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Joined 1 years ago

More like over 200 years ago. There was a french female scientist that discovered the greenhouse effect before John Tyndall but I forgot her name and I'm at work rn, can't search for it.

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You mean buried six feet under it?

That is one beautiful graph!

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Cowards? Or secretly want to follow in his footsteps, hoping they will succeed where Donald failed. And why shouldn't they? America is clearly crumbling from within, ripe for the taking - if you can take it. They're not scared, they're evil and calculating and hungry for power. It's a sickening corporate sponsered puppet show.

“And we fight. We fight like hell And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”

Donald Trump, January 6th, 2021

This is what he told the crowd on TV right before the attempted insurrection.

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Fuck you.

Get ready to believe in miracles then because conspiracy is the name of the game in America. Pick your poison!

The picture quality will be pretty much the same or identical, but the 265 file will be about half the size compared to 264. That's the main benefit of h.265 is smaller file sizes without much if any loss in quality.

It was an American named Eunice Foote that detailed the mechanics of the greenhouse effect, but, give or take, it was also around the same time that many scientists came to the same or similar conclusions about this subject. So yes, we've been warned for over 200 years and have done exactly nothing to solve the problem. Why? $.

Not much else to say except yes you're right. Unfortunately, the average person doesn't care or understand the difference.

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Hell yeah! Sync is the reason I joined the fediverse when I heard you're making an app. Been a loyal user of your reddit apps since the beginning, there is no comparison it was the best! Can't wait to see how this project matures. So far, seems to be much better than other social platforms simply because it's decentralized and all the benefits that brings. Things are looking promising and I, for one, don't miss reddit at all!

No, what he did and said is precisely inciting an insurrection and that's why he will be indicted for it.

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Yeah it must have been really great to get kidnapped from your home and family and forcibly sold into slavery, shipped from one undeveloped country to another undeveloped country. Stop with this nonsense - there is nothing good about slavery. Period. Done. End of story. Absolutely sickening. Pure evil.

Well of course nothing will come of it. But that is inciting an insurrection, open and shut. Too bad true justice doesn't exist.

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What if the people who make and enforce the regulations are the very same people who run these corporations?

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Race had nothing to do with it? They were considered animals because of the color of their skin. Where's all the millions of white European slaves that were stacked on boats like cattle?

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You mean logarithmic? It wouldn't look as good at first but maybe over time the line will become at least linear, hopefully.

Capitalism requires human sacrifice and suffering in order to function. Most economic systems do, unfortunately. Wage slavery is still slavery, but modernized. That way, we all can be slaves.

Hopefully people won't stand for this, dying in the heat because your boss said you can't have water or a break. It's just so absurd, there's no way people will accept this. I hope.

Definitely not. I've seen these type of questions and answers on practically any job application in America. Thing is, this isn't even the worst example of it, unfortunately. It's fucking depressing and degrading.

Spudz don't give a fuck

They're not combined into a total karma score for the user, just on each individual comment or post.

What about the year after that?

A lot of them are appointed former execs of the corporations they're supposed to regulate, and in America corporations are people so they can donate to PAC's and whatnot all in the light of day to influence policy making. There's no telling what happens when the lights are off. Thus, they are employed by these corporations gracious donations while at the same time placed in a position to make policy in government. Tail meet dog.

You think they're campaigning off of grandma's $5 donation?

Tabs of acid in little baggies

No doubt there is much evidence yet to be revealed, just more icing on the cake. Doesn't really matter though, we all saw it live on TV, and nothing will happen to Donald that's for sure, maybe some light questioning. Anyone waiting for him to be arrested or behind bars or even held accountable is fooling themselves. His natural death is the only way the world can rid itself of his poison. Even then, it will linger on like a sickness and take some time to heal.

Carbon. It's everywhere!

A disposable tractor or drill

It's definitely better than nothing, I'll agree, but also underwhelming from where we need to be because it makes such little difference. Most greenhouse gasses come from factory farming and the activities of corporations. We should still make these baby steps in green technology even if it's too late to change our fate, because the science of it is or could be valuable for an easier, more comfortable, or slower extinction process - as morbid as that sounds.

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Straight to jail.

Oh, gotcha. The word 'only' instead of 'just' would have made the sentence more clear. Anyway, I wish you happiness and good health!

We can't afford it? Then we go extinct. What is the higher price? Anyway, it's probably out of our hands by now. Like I mentioned, nature will probably choose for us, and she always takes the path of least resistance.

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It's a tale as old as time; a never ending battle.

Yes, I'm saying after that, literally in our final years, at the bitter end, even if we live long enough to see our sun begin to die and expand, the poles will be the only habital places on earth for a fleeting moment until we're finally extinguished.

We're so close lol... for now

That's hard to do when you're not profitable lol and with reddit users/creators leaving en masse, I don't see reddit ever being profitable since those are the same people that made the site what it was, not reddit employees.

Oh well too bad, but the fediverse is interesting and it has potential to be better than reddit could ever dream of being, without a single monolith able to destroy it. Decentralization is the future of the internet.

It's designed to shove ads and bot posts in your face and steal your information, everything else is secondary. This is the true reason why the app is so fucking shitty and unusable for what reddit is supposed to be for.

Hopefully your questions have been answered by now, and now you know everyone here was right all along - to no one's surprise except you of course. Have a great life!

Theoretically, it could make aviation almost carbon neutral due to inherent inefficiencies, but what good will that do? We need to be heavily carbon negative in order to even have a the tiniest, faintest glimmer of hope to avert our own extinction if we continue to do nothing about this problem.

Reducing consumption is the only way to achieve this but that requires either a monumental shift in human behavior, or simply less humans. And, since we seemingly aren't making the choice, I wonder which one nature will choose for us...

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That's it!

Ask Mr. Smith you fool.