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Joined 1 years ago

I’d love it to be true, but I will believe it when it hits the market

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Depends on what the goal was. If the goal was to have so many people leave reddit that it dies, then yeah. Nowhere near strong enough for that (and I don't think that was ever going to happen).

If the goal was to get enough people motivated to make an alternative (like this one or kbin or whatever) viable, then I think it was extremely effective. Prior to June, these spaces didn't have enough content and discussion to be entertaining for me personally. But I deleted my reddit account on June 30th, and I haven't once regretted that or gone back to the site because Lemmy has been enough

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AI. It’s soooo much easier to ask an LLM your question. Even if its answer is wrong, at least it’s not an asshole

It's also worth mentioning that on launch day, people in Europe were able to access it via VPN (not sure how big of a number of users that was), but they've since blocked those users. I'm sure that's not a massive chunk, but it's a chunk nonetheless

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Yeah, dealers are the last group that I feel sorry for

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That’s early adopter pain for you. In Europe there is one standard, and in the US, we’re getting there. Yes it’ll be a pain for a while that people with CCS ports will need to use adapters at NACS chargers and vice versa, but we’re settling on the underlying CCS technology being the standard, so it’ll just be a matter of connector. Much better than the three standards we had very recently (add chademo)

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I’d love this to be a built in Lemmy feature. I see their value, but I want to block all of the instances that are just bots reposting Reddit links. There’s never any valuable discussion on those posts, and that’s why I’m here.

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I don’t know that I fully support mandatory retirement age or term limits, but something has to be done about out how poorly the demographics of government align with the demographics of the nation

Here's my answer for this (with data!): For the month of July, I charged 440.0 kWh. I averaged 94% efficiency while charging, so the chargers actually used 469 kWh. There were 35 charges, for a total of 66 hours spent charging. My total electric cost is 15 cents per kWh (my plan doesn't have peak/off-peak). I did no charging at superchargers in July.

In that timeframe, I drove 1314 miles. 355kWh were used while driving, giving me an average efficiency of 3.7 miles per kWh. You'll note that I used 85 fewer kWh driving, that's because thosed 85 kWh were used to precondition my car, keep the AC running while I'm in the store or on a bike ride, etc. Super wasteful, but it's so cheap that I can't help myself).

So to break it down: 15 cents per kwh * 469kWh = $70 to charge, $12.75 of which was just used for climate control while not driving.

My last car was a 2016 Honda Accord Touring V6 which, in my area and with my driving style, averaged about 22mpg (lots of steep hills, 85mph driving, and stop and go traffic. I live 15 miles from town by interstate and town has lots of traffic).

According to AAA, the average cost of gas in PA is $3.87 (I know that price changes, but the math gets harder if I look up the price of gas each time I would have had to fill the tank so I'm just taking the current avg). 1314 miles / 22mpg = 59.7 gallons of gas * $3.87 = $231.

For extra fun math, looking at purely fuel costs, the Accord would cost 17.5 cents per mile to drive (not including the fact that I'd need an oil change every 4 months, transmission fluid every year and a half, etc).

My current car at current electric rates costs 5.3 cents per mile to drive.

Additionally, i'm planning on getting solar in a year or two, which should bring my cost down to effectively zero. AND, we can charge for free at my wife's work when she's in the office (as well as at the park I bike at), but she wasn't in the office at all in July; we both worked from home full time last month.

TL;DR: my Model 3 Long Range costs about a third as much per mile to drive as my similarly sized Honda Accord did before I sold it

I really would love it to be true. My parents are diehard Toyota people. They’d love to get an EV as their next car, but due to boomer brand loyalty, they next car must be a Toyota, and we all know how much the busy forks sucks, so here’s hoping they develop a usable EV next.

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Just chiming in as a software engineer. My product DOES support Firefox, but there are some weird animation quirks that my team has been trying to solve, but with limited bandwidth and a full product backlog, it’s hard to justify spending too much time supporting a browser with such small global utilization. Especially since we’re using third party libraries like angular material, quirks on smaller browsers can be a nightmare to chase down

Not disagreeing per se, but for sites like Twitter and its clones, you go where the people you care about are. I have a mastodon account but I couldn’t tell you the last time I opened it because nobody I follow is there, and I don’t really care about following general topics or hashtags.

As opposed to a site like Reddit, the content is what matters, and I can get that content anywhere (RSS feeds, blogs, here, etc)

Man that’s clever

But probably not enough to make a bit immediate impact on Reddit. I’m more interested in long term impact, seeing if the people who left were big contributors, or just mostly lurkers

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This is awesome! I had no idea lab grown meat was so close to being viable. I currently eat meat (with some guilt), and I can't wait to get to the point where I can eat more ethically

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Is there a point where there are so many instances that propagating all that data is too taxing and worse than having fewer bigger instances?

Feels like a copypasta

I wonder if they’re planning on presenting this data to end users. I don’t mind if an app is using a certain permission, and if they have to get Apple’s approval that is great, but I’d love to know why specifically it needs that permission

I was one of those people who turned over thanks to return to office. In the two years between the start of the pandemic and when RTO happened at my company, I bought a house (which requires upkeep), moved farther away from the office (from 5 miles away to 20), and had a kid.

Once you taste the freedom of being able to do laundry, wash the dishes, mow the lawn, etc., with the free time you're saving by not having to commute, it's really hard to give it up.

Likewise, my wife switched from a full time in-person job to a full remote job which eventually turned into a 2 days per week in office, then 3, job, and it's getting harder and harder to manage. We're hoping she can change departments within the company to a team that's full remote.

I genuinely don't know how people made it work with kids before. If I was spending an extra 3 hours a day "on the clock" (but not getting paid for those) commuting, taking an unpaid lunch, etc., I literally wouldn't have a single minute to engage with my hobbies or hang out with my wife, my house would be a mess, and more.

The only music I pirate is stuff that isn’t on Spotify, namely Nintendo game soundtracks

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Super mixed opinions about this one. On the one hand, I hate the consolidation, ever approaching monopolies. But on the other hand, Actiblizz management has been so bad for so long, I'm looking forward to them getting out of the way and seeing what can come when people who want to make games get to use their IPs. But also, is there anyone left in blizzard leadership who even cares anymore?

Yeah, same. I never dreamed that a Tesla would be the cheaper option (summer 2022 at peak prices) compared to a Mach e, ev6, or ioniq5, but my dealerships all had 15k markups, and each car has features I wanted gated behind higher trims, so they were all like 60k+ after markups (don’t remember specifics since it was over a year ago)

Thankfully I got a ridiculous trade in check from my ID.4, so I was able to afford a huge downpayment on the model 3, although thanks to the price drops, I’m underwater again… good thing gap insurance is only $8 a month through my insurance

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Yeah, I personally don't want that. I want to be able to log in to mastodon or lemmy without needing a facebook account and be able to interact with my less tech savvy friends and family, as well as get news from journalists/bands/sports teams/etc.

Yeah I have no problems with big companies making kickstarters. When Brandon Sanderson launched his last year, I loved it, because he obviously would’ve had no issue getting those four books published, but it was a way to gauge interest in special editions and swag boxes.

Likewise, lots of board game companies have the games totally finished but basically use Kickstarter as a fancy preorder system

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The thing that I think makes lemmy more valuable than mastodon is the focus on content versus personality. With Twitter, you followed people because you were interested in what they had to say and share. With Reddit, you followed communities. So even if a lot of the people don’t move over, once enough of the community does, it’ll feel the same (or better). I was never super active in my various subreddits (although I did comment, I just never posted), but I’m making an effort to comment and vote a lot on here just to help build that sense of community

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Hey I mean credit where credit’s due. If they can somehow cram a 200kWh battery with megawatt charging to get 700 miles and 10 minute charges into a Toyota priced car, so be it. Can’t imagine that’d be possible since that would be like 20-30k in battery cost alone, and there aren’t any chargers who can deliver that kind of power right now anyway.

At 350kW peak, I wonder what the miles per kwh would need to be to charge 700 miles of range in 10 minutes. That’s 58.3kWh delivered. So uhhhh they’d need to get 12 miles per kwh which would be uhhhh nuts

10 minutes at 350kw (assuming you hold peak the whole time) would provide

Underwater means that I owe more on the car than it’s worth. I bought it at $52K with a 15K downpayment, and at this point I owe $33K on it. Carvana estimates it’s worth $30K, so if I totaled it tomorrow, my insurance company would give me $30K, but then I’d be on the hook for the other $3,000. So gap insurance takes care of that. In fact, my gap policy says that if I total a car two years old or newer, they’ll pay it off and get me a brand new one as a replacement, and if it’s older than two years, they’ll get me one a year newer.

So I’m paying $8/month for the peace of mind that I don’t have to worry about out owing money in the case of a crash.

Obviously when I bought the car, I wasn’t expecting Tesla to drop the price so much and crater the used market

Ooh yeah; the rav prime is a wonderful car. I inquired about getting one back in 2021 and was told there was a two year wait. :/ ended up dipping my toes into the BEV world by leasing a VW ID.4, hated it, ended up selling it, and then begrudgingly bought a Model 3. Absolutely love my car (21k miles in a year with zero issues), but man I really had to hold my nose to pull the trigger on that purchase. I live in a big truck area and man I get a lot of coal rolling, revving, and middle fingers for my car haha

Yeah, my instance has a 100kb file size limit on images and recommends posting links as well. Not sure how that’s gonna play out long term. With sites like gfycat shutting down and nuking their content, I wonder if we’re exiting the era of free hosting and sharing as well.

Do we have any idea when 3.5 is coming? Seems like that's gonna be awesome, so I'm really looking forward to it

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A few years ago I hit a point where the Google graveyard got so large that I no longer trust them with any of my stuff. I know the mantra is to always have multiple backups of important stuff, but I’ve started doing Google drive, OneDrive, iCloud, AND local (own cloud) copies of stuff because you just never know when Google is going to decide to kill Google maps or Google photos or whatever.

This is basically my plan too (minus the travel). I realized my gaming PC was only used for discord, Spotify, and web browsing since I spend exactly zero minutes per day in my office outside of work hours.

So today I decided tonight move my desktop down to the living room so I can play PC games on the couch (mainly games that don’t run well/look good on deck)

But that leaves me without a discord/spotify/browsing PC (I keep my work and personal usage completely separate), so I’m just going to dock my steam deck to my monitor instead. Upside is much lower power usage too

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It's a quick way they can try to slow down spambots while they work on better bot prevention mechanisms

I've got real world math that basically backs this up (you can find my other comment in this thread if you want all the juicy details): My honda accord got 22mpg and had a 17 gallon tank, and gas here is $3.87. $66 to fill up and drive 374 miles = 17.6 cents per mile. My Model 3 Long Range has 77kWh usable and gets about 3.7 miles per kwh, my electricity is 15 cents per kwh (until i get solar next year), so $11.55 to fill up and drive 285 miles (so 4 cents per mile).

Yes the accord got about 90 miles more range, but cost 3 times as much to fuel and that range only matters (to me) on road trips, and my range has yet to be an issue in my model 3.

In fact I'm going on a 6 hour drive next week and according to ABRP I'll only have to make one 10 minute stop halfway to charge in order to get to my hotel (where I can charge up for free)

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Yep, same. I’ve been super happy with Bitwarden (I switched whenever it was that lastpass announced they were making the mobile app a paid feature). It’s nice that they let you self host as well (although I trust their security more than I trust my own..)

I read somewhere that Nintendo said that they're not blanket raising their games to $70; that they evaluate on a title by title basis, which is why the new WarioWare is $50 (as is the pikmin collection)

do they think somehow people like me will change our minds?

Yeah. I use Firefox too, and when a site doesn’t work, I open it in chromium

How about Apico?

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It’s really not too bad compared to any other new car these days. I’m at 20K miles on mine and I’ve still got enough tread left to pass state inspection. As for weight it’s definitely not a light car, but my model 3 long range is supposedly 4250lbs, where a BMW M3 is around 3900 lbs, so not a massive difference (but a difference nonetheless).

What really gets you is how you drive it. Electric cars (and especially teslas) have a TON of torque, so if you’re constantly flooring it, that’ll wear out the tires super fast. But I bought mine mostly for safety and tech, so I keep it in chill acceleration mode and drive like a granny to keep my family safe

I’m interested to see reviews from actual users of this thing. Seems like a very neat idea. $350 is wayyyyyy too much for me, but if I can get one for $100-$150 some day and they’re decent, I’d definitely consider it

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