2 Post – 56 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

Transfem | she/her | programmer | old

PSA: Ten Forward is the new Risa

He sure has a lot of boomer energy for a guy who's only 42.

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According to his job description, the dude is a "Mental Wealth Advisor" 🙄

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I feel empathy for her, but only a tiny bit. Her political party: (1) supports political violence, (2) commits most of it, and (3) in general commits a majority of the crime in the country. This is not an opinion, it's documented fact. Violence is the conservative party's M.O. I don't mean to victim blame, but when you willingly associate with violent psychopaths on a daily basis, violence is inevitable. It was just a matter of time before some dipshit put his hands on her.

“I just happened to look in my emails and see the letter from the principal coming through saying that it was coming to Chimneyrock," Kincaid said. "I'm about to come unglued right now.”

I'm trying to picture what this looks like. She's on the verge of throwing a temper tantrum over this, which is hilarious and to be honest really sad. These people need to grow up and get over themselves.

Also, why are only grandparents quoted in this article? Is there not enough conservative millennial rage in Tennessee to meet their quota?

Y'know, if Texas secedes, we won't have to change the flag and remove a star if we make Puerto Rico a state. Just sayin'.

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I'm just trying to process this. Do I have this right? Bridget Ziegler, one three founders of Moms for Liberty (a right wing extremist group trying to erase all references about queer people, discrimination, and racism from public schools), has consensual sex with women and her husband rapes them?

I mean, wow. Is she running for president or something?

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I choose: c) "Taylor Swift off the top rope with a steel chair! There's blood everywhere!! By gawd, would somebody stop the damn match!"

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How much frozen human shit has that mountain accumulated since people started climbing it for fun? Can somebody do the math on that? I feel like it has potential for a really shitty trivia question. Like, for Shitty Jeopardy! or something. JFC, I am baked.

@FlyingSquid omg I didn't realize it was your post. Hi! Ok I'm gonna put the bowl down

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I was curious, so I looked it up. AV1 is more efficient than HEVC by like 28%! On the downside, encoding is horrifically slooow. It'll be interesting to see how much hardware support AV1 gets in the coming years, because encoding time will have a dramatic effect on its adoption rate.

Interesting to note: AV1 can be played in Kodi, Plex, Emby, Jellyfin, VLC, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera. So on the software side, it's pretty widely supported.

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In case people don't know, JK Rowling's pen name is a reference to Robert Galbraith Heath, a psychiatrist who experimented with gay conversion therapy in the 60s and 70s using surgically implanted electrodes on gay men's brains. He claims to have "cured" one of them. He did lots of other fucked up things too, and of course Rowling denies her pen name has anything to do with him. FWIW, she also claims she's not a bigot, but her words and actions clearly indicate otherwise.

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"After consulting with colleagues, I'd like to retract my previous statement. My name is Polyester Blend.

Lol that's some Mongolian beef?


It's diluting something over and over again until there's nothing left of the original substance, and then selling it to gullible and/or desperate people like it's going to work.

It's crazy, like, a child can see right through that, yet you have millions of desperate adults falling for and hawking that obvious bullshit everywhere. It's really sad.

Nope, that's Ten Forward leaking there.

you can just manually change the extension to “.jpeg” or “.png” and Windows/Linux/Android file managers will automatically convert it

Thank you for the suggestion, but that's not how it works. Changing a file's extension doesn't change the file type; it just changes the name.

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You're 100% correct, and it's kinda sad, really... for so many members of a generation to be so consistently and relentlessly stupid toxic that its name becomes synonymous with "douchebag." What a fuckin accomplishment.

Bah, no sign of "Save webP as PNG or JPEG" yet.

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OP, listen to this man, he knows his Taco Bell.

There's a mysterious new respiratory illness infecting dogs in the U.S. It's contagious and is killing some of the infected dogs. I can't find any updates, dunno if it's still a thing or if it died out since November.

It's -5°F over here in Chicago, supposed to hit a high of 2°F later today. Wife and I are working from home, so we're both ok. We care for a feral cat that spends the winter months in a wooden cat house with a bed and plug-in heating pad that my wife installed on the back deck a few years ago. I'm always worried about that cat, she's getting older and isn't as spry as she used to be.

In about six, seven months it's gonna be 100° warmer, which is wild to me.

I feel your pain, ugh. Setting up certain types of software can be a pain in the ass because there's almost always dependencies that need to be set up first; in addition, it's not always clear what you're supposed to install or how to do it the right way. A lot of Linux-related documentation out there isn't geared towards beginners and leaves out a lot of important explanatory and contextual information, which just makes it more frustrating. Unnecessarily, in my opinion.

However, I gotta mention that Ubuntu - though widely used - is sorta notorious for being user unfriendly and isn't always the most appropriate choice for a beginner Linux user. If anyone reading this is thinking about trying Linux for the first time, I would consider Linux Mint. It's a Linux distro that is actually based on Ubuntu (which is based on Debian), but it works "out of the box" better than most and should be a positive experience for most users. It's pretty solid.

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Sorry, doesn't look like it supports AV1:

Video Playback
Supported formats include HEVC, MV‑HEVC, H.264, HDR with Dolby Vision, HDR10, and HLG

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It's hard to believe how well it's preserved. They're never this complete! It sounds like they might look for the rest of the skeleton, which will be exposed and lost to erosion anyway if it is there. If we're lucky, we'll also find clues about its eating habits, which isn't out of the realm of probability considering how intact they found the skull. Truly remarkable, I really want to see that upcoming Attenborough documentary.

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What OS & version are you using that automatically converts file types when you change the filename via the default file manager interface? I have never heard of this function before.

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Support your local plumber!

From what I've seen, I sincerely think you'll like it at Beehaw. They're an ok bunch of progressive folks who refuse to let it become a nazi bar. I can get behind that. Have fun!

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lol you should post this in Ten Forward

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It's always a lame nitpick, anything to distract from what their asshole hero is doing. Deflect, deflect, deflect. It would be boring if it wasn't so awful.

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Congrats! Heck of a relief, isn't it? I did the same last month. Cheers to 2024!

plays music when you flush

Please tell me this is something you can customize. I didn't realize until now that I need a toilet that plays John Williams' "Olympic Fanfare" when I take a dump.

flooppoolf mentioned you can get a second opinion, and I'd like validate that idea.

The diagnosis involved me and my mom answering questions about the presence of ADHD symptoms now and in my early childhood (5-12 yo).

So. My thinking is that you weren't tested for ADHD, you were given a survey to assess symptoms. Symptoms are important to recognize, but they don't always paint a complete picture of what's really going on.

For my diagnosis, I had to take a barrage of tests that took 3 hours to complete. The testing session was comprised of several timed tests on reflexes, short term memory retention, attention span, logic, vocabulary, math, and an IQ test. The last three might have been part of the IQ test, now that I think about it. This was a couple of years ago so I know I'm forgetting a lot of details, but it was intense. The report I got later with the diagnosis was huge and contained a ton of data and confirmed yes, I have ADHD. So yeah, ADHD (I have the inattentive, not the hyperactive type) is quantifiable.

For what it's worth, when I was a child I also didn't have the typical symptoms of ADHD. It is possible to have ADHD and exhibit no outward symptoms when you're a kid, it presents differently in people for a variety of reasons, I was told. It only became obvious when I was an adult. That's just my experience, anyway.

Huh, there's a term for that? TIL

Y'know, there's a similar one used in the gemstone industry: "eye clean," which only applies if the stone has no inclusions (artifacts) that can be seen with the naked eye. As you can imagine, it's usually a pretty desirable trait, especially in diamonds. It doesn't really matter if there's random garbage floating around in it, it just has to be undetectable to our human eyes.

I'm sensing high levels of Big Douchebag Energy

Also, most everyone missed OP's gripe lol. No worries, brah! "Don't dead open inside," I hear ya.

Not watching, I cut the cord to avoid commercials. But OTA + antenna , as others said, is a solid way to watch network content for free if you can get a good signal.

Pat, I'd like to solve the puzzle.


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Agreed! Oh jfc, I keep forgetting D.C. isn't a state.