
3 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You're awfully curious, aren't you?

Yeah but it's not that accurate, and it leaves most normal mobile users out of the picture. I know YouTube knew exactly what they were doing when they removed dislikes, but it still seems absolutely insane to remove such a useful tool for sifting through the bullshit.

See that's the cool part, they can't even sustainably pay video creators via ad revenue 🤠👍

If there's anything I've learned from the past 10 years on the internet, it's that a purely ad-supported business model doesn't work. We've gotten to a point where a significant amount of consumers use adblockers (or are just less responsive to ads/rarely click through to the advertiser), and tech companies are trying to counteract this by raising subscription prices for paying customers and trying to find ways to maximize ad views (see: YouTube testing blocking people viewing the site with an adblocker, smart TVs with software closed-off enough that the average person can't easily block ads, etc.)

At the end of the day, this is ad companies being as stingy as possible to ensure their profits don't keep dropping. To me, I just think that betting on a world fueled by ads and data collection was a mistake, and we're finally starting to see how it's even hurting the companies trying to profit off that choice.

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I think that does answer the question - for a lot of people, the reason they're religious is because they find it personally beneficial for one reason or another.

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The cool thing is, you're right that you've got marketable skills that employers want, you just gotta present them in corporate lingo that sanitizes it of any humanity and fun, lmao. You could rephrase that part about the Minecraft server to something like "Actively maintaining a high-uptime server with [X amount] of daily clients by utilizing [insert type of tools/languages here, e.g. MySQL databases]."

I've always hated the process of "translating" real life experience into the marketable buzzwords that employers like to see, but until it seems like hiring managers on a wider scale are willing to listen to words that normal people would write, I'm gonna keep trying to speak their language.

MS really has always done this, what's the name for this kind of marketing maneuver? Manufactured consent? Manufactured begrudging tolerance?

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It's wild to me that anyone would say that sentence and not immediately realize they sound like an emotionless robot. Like damn, who would've thought people have a great need for authentic human connections? Not me!

This kinda shit you hear from people so deep in the world of product marketing is sickening and really shows how disconnected from they are from both reality and the point of selling a good product: benefitting people. I guess I'm just glad to see more stories of people ditching dating apps as they continue to become more predatory and less helpful.

This depends on if you installed Steam as a Flatpak or through the endeavourOS repositories, but one way that should work is editing the Exec line in the .desktop file. You've already tried that, but I don't know what you put there so it might be worth editing that line again. Try editing the Exec line to Exec=GDK_SCALE=2 /usr/bin/steam %U and let us know what happens.

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This might be a bit of a hot take, but fractional scaling is generally not worth it, it almost always leads to some apps rendering things blurry and uses slightly more graphics resources. I've got a Framework 13 and I can say that just turning on the Large Text feature in Accessibility settings does the trick for me. This obviously doesn't work for everyone's needs, but if you're like me and just want things to stay crisp but big enough to read, this could be a viable alternative.

I think it's based on the xdg-desktop-portal accent color support, but there were specific hooks added to libadwaita to handle that desktop standard, at least that's my guess based on this.

Definitely glad we have the major desktops all natively supporting accent colors now, it's been a long time coming.

Oto Music (Play Store link) has been my mp3/offline music player of choice for years now. Stable, pretty, performant, and has tag editing features built in. Still gets updates at least once or twice a year, which is all ya really need for an offline player.

Megalodon (Play Store link) is my Mastodon client of choice, tons of little ease-of-use improvements over the official client. Some people might already be familiar with this if they're on Lemmy, but maybe someone looking for a better Masto client will get something from this.

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Yeah unfortunately I agree, as much as I dread knowing Meta's going to be behind a lot of the VR/AR developments as it gets more common, this isn't really an indication that they screwed up. They're not the first company I'd want to lead the VR market but it looks like they will be regardless.

I use a mix of GSConnect/KDEConnect, Warpinator, and Syncthing. I've got a shared "dropoff" folder on Syncthing that lets me easily drop files from one device to another. You're having issues with Warpinator but if you're able to figure out the issue there, that's my second go-to for one-time file transfers. KDEConnect is a bit more fiddly, but I use it mostly for sharing clipboard info and the occasional file when it's stable enough.

This is honestly a great observation, I've noticed on those rare times I need to search for answers to specific questions on reddit, posts have fewer and generally less thorough/helpful comments. The biggest downside to reddit imploding has been the decrease in "real" posts and interactions when you're trying to find genuine discussions or answers to niche questions.

That's the biggest reason I still think Lemmy has a ways to go, there's not really an efficient way for all these posts to be search-indexed for engines like Google, DDG, etc. If that problem can somehow be solved, it'd do wonders for Lemmy's discoverability.

Like you said, there's definitely flaws to this platform, and by nature of being a community center it's likely to be targeted for corporate interests, but the architecture of this Federated platform makes it much easier to keep power in the hands of the community and keep things genuine and interesting over here. I'm just glad I have a place to scroll through where people's comments are longer than a few words, and people seem genuinely interested in interacting.

Oh yeah, absolutely. It must be exhausting to constantly aim for massive profits rather than simply aiming for a little above breaking even. But hey, we've got investors to feed!

You said it pal, not me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I think one worth adding is ZorinOS, it might feel more familiar and modern than Mint, and it's worked well on the old hardware I've run it on. Still an Ubuntu derivative, so you can't really go wrong with any of these.

Not sure how I never found out about this feature before but this is awesome, thanks for sharing it!

I second this, it's great if you care about a modern interface that feels in line with other Android apps these days. Pretty darn slick app with a lot of nice customization features

Can confirm Zorin has the best out-of-the-box process for getting Windows apps running. I have a family member that's really gotten attached to Zorin because of its familiar front-end, and even though they have some prior Linux experience from earlier years, they've never needed to use terminal knowledge for the basic stuff they've been using Zorin for.

Here's a few I've enjoyed in recent memory:

  • Koyo - Would You Miss It?
  • Militarie Gun - Life Under The Gun
  • Tigers Jaw - I Won't Care How You Remember Me
  • Yard Act - Where's My Utopia?
  • Vacation Manor - Vacation Manor
  • Hotline TNT - Cartwheel

The Koyo album is great if you like punk/hardcore/emo, same with the Militarie Gun one. Tigers Jaw has been one of my favorites for a while, and this album is one of their best imo; great band if you like indie rock/emo. Yard Act's a British rock band with post-punk influences, you might like them if you enjoy that signature dry British humor in combination with some social commentary. Vacation Manor is a more laid-back indie rock band with more classic Americana/Springsteen influences, I can't recommend them enough for people who have a sweet spot for classic rock. Lastly, Hotline TNT's album is worth a listen for people who enjoy shoegaze and indie rock, they have a really great DIY sound with just enough polish to tie the album together and keep it accessible. The 2020's have been a damn good year for music, at least as far as the bands I've been keeping up with.

Edit: added Tigers Jaw, I couldn't leave them out

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I would say yes to this, but elementaryOS still doesn't have in-place upgrades to the next major versions. I recall there being some progress on changing that, but I would wait till elementaryOS 8 before really recommending it.

This is the best reply in this entire post. I personally prefer Linux-based OSes and use them for pretty much everything these days, but if you don't know what you want or what you're looking for, I'd feel bad telling someone to jump headfirst into a new world. As much as I hate what the Windows platform is these days (imo, an advertising/data collection platform first, operating system second), I wouldn't suggest someone change their workflow unless they're truly interested in learning something new (which, depending on your use cases, could be better).

If OP really wants to use Linux instead, be it for fun or utility, I agree with a lot of people's suggestions for Pop!_OS or Linux Mint. I'll also suggest sticking with Fedora or trying Nobara (a gaming-focused distro based on Fedora). I use Fedora for my daily use and Steam works great for my games. Nvidia drivers are easy to install if you need to.

Overall, anyone who's going down the path of replacing Windows with Linux should have two things: patience, and some decent web sleuthing skills. Switching to Linux can be incredibly rewarding, but you have to have patience (especially in the beginning) for learning new things or changing default settings to make your OS work for you. I know this is just another drop in the sea of long-ass rants in this post, but maybe this has some helpful info here.

Yeah seriously, I was surprised at how plain and illegible rpm-ostree felt in comparison to dnf, I really wish they put a little color or some extra separation just to make it feel less cramped and give people more glanceable info.

Oh yeah definitely, after that mess I don't feel comfortable getting anything more than little flash drives from them. Thanks for the idea!

Yeah, fair point, I think this thing still has USB 2.0, so maybe a spinner is the way to go. Someone reminded me that USB drive caddies exist, so I think I'll go with that and a hard disk, just to make it more flexible should I ever need to use the drive in another machine or replace it. Thanks for the help!

Ah right it seems I made the assumption that Network Attached Storage meant any storage attached to my networked device haha, thanks for the clarification. I like this idea, forgot about the option of USB drive caddies. Thank you!

This isn't really a highly direct solution, but you could try increasing the screen zoom of the whole device by a notch or two. Somewhere in Settings > Display > Font Size/Screen Zoom or something like that may size up the UI enough that it's comfortable for you. I think you can mix and match font sizes and screen zooms, so you can keep text from getting too big but size up the UI buttons. This will naturally affect all android UI, not just the music widget, but maybe that's okay in your situation?

Ooh that was a solid one too, good catch. Can't wait to see what else they have in store

It's in reference to recent issues the Canonical Snap Store has had with letting malware get past the review process. Since Snaps are pretty tightly integrated in Ubuntu, people with concerns about the Snap store wouldn't want to take the risk with a distro that makes it hard to opt out of an app store with a proprietary backend that seems to have issues with letting malicious apps onto the platform. This matters more to some people than others, but I think it's fair to question Ubuntu's safety given the track record.

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Do you happen to know what the main problems are with installing Linux on chromebooks? I've never used one before and I'm not super familiar with the hardware, I was wondering what the issues usually are (are the processors/network cards/other hardware poorly supported, etc.)

I absolutely second this, if you aren't worried about built-in syncing (I use Syncthing to solve this, also cool piece of software), and if you really like the idea of Markdown/text-only notes with image/file attachments, there is absolutely no better tool. Plus, if you think you can get value out of the note linking feature, you can make some incredibly detailed knowledge bases. Really powerful tool when you need it to be, dead simple note-taking by default, it's a damn good app

Thank you, I think people often overlook how faith and scientific thought can be complimentary. In any case, for questions of religious/spiritual matters, people are basically just running with a hypothesis that works for them. As long as they're capable of being self-critical and aren't pushing their beliefs on people who aren't interested, then it seems fine to me.

I mainly think this is the gateway to more people even knowing about Linux, plus the added benefit of the hardware being more likely to get long-tern support. Making it easy for people to buy devices with Linux out of the box could do wonders for adoption, at least how I see it.

I don't disagree, the person you were replying to could've used better language that didn't characterize Ubuntu as malware-infested and been more specific about what they were referring to. In any event, a couple scammy malware apps that were installed at the user's discretion are not enough evidence that Ubuntu is a bigger malware risk than any other OS.

I don't think people should avoid Ubuntu because their app store had the same problem so many others do, but I do think the fact that they make promises about the security of the Snap Store while also making the backend and review process less open than other Linux app stores is worth noting. Not to say there aren't security incidents with other distros worth noting, but considering the popularity of Ubuntu, it's not surprising it's a bigger target.

Yeah honestly if they could do a massive overhaul on performance and UX with the OSK then that'd solve the main complaint I've had with touch interfaces on Linux

Holy shit how have I not heard of that plugin yet, that's awesome. Yet another point in Obsidian's favor, at least for me

I wonder if he sees the irony in what his Behavior is doing to the Organization of students he's teaching :\ For real though, nothing takes the joy out of learning quite like a teacher treating you younger than you are. I hope that class goes by as quick as possible

Yeah, Gnome 46 has been a really solid, small upgrade in my experience. I swear it's made things smoother and more consistent, plus some of the minor visual tweaks and refinements are welcome. Turns out a lot of what they did is under-the-hood optimizations and improvements to accessibility, so the Gnome desktop update itself has been a small but welcome improvement.

So far I haven't had any issues elsewhere I'm Fedora 40, but maybe that's because I've checked for new updates pretty frequently and done some restarts since the upgrade, that might be keeping things fresh.

To be fair, if you're referring to the "alleged" backdoors in Intel processes, there's pretty similar stuff going on in the AMD side too. That said, I still totally get not wanting to support Intel since they're definitely the shadiest of the two, and they've been awful value these days.

The Framework 13 AMD is pretty great though, can confirm. It's all I've ever wanted in a decent, repairable laptop.

Ah yeah it would be nice if it were open source. Retro is pretty good, I remember having stability issues with it when I used it a couple years ago, but if those got ironed out that's awesome.