2 Post – 120 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeah I was worried this could become a problem, because I imagine a lot of chuds are turned off of lemmy because of the tankie devs. Which makes sense. But I don't think they should be welcome here, either. I'm trying to get away from that authoritarian shit, not get closer to the even worse kind of authoritarian shit.

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Who could have possibly seen this coming

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No one needs to see this, you are throwing out extremely basic arguments that all of us encounter every day in this regressive society. You aren't speaking truth to power, you're just being part of the power right now. You aren't making yourself look good and you aren't making the world a better, freer, more nuanced, or happier place.

People: Hey, stop being a jackass.


Every fucking time.

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That is a fucking great question coming from the people who are literally in charge of regulating these sorts of things.

Unequivocally yes. You are clearly not engaging in good faith and tolerance of malicious disinfo is basically the main problem currently facing our culture.

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Except for, you know, the land, and the wealth, and the social power. What a weirdo.

Some countries have actually legalized squatting in certain situations (like if a building is long term empty) to put some fire under the landlord’s ass to either find a paying tenant or sell. And honestly I think it’s an inelegant but effective solution.

It’s not productive to have real estate units sitting empty in the middle of the city and we simply shouldn’t allow it.

Remember, Digg dying helped Reddit, but it didn't make Reddit. Reddit was already fairly well-established when Digg shat the bed. It was really easy for people to glom onto a pre-existing community that already had some people who posted on both Reddit and Digg. Lemmy and kbin aren't nearly as big or feature-complete now as Reddit was when all that Digg drama went down. However, we work with what we have, haha.

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I believe they're referring to collective ownership\_ownership

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So you advocate your own posting taking its natural course and dying off? I can think of a way you can hurry up this process.

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Nice, fuck alcohol. I quit drinking years ago and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. My life is so much simpler and more fun now.

😅😂 OMG this is so accurate 😅😂

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Some complaining is natural.

However, one problem I have with Mastodon is people talk way too much about Twitter on it. IMO they should just let Mastodon be Mastodon. But, on Mastodon it's been months, with Reddit it's been like a day haha. Let people vent a little bit. But I think you're on the right track.

Horrifying. Rest in peace.

Lemmy, kbin, and Mastodon are all different ways to view content posted to "the fediverse" which is basically a bunch of different small servers communicating with each other. They're basically different ways to do view and interact with the same posts, kinda like how you use different services (gmail, etc) for email, and then access that still with different software (browsers, or thunderbird, or what have you). For instance, right now I'm responding to your comment from kbin on my desktop browser.

Isn't it a bit irresponsible to let bigoted trolls post a lot of dick pics? Because that's what was going on. You're talking about [theoretical problems], but the mods of Beehaw made a (possibly flawed) call during an emerging situation to avoid a lot of [actually existing problems].

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When 3rd party apps are blocked on July 1st, Reddit is no longer going to support accessibility features that blind mods and users need. Reddit's owners don't seem to have considered how much work it's going to be to provide said features "in-house."

The international community when a boat packed with refugees sinks: This is so sad, but our hands are tied. If only they had thought about this before being born in a poor nation.

The international community when three rich people go missing on vacation: DEPLOY EARTH'S ENTIRE NAVY TO RESCUE THESE INTREPID HEROES

EDIT: To be clear, I think we should try our best to rescue everyone who is in a shipwreck, including the people in this submarine.

Let me clarify this for you.

Whenever you read anything about police in the USA, mentally replace "police" with "the mafia, but for rich white people."

They are not only allowed to carry weapons, they are encouraged to kill, and they are protected from legal action by what we call "qualified immunity." The court system is thoroughly corrupted at all levels, from small local courts up to the Supreme Court. Police officers are allowed to do whatever they want and change the narrative afterwards, and the court system laps it up, seemingly unaware that police are only human and can totally lie. The police officer who killed George Floyd was involved in multiple murders before that fateful day in 2020, and that was just one guy.

The USA has a higher rate of imprisonment per capita than China does. Our leadership genuinely feels we have to keep millions of people locked up and working for corporations for literal pennies an hour, or else the whole system will start to fall apart.

Backward doesn't even begin to cover it. Barbaric would be closer.

In my experience almost every job can get easier by taking a second to streamline tasks and/or stack functions.

Also in my experience, many people do things in a less than ideal manner because if they finish early and sit around for the rest of their shift, their manager will yell at them. I don't really know how to solve that problem.

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Yeah this was my thought as well.

The problem here is pigs murdering people without evidence.

I'm not confident the FBI is going to solve that problem.

Hey. Biplanes are actually much more relevant in today's world than crypto. They aren't common, but there are still new biplanes made because they are a valid solution for certain problems. Unlike blockchain.

I heard he was eaten by a puppy

Damn, I wasn't aware of this aspect of electric vehicles, but that makes sense and is interesting. Thanks for posting, looks like I have some reading to do.

When has the SWAT team ever helped anyone?

This is not a rhetorical question. I'm genuinely curious as to how they have helped people because I don't really understand what they do besides steal drugs and resell them. They certainly don't seem to help with active shooters or domestic violence that I've ever heard of. Totally open to being wrong though.

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Yeah, journalists are really dropping the ball on communicating what I think is very simple: it's fine for Reddit to charge [something] for their API, but these prices are totally unreasonable. Charging hundreds of thousands of dollars for something which costs pennies to provide is absurd and unethical in any context.

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Man, I don't use linux or a steam deck, but that seems like a poor choice in the long run. Seems like more people are using linux for gaming all the time.

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Right now some guy is typing "COMMENCE OPERATION ASS FUCK" into some fucked up window

IMO Reddit had been sinking into enshittification since New Reddit came around, with the suggested posts and the ads.

However. No one expected the process to lurch forward so quickly. I think the Reddit admins were trying to enshittify things slowly, but after looking at what happened with Twitter in the last year or so, they realized they could "tear the bandaid off" so to speak, and maintain (perhaps I should say attain?) profitability.

It's a bunch of horseshit. I was never comfortable with so much of the internet being concentrated into corporate-owned spaces and I'm glad to see that other people feel the same way.

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Those sources... are... interesting...

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I hear you. The best I can do is tell myself that hopefully the Coast Guard personnel and other mariners got some practice/training which will be useful in emergencies in the future. And it's still right to try and save someone, even if they put themselves in the dangerous situation.

Maybe they meant "do not dump here."

Do we have any of those !RemindMe bots yet? Haha

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The global village is a company town.

For real, as an American I'm super grateful.

Oh my god I only know a little bit about galvanic corrosion from messing around with aluminum fishing boats. I had no idea this was at play here.

This guy was a fucking moron.

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You're not wrong, but it's an interesting point you bring up. They were willing to stay on Twitter with Musk's antics, but it seems like they aren't willing to put up with another Musk and another set of antics.

For size comparison, Rostov to Elets is about the same distance as Boston to DC, or Marseilles to Paris.

I hear what you're saying, but as a counterpoint: when I read something really fucking stupid (like someone just trolling and posting racial slurs) the appropriate response is actually to downvote & move on without engaging. Do not feed the trolls.

I'm still going to criticize a company or platform that silences opposing viewpoints.

So your ideal platform is basically a 4chan-like situation?

How do you feel about people falsely yelling "fire" in a crowded theater? That's not allowed under USA's freedom of speech laws, because it has -- objectively -- more potential to harm than help. I think medical disinfo falls into the same category.

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