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Joined 1 years ago

Used to be u/cohibaluxe on Reddit - fuck u/spez.

"Sam Altman doesn’t explain being fired and rehired by OpenAI" - The Verge

… You do realize Apple Watches have had always-on screens for half a decade now? You don’t have to do anything to see the time.
And yeah, if all you use it for is to see the time, then it’s obviously not worth it. But can you listen to music through a mechanical watch? Can you use a mechanical watch to respond to text messages? Can a mechanical watch show you the map while you’re hiking?
Why even have a smartphone? You just need a landline phone. After all, it’s just pick up and dial, with a smartphone you have to unlock it to call.
Or maybe phones can be more than just phones these days? Just like watches can be more than just watches.

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That’s… not how that works.
The brand isn’t "x.com" either, it’s "X". They don’t even use x.com as a domain.
Even if it was x.com, a video game being called Xcom wouldn’t be close enough to the website x.com to be able to be confused. It would be different if they both were websites.

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iPhone X.. It’s not like X, the latin letter, is owned and used by Microsoft only.

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I often go phoneless when I go hiking or jogging, yes.

Apple Watches aren’t the only option, and watches don’t just go "obsolete" like they’ve gone out of date. Just because they don’t get more support doesn’t mean they’re unusable. This article is literally about how an almost decade old product still had official support until now, and it’s going to still be a usable product for years to come if you’re willing to put up with the slowness inherent to the first gen (seriously, 2nd or 3rd series and onwards watches could easily last over a decade or more)

Also, this criticism applies to smartphones too… but it doesn’t mean (most) people abandon their smartphones and use a Nokia 3310 for their multiple week batterylife over one that needs to charge every/every other night. The tradeoff of charging is offset ten-fold by the slew of useful features.

You’d think they would’ve learned. Guess not.

EarPods =/ AirPods

These are wired earbuds, not bluetooth.

In the US, extreme violence has always been a lot more accepted than nudity. Which really says a lot about what kind of values the society has when completely natural human biology is shunned and anti-social destructive behavior isn’t.

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Yeah I don’t know what the author of the article is blabbering about. The 911 could be gotten through the Johnny Silverhand questline ever since launch. It’s the same quest where you can get Johnny’s pistol.

The NSA benefits greatly from knowing how many Pidgeys you’ve got, you’re right

Because the user is affiliated with, or probably runs, the site. It’s their own title. Every single post by this user is for this fan news site and it’s virtually every post in this community at this point.