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Joined 1 years ago

Teacher. Math/Sci/Pol nerd. Recovering IT worker. Former owner of clothing not covered in cat hair.

Also @keet

HS math teacher here. A lot of these problems existed prior to the pandemic. Parents making excuses for kids. Teachers making excuses for kids to keep parents and admin off their backs. Kids too reliant on calculators to develop "number-sense". Parents perpetuating the myth of the "math gene" they don't have because they failed at the "new math " of the 1970s, etc. The list goes on and on. The whole thing where ELA/Social Studies/History/etc. teachers are struggling with AI like ChatGPT? We went through that when Photomath and the like were released. The shortcuts you take in math WILL catch up with you.

That being said, maturity plays a HUGE part. A dedicated math student will struggle, but won't take shortcuts. They are better for it. The only thing that has changed is that shortcuts are much easier to take and are much more readily available. I cannot count how many shortcuts I took as a teenager, only to realize later that I F$#@! up long-term with my learning journey. Just look at any community college. Students that were "bad at math" suddenly have the realization that if they put in the effort, then the intellectual and/or GPA dividends will pay off in spades.

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Dealing with a landlord is just like dealing with HR at work - they aren't there for YOU. The tenant here wasn't stupid, just naive. Besides, from a liability standpoint, a tenant should NEVER do any property upgrades or repairs without some kind of written agreement (and hopefuly waiver of liability). If something goes wrong, guess who will be on the hook financially when it goes to court? Hint: The landlord turned plaintiff won't be it....

Good. Taiwan may have once been a province of China, but with over half a century of self-rule it is time to stop pretending that this is still the case. Hong Kong is a very good example for what "reunification" would mean for Taiwan even in the best of cases.

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The "you can't tell me what to do!" contingent won already. Intelligent people, OTOH, will still mask up when COVID cases rise and they can't avoid "people-y" situations.

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Good. WEI is a bad proposal for many reasons. I still can't fathom why so many browsers use Chromium as their base nowadays though.

On another note, what is up with the thumbnail image for this article? The article doesn't mention anything about Alabama's awful attorney general. Hmmm...

Their theology is as bad as their choice of political candidate. I cannot think of any other politician that embodies the "Seven Deadly Sins" in public/private life moreso than Mr. Trump. I honestly do not get how the same "conservatives" used to crow about character being of the highest importance for an officeholder/candidate during the 90s, can get on this godawful bandwagon. I still am a Christian and live my life rather "conservatively", but if this is what Christianity and Conservatism has become, it is no wonder the next generation is saying "Count me out...".

As a user, we would all be diminished if Beehaw were to defederate. If I were to ever move instances from a kbin to a lemmy platform, it would be over to you guys. I hope that you guys are able to find the help you need to keep going as part of the wider fediverse.

Reddit has been around for quite a while. There are those of us who used to be tech-savvy "back in the day" that don't handle change either quickly or well. For a casual social-media only user, this can be similar to the experience of a cave-person discovering fire. There are bound to be questions, especially when dealing with multiple types of instances on the fediverse. If we want this to grow into its full potential, we NEED to be patient and welcoming to even the most technologically illiterate.

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Looks like an awesome idea....until your nose begins to itch...

I can completely understand that perspective. However, some students are just not mature enough to handle every type of math thrown at them when it is. One "bad" teacher can ruin any subject. Some students just aren't "ready" when the curriculum (or other powers that be) decides that they should be.

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On a slightly less satire-y level, I enjoy using when discussing sportsball. Loads quick, without a lot of nonsense. It is quite hilarious how long it takes for someone to load up and find up to date info on, say, espn or the local newsstaion site.

If you don't already have a raspberry pi, get a pi zero W and put dietpi on it. You configure the wireless settings via text file once you etch the SD card. You don't need a monitor. Personally, I set it up, looked at what DHCP address it had, and told my router to reserve that address. You can ssh into it to install pihole on the headless installation.

So, they took a page out of Alabama's "Modern Jim Crow" map. Sigh. I'm afraid we (as I am an Alabamian) will use it to bring to SCOTUS to strike down whats left of the Voting Rights Act. If only the "email lady" had won in 2016, we would have a scotus that would actually DO something about this gerrymandering and VRA shenanigan nonsense.

The best quote for this situation comes from the video game character QBert: "$#@!".

Of course DeSantis supports the third senator from his state.

Tubberville no longer lives or does business in Alabama. How so many of my fellow citizens saw this guy and voted for him over Doug Jones I'll never understand...or forgive.

It is exactly that....exploitation. I hope that I see this come to pass. While they're at it, they could give the Payday/Title loan industry a public spanking for good measure.

This vaguely reminds me of an episode of "Better Off Ted" where profanity was mistakenly made mandatory. This will end well, and by well I mean in a hilarious manner.

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White rook at H1 applies pacman topology, going backwards to take black rook at H8? Black knight at G8 is startled, and kicks the new white rook next to it in the groin.

Republicans have been against Medicare since the Johnson administration. Reagan railed against it too early in his political career. This isn't new. Arguments against it now are still just as dumb as they were in the 60s.

Did we learn nothing from 2016? Until the Electoral College is replaced, third parties are nothing but spoilers for federal elections. No state can be truly taken for granted. See Georgia, etc. in 2020.

Long-term, shortcuts will still hamper learning. However, there is still a lot to be said about the over-reliance on testing in education in general. It, unfortunately, is a system that even educators must operate in without any real input. You likely will be surprised what you can do with a little guidance in a self-paced situation. What was that Mark Twain quote here - "Don't let your schooling interfere with your education."

Artificial sweetners do taste "off" to me, but tastebuds can acclimate to it. The rest of my digestive system? Not so much. Let's just say there is a reason it is pronounced ASS-partame.

Indeed. I installed FreshRSS on my local server and haven't looked back. Man, did I ever miss the web of the google reader era.

AI shouldn't be involved in hiring or firing decisions as it can't be held accountable in the same way a human can. Yes, it is more efficient. But equity, not efficiency, should be the goal.

Pizza, at least the US-ified version, starts off as crust, sauce, and cheese. Toppings are added to the pizza for extra deliciousness. That being said, there is no such thing as a "Cheese" pizza. It should be properly called a "plain" pizza as it lacks any real toppings.

Wind has many sources from a meteorological/climatological standpoint. Breaking wind, however, is a biiiiit more specific.

New? How about old. Aside from the recent rights lost in the US wrt bodily autonomy/privacy (see Dobbs, etc.), what about the "Second Bill of Rights" as put forth by FDR?\_Bill\_of\_Rights

I switched for two reasons. First, I don't like how Microsoft is trying to attach everything to an online microsoft account. I prefer local control of my OS. I know there is a workaround for this, but it isn't worth the effort.

Second, I am Cheap. My latest hardware is a decade out of date, and linux makes better use of the limited resources that I have.

This was...a bad decision. Quite frankly, they are abdicating responsibility with a sophomoric "not it!" when it comes to finally doing what the 14th requires. I wouldn't say it rises to the level of the Bush v. Gore decision at the turn of the millennium, but it is quite close.

The first PC game I ever played? That's a bit subjective, but I'll bite:
The first computer game I played was either Word Munchers, Number Munchers, or Oregon Trail on my school computer lab's Apple ][e. Again, this wasn't mine, nor was it a PC!
The first PC game I ever played was likely Math Blaster, but again, this was on a school PC this time. Not mine though.
Finally, my first PC was a 386. The first real game I played on it....Battle Chess!

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I used to not like mustard, onions, or garlic but now I do. So, tastes do change. Some foods just taste better when prepared differently from when you were a kid though. Growing up, any time I had asparagus or squash, it was boiled. Yuck. But once I grew up and put those on a grill and they became magnificent.

That would most certainly lead to alcohol poisoning...

I used to be quite skeptical about this in the same way as the OP here. However, after teaching for a number of years I have seen anecdotal evidence that handwriting notes does help with retention of information. Taking notes by hand forces you to process the information in ways that typing (or, let's be honest..taking pictures or recordings) cannot. Basically, aside from the fine motor skills involved, the slower process of note-taking by hand forces you to actually think more about what you write, as you have to summarize more due to the physical process being less efficient. Too many students nowadays make the mistake that simply being familiar with, having digital access to, or simply recognizing a particular bit of information is the same thing as actually knowing or mastering the info. (Yes, I know....old man shakes fist at passing cloud...)

I will second the bit about fountain pens helping with hand cramps/writing fatigue and being less wasteful than other writing methods. Same with the advent of e-ink screens helping with the often cited example of digitized info contributing to eye strain.

Same here, but I've also set up a Pi Zero W to run pihole/unbound at the inlaws place without any issue.

I kinda think this about the Separatists in Star Wars...Dooku aside...

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I would suggest Mint. Considering the hardware, the XFCE version. Have you looked into any hardware upgrades for these machines? I've found that a simple ram or hdd-->ssd upgrade can be rather inexpensive these days.

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This. The icing on the cake is that this tax write-off affects the amount of tax dollars available for public assistance in the first place. If you want to help the poor, consider volunteering your time or donating to a legitimate charity.