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Joined 1 years ago

I don't get it? Why are they talking in the article about not using the right type of encryption. The problem isn't the encryption, but the fact that it is sending your keystrokes to the mothership, right?

I practice meditation quite seriously, but I stopped telling people I'm spiritual. I really am not interested in ghost stories, gods and angels at all.

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Smart people coming up with smart ideas to do dumb things. When will we start shaming such people?

Greta is very scientifically minded and rational, unlike how the media likes to portray her. They use the emotional sound bites and almost never show her referring to paper after paper.

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Some people don't deserve this planet for sure yes.

wait till she finds out that 0.99999... 9's to infinity is the same as 1

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it’s Twitter X


This is exactly the kind of fear mongering that they are hoping people will buy into.

  • Culture where you're scared to criticize stuff, because people get angry when you're telling them the truth or even just the elephant in the room. Echo chamber instead of idea lab.
  • Management constantly making decisions such that no one decision made ever gets totally implemented, but the loose ends just stack up.
  • Management not involving engineers in the and assuming that engineers are incapable of understanding how the business works, let alone contribute valuable ideas to how it might work better.
  • Too many layers of hierarchy, competitive, macho male-dominated, title-driven, ego-driven culture where people are fighting they're way up the totem pole instead of working cooperatively together to create a great experience for their users.
  • Companies where silly little things that should be doable in hours costs weeks or months or where nothing gets done quickly, because too many people need to sign off on it.
  • Mission statement that is bogus and you know that it really is all about money, growth and status. I like companies that are truly trying to adding value to the world, however small that change may be. I am just not interested in your algorithmic trading, crypto non-sense, optimizing ad revenue or getting people to waste more of their time or money with endless bull crap.
  • Having to constantly fight to get the time to refactor, test, rethink, work on build/development/observability tooling instead of working on feature after feature endlessly. If I say something needs work I have good reasons for it that I am willing to explain, but do not assume that I like to waste time gold plating code because I am a autistic perfectionist with OCD with no sense for what the business is trying to do.
  • Constant bogus deadlines that seem to come from nowhere and are only meant to keep the pressure on the engineers. I work hard and this kind of pressure only means we're going to go fast in the short run and extremely slow in the long run, because nothing gets finished properly.
  • Running the server side on Windows. I want to be able to debug issues in depth when they arise.
  • Using the Go programming language. I am not going back to 80's programming and checking for nil all day long, just to see my program segment fault in production anyway. (and yes, I am talking from experience here)
  • Only remote companies. I get too lonely at some point and all the best cooperative ideas I've ever had in my career where born at the whiteboard with colleagues. This is just me though.

Dedicating time researching a magic pill isn't actually solving the problem today, while stopping animal consumption does. People who really only care about the climate and not the animals should go vegan today and then dedicate their time researching a pill, such that afterwards they can resume consuming animal products.

Full disclosure: I care about the animals and the climate. Nevertheless I belief there are no gaps in my logic.

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The real answer to the question you didn't ask is: just don't involve yourself in internet drama's.

Tell me instead, what is the problem with a build step and typescript?

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I always did this on Reddit too and it saved my ass a couple of times. Especially because Reddit disallows comments that are too long. The web UI will just silently fail and your long ass comment is gone.

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Flossing is not done to prevent cavaties, but is done to remove plague. If you never floss, plague will build, your gums will become inflamed, your gums will pull away from your teeth and your jaw bone will deteriorate and at some point your teeth will become loose, painful and ugly. So if you want good teeth until old age you need to floss. Brushing only takes away 80% of the plague. Flossing removes the other 20%.

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That being said, humans have evolved over this millennia to occasionally or more often feed on the flesh of air vegetarian cousins. There is nothing inherently wrong with that, as many species that have existed and exist today are in fact carnivorous. Well killing animals is never pretty, killing has been a core part of humanity since its inception including our ancestors like the chimpanzee.

These are appeal to nature fallacies. Whether something is good or bad has nothing to do with what other species do, what happens in nature and what we've done in the past. The choice has to be made today in 2023 within your context (income, society, social circles, location, education level, etc.).

There is a huge difference between a Maasai tribe member in northern Kenia killing a cow for his family and a German dentist going to the supermarket and choosing to buy a killed cow instead of one of the other gazillion healthy, affordable, plant based options he has available to him at the store.

Good that you've reduced your intake by 75%, but how do you justify that 25% in your context?

We're sooooo far from even thinking about reversing climate change that this argument, though valid, sounds very misplaced. If can't even get my friends, who are otherwise smart and decent people, to consider not eating meat.

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What's wrong with phytoestrogens?

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I reject any argument based on something supposedly being natural. Who draws the line? And nature is a bitch anyway.

We're at the start of an enormous climate crisis that doesn't have a single solution. We should definitely push each other to do much better on all fronts. Reducing meat eating happens to play a pretty important role. So when somebody tries to get you to do better, please be receptive. This needs all of us and we live in a closed densely connected social system.

12 years. I was part of the Digg migration. I used to love Digg. Then a bunch of corporate asshole decided to run Digg into the ground and a new found love for Reddit slowly bloomed out of that. I am still hoping to find that love for Lemmy. It's not quite there yet, but it is only a matter of time as I really appreciate the good vibes here.

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And while you say this, this thread is full of people claiming it is actually very simple. sigh

Cancer is really a very good analogy. It is parasitic, self preserving, good for nothing, preys on the weak, always trying to expand and lure you deeper and total garbage.

Jim Jeffries said it best though:

Apparently you don't know the first thing about vegans.

First of all there are nearly 100 million vegans nowadays. They are not all the same. Second of all veganism isn't even about climate change, it's an ethical position towards the mistreatment of animals. Lastly, most vegans don't deny evolution or our history, but simply look at the situation that we find ourselves in today. Mass slaughtering 80+ billion land animals in factory farms annually may indeed be the result of our evolution, but evolution isn't finished either.

Or it may not be SaaS and thus it really depends on how much support and custom integrations it is going to take.

Nix! And then you can also auto-create your CI/CD environment from Nix. They share a common source, which eliminates whole classes of problems. It's supsr fast and very awesome when it works, but it has a learning curve. Worth the effort though.

You can. I go on a 2 week Mahasi vipassana silent meditation retreat each year and each time the release notes make it worth the time and effort. Also like running defrag on a disk that has been defragged regurlarly, it runs smoother each time, making the whole experience much more pleasurable.

Release notes last retreat:

  • Fixed approval seeking issue due to lack of approval by clueless dad during teenage years
  • Reduced day dreaming by 10% by recognizing mechanisms that lead to day dreaming
  • Optimized routines for dealing with tough situations
  • Increased mindfulness by eliminating several mechanisms that lead to mindlesness
  • Discovered access to high concentration states that likely will lead to more discoveries
  • Fixed loneliness issue due to missed update
  • Fixed part of a (self and others) judgement issue. More work on this issue needed.

The above is a pretty accurate representation of the results I got.

Have a close look at this graph:

"livestock takes up most of the world’s agricultural land it only produces 18% of the world’s calories and 37% of total protein"

Mental illness is rampant here.

All the more reason why you guys shouldn't have so many guns.

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I think the lesson they learned from Google Glass is that the glasses have to be cooler, not make you look like a nerd, and the technology has to be way better.

Haha, this is such a rich come back. Indeed the logic is so lazy that perhaps even trying to dispel it does a disservice to the person who actually came up with it :)

Why can't it be both?

So it's inefficient like hell and causing a shit ton of greenhouse gasses. Have a look at the impact of some of these foods:

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Like what? What do people need that they can't get from a vegan diet?

I don't necessarily disagree with you, but maybe you could tell me why?

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Haha, yeah, unlike real estrogen which probably consumes on a daily basis.

I think that's the point. People don't want to change, so they say: "I'll change when they'll change." Knowing full well that it is a deadlocked situation.

What was your impression of him?

She is psychologically healthy. Even more so than I am.

You'd be fine with it being 100% even if it only needs to be 3% or 4% instead of 20%? Nice.

I thought cricket was the most boring sport in existence.