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Joined 1 years ago

110F = 43.33C if anyone else was wondering.

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Microwave Watt?? Converts cooking instructions to whatever your actual microwave is (mine’s a shitty 700w beast so I have to add about 50% cooking time to most things).

Mass produced Knick knacks. Those useless ornaments that just seem to accumulate on bookshelves, fireplaces and cabinets.

Cambrian explosion. Love that take!

The Reddit migration was probably mostly people who know what an API is so that fits your demographic.

Also, people generally don’t take a stance on something unless it affects them personally. So API, privacy, data collection etc just doesn’t register.

Here for posterity! Onwards and upwards lemmy!

The Matter of Everything by Suzie Sheehy. She is an accelerator physicist.

This is how Silo started. Just saying.

That is amazing.

So good. #brisbane