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And to build independent browser not sponsored by google is a soft of an ideological motivation. If only it is not a pure marketing lie. There are no technical reasons for being sponsored by Shopify but not by Google. I would say there is no much of an ideology either.

They live in the C++ age.

Silverblue is an official Fedora edition, almost exact Fedora Workstation, but immutable. I use it. universal blue is a third-party project and their images are bloated with additional "features": packages, drivers, etc. Bluefin contains Homebrew for example. It's how they describe it, but I haven't tried it to say more precise.

It is quite opinionated though.

Bad to whom?


Because Mint is popular among the crowd, and such challenges are also driven by the crowd. Better to see it as some social or meme dynamics, than to explain it with logical reasons. I also see more new users who use arch, because of the "I use arch BTW" meme.

As a Fedora Silverblue user I find it hard to recommend it to new users. It's not an issue with Fedora, but with the state of Linux desktop in general. At least with Mint/Ubuntu people can rely on social media and the community if they have problems. And Fedora is a more niche thing, and doesn't have a big crowd.

Moreover, I chose Fedora because of my experience, which allows me to have opinion what is better. But I don't think it's a good idea to explain the years of the Linux desktop drama to new users, when they are just doing the first steps or trying to feed their curiosity.

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I wish to live in a world where the media doesn't consist of articles about how some rich or famous person says or thinks something.

It is comparatively to Debian/Ubuntu derivatives. Even Arch and NixOS probably have more users now. Lately I see some popularity of uBlue derivatives among new users, but I don't know how many people use it, and where the popularity comes from.

At least it is not a cheap copy of Windows.

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I'm not sure if your issues are related to the distro(s) used and not to the hardware. But if you wish immutable distros...

You can try to use Ubuntu, but installing all the apps as snaps (and/or flatpaks). That will give you immutable-like experience on a regular Ubuntu installation. Otherwise, I'd recommend to try Fedora Silverblue and openSUSE Aeon.

Oh, but so many people in the world identify themselves as religious. Why they do not want to see an artificial God?

It is not informative yet, but I like that it's blue. It's a quite recognizable color. Windows made it recognizable by having a lot of BSODs. People are asking why it couldn't be just black, but with non-black BSOD one can recognize it instantly without reading the text.

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Animal sexual behavior is under-reported in general, I think. Do not forget to report!

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Oh, finally!

If you can't use it, don't use it. There are other things in life besides constantly thinking about operating systems.

a "bug"

Oh, these long-awaited arm laptops are designed for high TDP and have active cooling. I don't see why to choose them over Intel/AMD in that case.

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You are using Firefox installed through flatpak, but the base image also contains Firefox. Even if you remove it with rpm-ostree override remove it will continue be showed in the list of updates. I'm not sure for GNOME Software because I don't use it. And what is for Signal, maybe it's a GNOME Software issue.

To be 100 percent sure is a hallucination. Probably he tried to say that he is less than 80 percent sure.

Oh, thanks! I don't know much about the current state of Windows.


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They think it's nice way to install command-line tools. I think that only spoil the idea of immutable system as a desktop OS, where ideally everything could be reduced to a single installation method.

That's why I use the original Fedora Silverblue and have no interest in uBlue derivatives. Actually I want a more simplified base system and not more bloated one.

And yes, Flatpak is enough for everything (mind about Termux on Android).

Not true about Rawhide. It's a testing environment for maintainers and developers. And it often has many outdated packages.

Trusting the official sources of information, understanding what a person ought to do in life, see a value of their jobs, believing in controversial things.

systemd now is focused around image-based systems. There is a huge gap between this design and traditional distros. I hate how the linux community has nothing in between of these two polar opposite approaches.

I've tried to use Fedora Workstation in VM (GNOME Boxes) with only 1GiB RAM. And it is even usable and UI is responsible for GNOME and Firefox, but applications start more slowly. All those at cost of higher CPU usage. Probably it performs well because Fedora uses swap on ZRam, and it makes the system more reliable.

Try to think less about "communities" and maybe you will be happy.

Not completely. Some people will continue to be human to human friends and partners, and some will use AI instead, especially those who have problems to get along with humans.

Chrome is a commercial product and don't pretend to be something more, while Firefox gets free marketing from the whole GNU/Linux community, exploiting people's sense of morals.

And other things about the project are also concerning me:

  • It uses Qt for UI, while modern browsers can draw UI with their own engines. A redundant dependency which also will harm modularity and embeddablity.
  • Modern browsers have complexity of operating systems. It's just a waste of resources to build an independent browser from scratch, but not to make the engine reusable.

This is a poor choice.

The other things: It's so independent (from google), but already got sponsorship and changed the landing page to a typical landing of a startup. This independence is populism. Just enough one for feeding their adepts with promises. I won't be surprised of possible advertisement integrations made "for maintaining independence".


Maybe fans of DT do that.

Oh, I see also by their screenshots, that Bluefin also spoils the UX of GNOME with custom extensions. So I will consider it the Manjaro (or Mint) of immutable distros.

It's not the first time. Mozilla was helping to fascism in Russia for years by using Yandex as a default search engine in Russia. Because Yandex was paying them. It's all for money, obviously. And now they don't want to lose the market. But the fans of FF will explain how this is "ethical" and helps to save the web.

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Nice reaction for his attempt to present changes in Plasma and KDE itself somehow positive. It's pleasure to see all these dislikes. I want to think that people who do that are KDE users, because it suits perfectly to the culture of the KDE community.

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And I am not. They stuck with old tech stack and do much of pointless drama. But wish them luck, they has their niche and are quite popular.

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