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Joined 11 months ago

What are chinas wages? My understanding are they have low wages so they can pump out cheap products?

What I saw up there was elder abuse. That was sad for Biden and sad that the DNC cancelled primaries for this when they knew this was happening.

Shitposting here but can you imagine making this and having post nut clarity thinking, “what have I done?”.

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You say that like it’s a good thing. She is very very unpopular.

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You know both sides can be wrong. Just because Biden isn’t saying it doesn’t mean he’s not actively helping a genocide.

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Eh, it’s more of I tried to right the bus but everyone fought against me so let it crash.

I tried in 2016 and 2020 and the dems told me to pound sand. I’m not going to be the one getting fucked by trump. Fuck around and find out.

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People don’t like that she aggressively prosecuted people for weed. She’s a bland neo liberal like the rest of them.

Let’s stay on topic. I talked about him allowing isreal to wage a holocaust on Palestinians. If he would leverage the same sanctions on Israel as on Russia or even threaten them I wouldn’t have complaints.

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It would have been the easiest dunk of his life to go to Manchin or sinema’s districts and hold a rally for legislations that they are blocking and would have garnered support from younger people because he is actually trying and applying pressure. Not just making a statement and saying “owell I tried”.

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Sadly I think winning in capitalism for the 99% is not starving on the street.

That’s actually hilarious.

I love how not voting for a politician who doesn’t represent my values is a bad thing. The founding fathers would puke if they saw how things are ran today.

I got metal gear rising for 5 bucks at a 5 below. Everyone shit on that game but running around as ninja Raiden was so fun.

My savings where wiped out buying a house. Now it’s fucking impossible between maintenance and god knows whatever else is flung at me.

Then fuck Manchin. If you don’t want to play ball the dems should do everything in their power to make you toe the line. Run as a republican if you want to vote against dem policies.

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I wouldn’t feel bad about it. If that scenario ever happened honestly I’d have a celebratory drink.

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That’s kind of the point of the voting system if you want my vote you have to offer something I want. I honestly don’t give a fuck about the culture war I care about my wallet and my kids well being. Both parties want to fuck over the middle class on those issues.

My favorite neolib is the one that is for prison reform but wants rampant prison abuse for people they don’t like.

It’s all about the Benjamin’s.

Sad. The only candidate that was pushing for actual progressive policies. The media treated them like they didn’t even exist.

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Cool beans bro I could have told you that. You gotta name them.

Doing enough should be dragging price gouging executives through the street. But I guess wagging a finger at them will definitely make my grocery bill go down🤷🏼‍♂️

My favorite neolib is the one that is usually for prison reform but wants rampant prison abuse for people they don’t like.

Why do we have to reward these people for doing the bare minimum?

Ouch, sorry about that.

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Proud of you bud. Keep it up.

Still a neolib. The policies are the same and shitty.

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you really tried to fit as many msnbc and cnn words as you could in that sentence huh.

If you hopped jobs yea sure you get a pay bump. Not if you stay.

Corporations are gouging for more profits and Bidens response is to tell them not knock it off? It’s greedflation and our representatives refuse to do anything to help the regular person. I don’t see the c suite sacrificing.

Yea incrementalism isn’t a great way to keep people coming to the ballot box. I’m not impressed by some means tested assistance thrown at me like left over scraps you feed to a dog.

Do you mind me asking how much you pay for that? I pay $90 a month for 250mbps down.

Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.

I mean if you mean I’d like to see Jeff Bezos be shot in the face that'd be hilarious. If you’re suggesting I want sitting politicians to be assassinated i want you to to quote were I said that.

That’s what the 2nd amendment is for my boy.

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They can’t Hitler 2.0 included them in his genocide of palestineans.

Or ya know Israel can take them since they flattened their home.

I’m not the one that it’s going to fuck🤷🏼‍♂️. I tried to vote for Bernie and got shit on. Let it burn. Idgaf.

Good luck😂