that offer.

Hypurrtia <3

How bizarre, none of the items on the list were actually things I downloaded, and none of the things I downloaded were on the list.

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Oh, because I hadn't upvoted it yet.

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All LLM replies are hallucinations

What if that food is extremely well-balanced in terms of nutrients?

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Once upon a time in Yugoslavia, a boy was born. Blessed with a voice and a mind, he fled The Troubles and went to America, reinventing himself under a new identity. The past was dead, never to be spoken of again. But the boy grew up and cryptically refused to give any indication that he even had a past prior to his American-self reinvention. Especially because to admit any true details about the past also involves admitting to details of the art heist that built his fortune. The End.

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For consumers, "enshitification" is a reminder of how things get worse. For companies, apparently it's a delightfully new lower bar to aspire to. This is some Darkest Timeline kinda BS

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Because they're racist cult members and visits are awkward enough let alone living there. Might just be me tho

Our civilization is more than capable, but those who have money and power are unwilling, because that's not something they're interested or invested in.

Holy crap, what a toxic company. I'm gonna think twice before spending a cent in their wares

Yes and No. That Wacom Dragon legitimately looks awful; its tail a messed up, nonsensical mess. I think the problem isn't as much just "AI art" as it is "awful art", because if a human had made it, it would have been absolutely better; it would have made sense at the very least. Instead you have middle managers trying to cut corners and the end result is an insult to creative workers everywhere; and the managers and marketers who approved this said "meh, good enough" and didn't even try.

That's the most insidious part of AI Art used in marketing, a race to the bottom in terms of quality that leads to crap being thrown in consumers faces because creative, knowledgable people aren't being included in the conversation.

Lmao wtf is this real?

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Oooof, I hear that. Things are more political than ever at my work and it's like, I just want to do my job and go home

This sounds like it was written by a bot

Always have been, apparently

Puff piece

The body is round

Corporations like Google are literally unjust power structures, and when they do DEI, they update the aesthetics of the corporation such that they can get credit for being inclusive but without addressing the problem itself.

Absolutely, 100% on the nose. And this needs to be a conversation on a civilizational level before income inequality spirals further out of control and our society devolves into chaos. Corpos like Google are so busy pretending that they're addressing problems that the larger issues affecting people aren't being talked about at all.

Omg they raised the original price to create some puny "savings"? That's scammy AF

Yellowjackets are annoying, but I got a colony of 5-banded Wasps that conglomerate on my trees every late summer- hundreds of males just hanging out, showing off their sweet bods while the ladies fly by perusing selections for mating. They're chill AF and not a pain.

But I mean, there are over a hundred thousand wasp species, and Yellowjackets are what most people think of when you say "wasp", but as annoying as they are, don't let them color your opinions on the otherd

Why not Wickana?

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